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#81985 - 2002-12-05 06:24 PM How do I send e-mail from KiXtart? (SMTP)
Kdyer Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2001-01-03
Posts: 6241
Loc: Tigard, OR
You can use one of the following methods:
  • Blat
  • Postie
  • COM - Howard Bullock's Win32Admin.DLL
  • COM (using Outlook)
  • COM - Using CDO (Collaborative Data Objects): Thanks Howard!!
  • Sendmail() - UDF

Blat (Freeware)
Available from - - File Operations #4
Blat - No file attached..
$mailhost = ''
$recipient = ''
$sender = @userid+''
$mailLine = @ldrive+'Programs\blat.exe - -to $recipient -server $mailhost -subject "No H: drive" '
$mailLine = $mailLine+'-body "H: Drive is not found for @userid (@fullname)" -f $sender -q'
SHELL $mailLine

Blat - File Attached..
$Attachment = @scriptdir+"\byname.txt"
$mailhost = '' ; -- fill in with your smtp server
$recipient = '' ; -- add in your e-mail address
$sender = @userid+''
$mailLine = @ldrive+'Programs\blat.exe $Attachment -to $recipient -server $mailhost -subject "No H: drive" '
$mailLine = $mailLine+'-body "H: Drive is not found for @userid (@fullname)" -f $sender -q'
SHELL $mailLine

POSTIE (Shareware)
Available from - - Password expiration for a service accountCode:
$mailhost = '' ; -- fill in with your smtp server
$recipient = '' ; -- add in your e-mail address
$mailLine = @ldrive+'Programs\postie.exe -host:$mailhost -to:$recipient -from:"testroute" '
$mailLine = $mailLine +'-s:"Test Results 1" -file:"byname.txt"'
SHELL $mailLine

Howard Bullock's Win32Admin.DLL
Available at -
 Method Email($MailHost, $To, $From, $Subject, $Body)
; Sends an email from your script.
; Be sure to double the "@" in the email address.
$Win32Admin = createobject("Win32Admin")

$mailhost = ''
$to = ''
$from = ''
$subject = 'Test Message'
$body = 'Email from KiXtart is great!'

if $Win32Admin.Email($mailhost, $to, $from, $subject, $body)
? ? "Email to " + $to + " sent."
? ? "Email Failed! @serror"

COM (Outlook)
Usage - Tester needed - Outlook and Outlook Express AutomationCode:
break on
$Root = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
$MailItem = $Root.CreateItem(0)
$MailItem.Importance = 1
; - 2 high importance
; - 1 normal importance
; - 0 low importance
$MailItem.Subject = "Automation Test"
$MailItem.To = ""
$MailItem.Body = "Test info"
IF EXIST("C:\errorlog.txt")
$Root = 0

Ok.. I want to send two attachments in Outlook..
Thanks cmarti Two attachments in an email sent from kix..
This assumes that C:\errorlog.txt and C:\secondlog.txt exist
break on
$Root = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
$MailItem = $Root.CreateItem(0)
$MailItem.Importance = 1
; - 2 high importance
; - 1 normal importance
; - 0 low importance
$MailItem.Subject = "Automation Test"
$MailItem.To = ""
$MailItem.Body = "Test info"
$Root = 0

COM - Using CDO (Collaborative Data Objects)
Installing CDO for NTS
break ON
$= SetOption("WrapAtEol","On")

break on
$objCDO = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
IF @error <> 0
?@error " CDO not found"
$objCDO.From = ""
$objCDO.To = ""
$objCDO.Subject = "Software Notification for PC"
$objCDO.Body = "More Testing"
$objCDO.BodyFormat = 0
$objCDO.MailFormat = 0
$objCDO = 0

Software Requirements
The dynamic-link libraries for CDO 1.2.1 (CDO.DLL) and CDO 1.2.1 Rendering (CDOHTML.DLL) are MAPI client object libraries. As such, they require MAPI (the version of MAPI32.DLL installed with Microsoft® Exchange Server version 5.0, or above) and service providers—for example, the same service providers as with Microsoft Exchange Server. CDOHTML.DLL and CDO.DLL are included with Microsoft Exchange Server and are installed on the server when the installation option Active Server Components is selected. CDO 1.2.1 Rendering (CDOHTML.DLL) is intended for server-side use only.

Microsoft® Outlook™ 98 installs the CDO 1.2.1 libraries. To enable client applications to use CDO 1.2.1, install Microsoft Outlook 98. For server applications, install Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5.

Note CDO works with Microsoft Outlook, but CDO.DLL is not installed with the Microsoft Outlook 97 setup program.

Using SendMail - Sendmail() - send mail with telnet

CDO For XP Systems (Update) > Thanks Ceej Sending Email using COM calls to CDO in KiX.:

IF @ERROR <> 0
?'CDO is not found - Please install First.'
$objEmail.Textbody='The User: '+@userid+' on Worksation: '+@wksta+' could not get to subject'
;$objEmail.AddAttachment ("C:\Somedir\somefile.txt") ;Attach a File


Sleep 5

Utilize these resources:
UDFs (Full List)
KiXtart FAQ & How to's

#81986 - 2004-02-25 02:37 PM Re: How do I send e-mail from KiXtart? (SMTP)
Kdyer Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2001-01-03
Posts: 6241
Loc: Tigard, OR
With -
COM (using Outlook)

Under Outlook XP or greater, you will get security warnings about the program trying to send a message on your behalf.

Two ways to get around this:
(1) Download ClickYes - It will not work if the machine locks, but will if you unlock it. Also, look at the example code displayed on the site to use this.
(2) Review this document - However, it appears to have some limitations.

{Editor's note - Thanks Lonkero!}
is not fully correct.
we use office 2k sr-1 sp3 and it gives the same warnings.

Utilize these resources:
UDFs (Full List)
KiXtart FAQ & How to's

#204543 - 2012-03-22 05:42 PM Re: How do I send e-mail from KiXtart? (SMTP) [Re: Kdyer]
Allen Administrator Online   shocked
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2003-04-19
Posts: 4548
Loc: USA
There is also a newer version of Sendmail() found here -

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