Here is the FileSystemObject User's Guide from MSDN. This site also contains VBScript, JScript (MS's Java) and Remote Scripting. Here is the FileSystemObject Object page which lists all the Properties and Methods.How to use FSO objects and methods in KiX COM:
This is the VBScript code to create a text file:
Dim fso, f1
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f1 = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", True)
This is the KiX2k equivalent.
DIM $fso, $f1
$f1=$fso.CreateTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", "-1", "0") ; the 0 means false which means Not Unicode, ASCII instead. It is default and optional in VBS.
That creates a 0 byte text file and you can continue to access it with KIXCOM like this:
$f1.WriteLine("This is a test.")
For more scripts goto cj's home page
[This message has been edited by cj (edited 08 May 2001).]