My previous posts have got me to this stage which is good but I wonder if there is some further way of automation?

$User=ReadValue('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GoldMine\GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook','GMUserName')
If $User=''
Shell 'regedit /s "\\MAIN-SERVER\Support\Goldmine\GISMO\GISMO_@userid.reg"'
?"GISMO Installed for " + @userid
?"GISMO Already Installed for " + @userid

Basically, where I have GISMO_@userid.reg I have a file created, especially for this user based on their AD login name. I would need to create a unique .reg file for every user.

However, I was wondering if it is possible to enter this value based on some settings already within my AD? But, it's a little more complicated, I'm affraid... I will try to explain...

GoldMine only allows up to 8 charachters in the username. For various reasons, we decided to go with the format of First Name + first letter of Surname. e.g. JOEB for Joe Bloggs or PAULS for Paul Smith etc.

So, instead, I could import a standard .reg file and then follow that with a command that will edit the username registry entry based on the @fullname within Active Directory.

Something along the lines of...

$User=ReadValue('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GoldMine\GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook','GMUserName')
If $User='NONUSER'
Shell 'regedit /s "\\MAIN-SERVER\Support\Goldmine\GISMO\GISMO.reg"'
WriteValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GoldMine\GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook","GMUserName","@fullname","REG_SZ")
?" GISMO Installed for " + @userid
?" GISMO Already Installed for " + @userid

This works fine but enters the users Full Name and not the First Name + first letter of Surname

Any ideas on how I can acheive this?

Perhaps I could reference a single file with various entries for each user but this would still require me to make a file up.