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#68220 - 2002-07-16 05:14 AM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Sealeopard Offline
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Registered: 2001-04-25
Posts: 11165
Loc: Boston, MA, USA
I'm at KiXGolf score 1873 and haven't even written to the registry. But I'm using normal variable names, haven't yet shortend them to one-letter ones. I'm successfuly parsing registry keys and registry entries, currently working on the values and regtypes.

I'm thinking of extending the deadline to Saturday evening (about 6pm EST). I'm not sure whether I can be online at that time since my in-laws will be in town for the weekend.
There are two types of vessels, submarines and targets.

#68221 - 2002-07-16 05:38 AM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Howard Bullock Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-09-15
Posts: 5809
Loc: Harrisburg, PA USA
KixGolf score = 1184: with the fore-mentioned issue. (using something different)
KixGolf score = 1123...
KixGolf score = 1151... [Frown]

[ 16 July 2002, 06:13: Message edited by: Howard Bullock ]
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#68222 - 2002-07-16 06:51 AM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
hoby, doesn't it feel good, when your score is taking it back up?

[ 16 July 2002, 07:22: Message edited by: Lonkero ]

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#68223 - 2002-07-16 02:11 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Howard Bullock Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-09-15
Posts: 5809
Loc: Harrisburg, PA USA
I still have the problem mentioned a few post above.

I swapped out the WSH read file for KiX OPEN,READLINE loop for a reduction, but found that I was getting garbage for the last line when I read it all into a variable. A line:
seemed to show up.

Brain hurt too much to figure it out. So I switched back for the time being.
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#68224 - 2002-07-16 02:19 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
so jens, are we ending tomorrow or should I keep minimizing my code the whole week?

hoby, you'll get there. just keep on coding [Big Grin]


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#68225 - 2002-07-16 03:18 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
BrianTX Offline
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Registered: 2002-04-01
Posts: 895
Guys, I haven't even had time to make some reasonable code... I know a good way to parse the file (at least it seems to be a good way), but I haven't had the time to implement it because I've been EXTREMELY busy at work and at home! (geez.. people sure are demanding these days)

So, I would LOVE an extension on this stuff.

Here is a hint on the method being formulated in my noggin:


Is anyone/everyone else doing it like this?


#68226 - 2002-07-16 03:33 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Sealeopard Offline
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Registered: 2001-04-25
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Loc: Boston, MA, USA

I am using all of your functions, too, and additionally RIGHT/LEFT/SUBSTR/ADDKEY/DELKEY/WRITEVALUE [Wink]

So I guess you're on the right way.

BTW, I've been very busy, too, unfortunately, and I don't believe I can finish my code til tomorrow either.

I know that Lonkero must have pushed his code below the magic 1000-barrier by now (and his # of caffeine-containing-drinks above that same level [Wink] ) but for the sake of giving everybody a fighting chance, I will now officially extend the deadline for the first part to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST (midnight BBS time). After this time, everybody can feel free (and is encouraged) to post their code solution even if it is only rudimentary or just a framework.

I might not be able to officially announce the beginning of the second round at that time because of a potential family commitment (entertaining the in-laws), but you can just go ahaead and post anyway (preferable as a new thread).

[ 16 July 2002, 15:37: Message edited by: sealeopard ]
There are two types of vessels, submarines and targets.

#68227 - 2002-07-16 07:46 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
I used them too. at the time played with some other functions too...

but then discovered nice kixtart functions which save a lot of strokes compared to that...

no more will I say, just smile:
[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

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#68228 - 2002-07-16 11:53 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
kholm Offline
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Registered: 2000-06-19
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Loc: Randers, Denmark
Brian and AHJ,

You are right. When Regedit exports strings containing backslashes they are doubled.
An example is this:

In KiX, the code should be written as:

So to make a fully functional Registry-UDF, we have to remove every second backslash in strings
read from reg-files and substitute every \" with "

Another problem is, that equal signs are allowed in both valuenames and stringvalues.

Try to make the logic for transforming this regfile to a KiX-script:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KiXtart\Test ]
"A1=\"\\A2\"\\" = "A3=\\\"A4\\\""

The KiX script should look someting like this:
$RC = AddKey('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KiXtart\Test')
$RC = WriteValue('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KiXtart\Test','A1="\A2"\','A3=\"A4\"','REG_SZ')

The problem is the equal sign in the valuename. You can's split the valuename from the value using
InStr() to find the first equal sign !!

There might be other exceptions, but i don't believe we shall count them in during this 'golfmatch'.
But the next challenge will be to make a fully functional UDF to take all these 'strange' behaviours
into account.


My KiX-score at this moment is about 2000.
Even without the issue of \\ \" and Equal-signs in valuenames, i have never been under 1300 in KiX-score,
so i belive i will just step back and wait for the final result [Wink]

The second 'regfile' is fully legal, working on both Win9x and XP.
I can't imagine who should want to make values and valuenames with contents like this.
But you never know [Roll Eyes]

[ 16 July 2002, 23:56: Message edited by: kholm ]

#68229 - 2002-07-17 12:13 AM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
so, is it enough that we have code that works with these test scripts or do we have to take to account also these exceptions?

\\ i understand but "a=a"="a" gets my head hurt.

I just parsed my code to 785 and making addings to it is not easy anymore.

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#68230 - 2002-07-17 12:22 AM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
kholm Offline
Korg Regular

Registered: 2000-06-19
Posts: 714
Loc: Randers, Denmark

I believe that the rules for the tournament is, that new hazards can't be build after playoff.

So your script has to handle the regfiles delivered from Jens and nothing more.

Maybe Jens can confirm this ?


#68231 - 2002-07-17 12:25 AM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
so I might keep on parsing it...

no. I want some competition. just want to see is it hoby or brian the next one entering under M club [Big Grin]

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#68232 - 2002-07-17 03:06 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
BrianTX Offline
Korg Regular

Registered: 2002-04-01
Posts: 895
I'll be lucky to even get working code at this point. Life is staying pretty busy, so I don't know how much time I'm going to have to work on this. I suppose I'll have to give it a go at some point, just to see if I can come close.


#68233 - 2002-07-17 03:16 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Howard Bullock Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-09-15
Posts: 5809
Loc: Harrisburg, PA USA
I just noticed that in the latest downloaded zip file I have (Monday, July 15, 2002, 3:23:00 PM) the is a fourth reg file (unicode) and the Golf script includes it in the array of files to process. Is this a change or should I comment this line out?

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#68234 - 2002-07-17 03:18 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
I removed the whole line...

damn! I was supposed to leave this to the afternoon!

[ 17 July 2002, 15:19: Message edited by: Lonkero ]

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#68235 - 2002-07-17 03:44 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Sealeopard Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-04-25
Posts: 11165
Loc: Boston, MA, USA
This fourth .REG file (import3.w2k.reg) is NOT part of the challange, I just put it in there to illustrate the UNICODE issue with Windows 2000 exported .REG files.

Anyway, the challange only requires you to import the provided .REG files. It doesn't expect you to import any and all types of .REG files.

Nevertheless, if anybody would be willing to write a complete UDf for this, then all registry types and escape sequences must be taken into acount.
There are two types of vessels, submarines and targets.

#68236 - 2002-07-17 04:49 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
BrianTX Offline
Korg Regular

Registered: 2002-04-01
Posts: 895
I wonder... I'm still messing with parsing the file... only about half way through with that (I think) and already at 270ish... I'm wondering if Lonkero conquered a method to use the READPROFILESTRING instead.. hmmm.


#68237 - 2002-07-17 04:53 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
brian, readprofilestring has one take down:
it's call is long.
and if you use it with execute, execute is long.

brian, let's say that I started other way than many others of you.
that's why my starting code was just 611.
then added some functioning to small script was not so big case.
well, it was.
head hurted and so on...
but, I quess I'm the one who still has spent the longest time with this golf.
even now when I haven't been looking to my code for a while.

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#68238 - 2002-07-17 11:06 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
BrianTX Offline
Korg Regular

Registered: 2002-04-01
Posts: 895
Well, my first stab at it is 1057. I haven't fully tested it nor simplified the code much.


#68239 - 2002-07-17 11:29 PM Re: New KiXtart Golf Challenge! (extended to Saturday, July 20, 6pm EST )
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
I was correct.

there is two dudes that can come close and brian can maybe even overcome me...

brian, once you get under 1000, I'm forced to cut me code.

until that, keep on working!

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