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#47797 - 2003-11-13 06:49 AM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
amttala Offline
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Registered: 2003-11-13
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Loc: Melbourne, Australia
one change to the servers - one of 3 domain controllers had be demoted to a member server 2 weeks ago and before the problem. (existing and current other 2 DC's not changed)

I know what you're probably thinking and I did initially think that this could be the cause of the problem, however, the demotion was completed without issues at the time and the replication and AD seems to be OK. There are also no errors/problems in the event logs for all domain servers.

Do you think I've missed something here?

#47798 - 2003-11-13 07:19 AM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
amttala Offline
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Registered: 2003-11-13
Posts: 12
Loc: Melbourne, Australia
have to fly - will check bulletin again tomorrow (ESDT)
thanks everyone.

#47799 - 2003-11-13 02:05 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Here's kind of an odd-ball question. Are you experiencing this scenario:

You will reboot the machine and the logon may work correctly, and if it does work it will keep on working correctly until the machine is rebooted again, at which point it may or may not work correctly ... and if it doesn't work, it will keep on not working until the machine is rebooted again.

Follow ? Or does this happen intermittently between reboots ?


[ 13. November 2003, 14:09: Message edited by: Shawn ]

#47800 - 2003-11-13 02:09 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Howard Bullock Offline
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Shawn, that is not an odd-ball question. I thought about that as well but did not ask for clarification.
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#47801 - 2003-11-13 02:11 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
ja, thinking it might be some kind of weird secure channel issue, but the fact that the user can authenticate kind of clouds the issue.
#47802 - 2003-11-13 02:13 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Kdyer Offline
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Can you post the contents of your script? Or the piece that is giving you trouble?

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#47803 - 2003-11-13 02:13 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Howard Bullock Offline
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Or it could be XP's user logon enhancement were the user is logged on prior to the network starting.
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#47804 - 2003-11-13 02:16 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Kent, I think the problem is not what is in the script, but just simply getting the script running - don't think kix is even starting. Have we actually determined this though ? Has he put in a visual tracer/pause as the very first line yet ? Don't think so, have to re-read thread. Think this is important.
#47805 - 2003-11-13 02:20 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Kdyer Offline
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Registered: 2001-01-03
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Loc: Tigard, OR
OK.. While it may not be the script.. What about how he is calling it?

Sure you can use NTLOGON.BAT, but what about simply KIX32 and the program auto searches out KIXTART.KIX?

There was a guy last week that posted that had a problem with KIX32.EXE itself on one of his DCs. Maybe a CRC/MD5 Checksum is needed.


[ 13. November 2003, 14:22: Message edited by: kdyer ]
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#47806 - 2003-11-13 02:27 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
I think he stated that he replaced kix32.exe on his netlogons and even ran it locally but should verify this ... he must replace all copies of kix32.exe on both (all) his DC's ... he also states that he calls kix32.exe right out of user manager so no batch file involved - although I like the idea of maybe temp. replacing this statement with a call to a dummy bat file that has a PAUSE in it ...

Think we need to know whether kix32 gets started or not, only way is to put a tracer in or check-out task manager or something.

By the way, wonder if he's running synchronous or asynchronous scripts ... sounds like he's running asynch so maybe he could flip that to see if any diff.

#47807 - 2003-11-13 02:44 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Les Offline
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Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
The DNS and the demoted DC is where I would focus. Look through your DNS for orphaned SRV records.
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#47808 - 2003-11-13 02:45 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Les Offline
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Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
BTW Shawn, GPO scrips always run async. [Roll Eyes]
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#47809 - 2003-11-13 02:47 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
just re-read thread and it seems that he has tried all these things ... would like to know:

1) Has you tried configuring the login script from the user properites dialog itself, instead of from GPO's ?

2) Check which domain controller is authenticating you every time you login by echoing %logonsever%, it it always the same DC that is timing out ?

3) Still fuzzy in terms of what is starting and what is not. I think your hinting that kix32.exe is starting but is hanging, but is it finding and reading the script ?

#47810 - 2003-11-13 02:54 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Les Offline
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Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
Check which domain controller is authenticating you every time you login by echoing %logonsever%...
I was troubleshooting a problem that stemmed from rogue SRV records and tried that very thing. Had a one-liner GPO script echo %COMPUTERNAME% and %LOGONSERVER%. More often than not, %LOGONSERVER% was blank. Go figure!
Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#47811 - 2003-11-13 06:05 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611

Was kinda figuring that amttala would just pop in here and minute and say you nailed it ! ... Do think your on to something here.


#47812 - 2003-11-13 06:13 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
MCA Offline
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For another way of debugging your code see Debugging script without user input. also during logging on. the advanced way.
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#47813 - 2003-11-13 06:22 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
Gee, was hoping you had an answer for my "Go Figure" thingy. Nah, that'd be hijaaking... fer-ged-aboud-it

I took a week long Troubleshooting AD course and the top three things they stressed over and over and over were:

1 - Check the DNS
2 - Double Check the DNS
3 - Triple Check the DNS
Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#47814 - 2003-11-16 11:19 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
MCA Offline
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Registered: 2000-04-28
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Possible, that above links don't work anymore.
On our site those information is still available.
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#47815 - 2003-11-18 03:31 AM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
amttala Offline
Fresh Scripter

Registered: 2003-11-13
Posts: 12
Loc: Melbourne, Australia
Hi people - many apologies for not popping back in earlier, although I did try a few times over the last few days and got a "cgi-script" error when acccessing this forum.
First - thanks for all your help so far, I've read through all the threads since my last visit and have tried a couple of your ideas.
What I did in the end (due to time constraints) that seems to have sorted it all out was and old but sometimes effective method: I removed all kix32.exe and *.kix scripts from all my domain controllers and from the XP workstations, removed the group policy object from the A.D, deleted all copies of C:\Windows\prefetch\kix* files from my XP workstations. THEN started again, re-created GPO in AD, created a shutdown script in the GPO (batch file) that copied the latest kix32.exe and logon.kix files a newly created C:\kix folder of my XP workstations, setup configured the scripts to run locally on the workstations and to be called directly from the GPO (no batch file).

Since then, the scripts seem to be working OK. What is still annoying, though, is that I don't really know why they behaved the way they did in the first place? I'm sure we've all been there before, where ANYTHING to get a problem resolved is a welcomed relief, even though you're still not sure what it was that fixed the problem.

I will continue to try and track the seemingly obscure source of my issue so that others may not feel the same frustration and will post any updates I think are relevant.

I have a horrible feeling that my issue may only be temporarily resolved.

#47816 - 2004-02-04 02:26 PM Re: Script Intermittently and randomly hangs
kjhoskin Offline
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Registered: 2001-01-29
Posts: 47
Loc: Plymouth, Devon, UK
Hi All,

I’m experiencing the exact same problems on my site, there are a few slight differences in our setup which might shed some light on things.

We have one site, 4 DC’s, 2 w2k and 2 w2k3, the w2k DC are about to be demoted. We’re a w2k pro shop with around 250 workstations, up until now that is. I have just configured 2 WinXP SP1 workstations for myself and a colleague so we can run the w2k3 server tools. Both workstations are experiencing the problem of random hanging at the applying your personnel setting stage. If you leave the workstation it will eventually login, after an hour or so, and give the 1217 error in the event log.

The problem ONLY happens with WinXP SP1 clients. We use a number of group policies and run with Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon setting enabled as to is the Run logon scripts synchronously setting.

I would say the problem occurs 1 out of 5 logons, making it a pain to troubleshoot. Restarting the PC and logging back in under the same ID doesn’t work, restarting in Safemode with networking and logging in seems to clear the problem. Kix32.exe is run locally and I have just upgraded to the latest version.



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