Chris S.
(MM club member)
2002-09-22 12:55 AM
The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

Here it is, the all-new KiXomatic 2.2. Now with KiX! and WKiX!!!

Using KiX (or WKIX) and KiXforms, you too can program the WIN32 Class of Windows Management Instrumentation to impress your boss or pick up members of the opposite sex!

Now uses dynamic progress bars, enhanced save and open dialogs, and best of all it will automatically detect if an output is an array and inserts the proper coding to handle the pesky array.

Order your copy today!

Or... just copy and paste the code below into your favorite editor. (Line breaks optional.)

Break On
If @SCRIPTEXE<>"wkix32.exe"
If Not "\\"=Left(@SCRIPTDIR,2)
 Go Left(@SCRIPTDIR,2)
$Form = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")
$Form.Caption = "KiXomatic 2.2"
$Form.ScaleHeight = 520
$Form.ScaleWidth = 650
$PForm = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")
$PForm.Caption = "Loading WMI Classes..."
$PForm.Width = 250
$PForm.Height = 60
$PForm.BorderStyle = 3
$PForm.controlbox = 0
$PBar = $PForm.ProgressBar
$PBar.Size = 230,15
$PBar.Style = "1"
$Frame = $Form.PictureBox(,,,$Form.ScaleWidth,$Form.ScaleHeight)
$Frame.BorderStyle = 2
$lstClass = $Frame.ComboBox(,20,15,450)
$lstClass.Additem ("Begin by selecting a class")
$lstClass.Sorted = 1
$lstClass.Value = "Begin by selecting a class"
$lstClass.OnClick = "ChooseClass()"
$nul = EnumClasses()
$cmdRun  = $Frame.CommandButton("Run", 475,15,35,20)
$cmdSave = $Frame.CommandButton("Save",515,15,35,20)
$cmdOpen = $Frame.CommandButton("Open",555,15,35,20)
$cmdQuit = $Frame.CommandButton("Quit",595,15,35,20)
$cmdRun.Onclick  = "RunScript()"
$cmdSave.Onclick = "SaveScript()"
$cmdOpen.Onclick = "OpenScript()"
$cmdQuit.Onclick = "$$Form.Hide"
$cmdRun.Tooltip  = "Run the script"
$cmdSave.Tooltip = "Save the script"
$cmdOpen.Tooltip = "Open a saved script"
$cmdQuit.Tooltip = "Quit KiXomatic"
$cmdRun.Enabled  = 0
$cmdSave.Enabled = 0
$TextBox = $Frame.TextBox(,20,37,610,460)
$TextBox.AcceptsReturn = True
$TextBox.MultiLine = True
$TextBox.Fontname = "Courier New"
$TextBox.Fontsize = "8"
$TextBox.Scrollbars = 2
If $Form.Build<34 $TextBox.MousePointer = 3 EndIf
While $Form.Visible
Exit 1
Function EnumClasses()
   Dim $Max
   $objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
   $PBar.Max = $objWMIService.SubclassesOf().Count
   For Each $objclass in $objWMIService.SubclassesOf()
      $PBar.Value = $PBar.Value + 1
      $IsQ = 0
      If instr($objClass.Path_.Class,"WIN32_")
         For Each $Qualifier in $objClass.Qualifiers_
            If Instr($Qualifier.Name, "ASSOCIATION") $IsQ = 1 Endif
         If $IsQ = 0 $lstClass.Additem($objClass.Path_.Class) Endif
   $objWMIService = 0
Function ChooseClass()
   Dim $Max
   If $lstClass.Value <> "Begin by selecting a class"
      $Class = $lstClass.Value
      $Form.MousePointer = 11
      $PForm.Caption = "Customizing Script..."
      $PBar.Value = 0
      $TextBox.Text = ""
      $cmdRun.Enabled  = 0
      $cmdSave.Enabled = 0
      $objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
      $objClass = $objWMIService.Get($Class)
      $PBar.Max = $objClass.properties_.Count
      $Script = 'Break On' + @CRLF
      $Script = $Script + '$$strComputer = "."' + @CRLF
      $Script = $Script + '$$objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" + $$strComputer + "\root\cimv2")' + @CRLF
      $Script = $Script + '$$colItems = $$objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from $Class",,48)' + @CRLF
      $Script = $Script + 'For each $$objItem in $$colItems' + @CRLF
      For Each $objProperty in $objClass.properties_
         $PBar.Value = $PBar.Value + 1
         $Prop = $
         If $objProperty.IsArray
            $Script = $Script + '  For each $$Item in $objItem.' + $Prop + @CRLF
            $Script = $Script + '    "*' + $Prop + ': " + $$Item ?' + @CRLF
            $Script = $Script + '  Next' + @CRLF
            $Script = $Script + '  "' + $Prop + ': " + $$objItem.' + $Prop + ' ?' + @CRLF
      $Script = $Script + '  ?' + @CRLF
      $Script = $Script + 'Next'
      $script = $script + @CRLF + "? 'Press Any Key to Close the Window'" + @CRLF + "Get $"
      $TextBox.Text = $Script
      $cmdRun.Enabled  = 1
      $cmdSave.Enabled = 1
      $TextBox.Text = ""
      $cmdRun.Enabled  = 0
      $cmdSave.Enabled = 0
   $Form.MousePointer = 0
   $objWMIService = 0
Function RunScript()
   $objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   $strTmpName = "temp_script.kix"
   $objScript = $objFSO.CreateTextFile($strTmpName)
   $objScript.Write ($TextBox.Text)
   $objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   If "@SCRIPTEXE"<>"wkix32.exe"
      $strCmdLine = "kix32.exe"
      $strCmdLine = "wkix32.exe"
      $strCmdLine = '"' + @SCRIPTDIR + $strCmdLine + '" "' + $strTmpName + '"'
      $strCmdLine = '"' + $strCmdLine + ' "' + $strTmpName + '"'
   $nul = $objShell.Run($strCmdLine)
Function SaveScript()
   $objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   $strTmpName = "temp_script.kix"
   $objScript = $objFSO.CreateTextFile($strTmpName)
   $objScript.Write ($TextBox.Text)
   $dlgSave = $Form.FileSaveDialog("Save File",@SCRIPTDIR,$Class+".kix","KiX Files|*.kix|All Files|*.*|",2)
   Copy $strTmpName $dlgSave
Function OpenScript()
   $dlgOpen = $Form.FileOpenDialog("Open File",@SCRIPTDIR,,"KiX Files|*.kix|All Files|*.*|",4)
   $objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   $objFile = $objFSO.OpenTextFile($dlgOpen)
   $Script = $objFile.ReadAll()
   $TextBox.Text =  $Script
   $cmdRun.Enabled  = 1
   $cmdSave.Enabled = 1
Function QuitScript()
   $objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   $objFSO.DeleteFile ("temp_script.kix")
   $objFSO = 0

Edited By Chris S. (08/24/05 06:03 AM)

Edited by Lonkero (12/21/07 02:08 PM)
Edit Reason: re-enforced copy&paste codeblock

Chris S.
(MM club member)
2002-09-22 05:23 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Tweaked WMIQuery to exit after loading the first set of values. Speeds up 'customizing' the script, especially with dealing with classes with many values.

Will Hetrick
(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-09-24 02:33 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

What a neat script Chris. I will enjoy playing with this one!

Chris S.
(MM club member)
2002-09-24 02:38 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Thanks. I think it makes a good companion to Rad's WMIQuery() in that you can run a quick script against a class and see if there is any relevant information you want to capture.

(Seasoned Scripter)
2002-09-24 05:41 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

[Big Grin]
...Verrry nice...

(KiX Master)
2002-09-24 06:55 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'


Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to review and code this. Very nice tool to at least get you started. Good job.

Thanks again... and to you as well Shawn for the KiXForms great job there as well. [Big Grin]

(Korg Regular)
2002-10-03 10:26 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Very nice

If not for anyting else, i would like to 'ping' this post to the top of the list.

I didn't check this post prior to yesterday, because the title KiXomatic told me nothing about the usefullnes.

After checking, i must say: This is one of the best inventions since the wheel [Wink]

I would suggest this script as a howto on COM and WMI in the FAQ-forum

Can i subscribe on updates [Smile]

Chris S.
(MM club member)
2002-10-03 10:35 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Thank you. Of course, the enum function and the look and feel was 'borrowed' from the 'Script Guys' Scriptomatic script. The 'array detect' is new, however.

I'll post updates here. [Big Grin]

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-10-03 10:39 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Very nice, very usable code !!!!

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-10-11 12:46 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

went to msdn, searched... no go
went to technet, searched... only for xp and .net server

checked from typelibs, not working...

tried with kixomatic, success.

chris, I must admit you have earned your stars.

(KiX Supporter)
2002-10-10 02:15 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'


Very cool! This version works great, where previous versions were problematic.

Good work.



Chris S.
(MM club member)
2002-10-10 04:19 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Version 2.1 incorporates some minor bug-fixes relating to the forms and also a RFC or two.

  • MousePointer default for script textbox. Bugfix in KiXforms eliminated need to set a default value.
  • Added flags to Open and Save dialog boxes. Added a pipe to workaround bug in KiXforms 2.1.
  • Tweaked the QuitScript() routine to exit more gracefully and to catch those who use the [x]
  • Tweaked SaveScript() to save the temp_script before opening the dialog.

Chris S.
(MM club member)
2002-10-10 04:26 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Oh, yeah, and lines that output arrays has an '*' in front of it so you can spot them easier.

(KiX Master Guru)
2003-07-12 01:46 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

I copy&pasted this to my favorite editor (notepad) and it screwed everything up :'(

(KiX Supporter)
2003-07-14 09:40 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Did you try using Wordpad first ? [Razz]

(KiX Master Guru)
2003-07-14 10:23 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

it does not say anything about wordpad-transformation [Mad]

(KiX Supporter)
2003-07-14 10:39 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

RTFFAQ : HOWTO: Submit code to / copy code from the board

[Razz] [Razz] [Razz] [Big Grin]

Gotcha !

(KiX Master Guru)
2003-07-14 10:51 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

sorry, you are the lame one. [Wink]
just cut and paste the code below into your favorite editor.

first of all, he said I can "cut and paste"
it does not work.
when I say that, I really mean it. [Roll Eyes]
like, I use such code-format that you can use your favorit editor without any buts.

secondly, I say "you can copy&paste" as who can cut from webpage? [Big Grin]

(KiX Supporter)
2003-07-15 12:07 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Am not responsible for sayings of contributors ... never was, never will be

Ey Chris, ever thought of using PP making such strong statements valid? Knowwhatimean, nudge nudge ...


(KiX Master)
2003-07-14 06:05 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

You mean kind of like this?

Break On

$Form = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")
$Form.Caption = "KiXomatic"
$Form.ScaleHeight = 520
$Form.ScaleWidth = 650

$PForm = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")
$PForm.Caption = "Loading WMI Classes..."
$PForm.Width = 250
$PForm.Height = 60
$PForm.BorderStyle = 3

$PBar = $PForm.ProgressBar
$PBar.Size = 230,15
$PBar.Style = "1"

$Frame = $Form.PictureBox(,,,$Form.ScaleWidth,$Form.ScaleHeight)
$Frame.BorderStyle = 2

$lstClass = $Frame.ComboBox(,20,15,450)
$lstClass.Additem ("Begin by selecting a class")
$lstClass.Sorted = 1
$lstClass.Value = "Begin by selecting a class"
$lstClass.OnClick = "ChooseClass()"
$nul = EnumClasses()

$cmdRun = $Frame.CommandButton("Run", 475,15,35,20)
$cmdSave = $Frame.CommandButton("Save",515,15,35,20)
$cmdOpen = $Frame.CommandButton("Open",555,15,35,20)
$cmdQuit = $Frame.CommandButton("Quit",595,15,35,20)
$cmdRun.Onclick = "RunScript()"
$cmdSave.Onclick = "SaveScript()"
$cmdOpen.Onclick = "OpenScript()"
$cmdQuit.Onclick = "$$Form.Hide"
$cmdRun.Tooltip = "Run the script"
$cmdSave.Tooltip = "Save the script"
$cmdOpen.Tooltip = "Open a saved script"
$cmdQuit.Tooltip = "Quit KiXomatic"
$cmdRun.Enabled = 0
$cmdSave.Enabled = 0

$TextBox = $Frame.TextBox(,20,37,610,460)
$TextBox.AcceptsReturn = True
$TextBox.MultiLine = True
$TextBox.Fontname = "Courier New"
$TextBox.Fontsize = "8"
$TextBox.Scrollbars = 2
If $Form.Build<34 $TextBox.MousePointer = 3 EndIf


While $Form.Visible

Exit 1

Function EnumClasses()
Dim $Max
$objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
For Each $objClass in $objWMIService.SubclassesOf() $Max = $Max + 1 Next
$PBar.Max = $Max
For Each $objclass in $objWMIService.SubclassesOf()
$PBar.Value = $PBar.Value + 1
$IsQ = 0
If instr($objClass.Path_.Class,"WIN32_")
For Each $Qualifier in $objClass.Qualifiers_
If Instr($Qualifier.Name, "ASSOCIATION")
$IsQ = 1
If $IsQ = 0
$lstClass.Additem ($objClass.Path_.Class)
$objWMIService = 0

Function ChooseClass()
Dim $Max
If $lstClass.Value <> "Begin by selecting a class"
$Class = $lstClass.Value
$Form.MousePointer = 11
$PForm.Caption = "Customizing Script..."
$PBar.Value = 0
$TextBox.Text = ""
$cmdRun.Enabled = 0
$cmdSave.Enabled = 0
$objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
$objClass = $objWMIService.Get($Class)
For Each $objProperty in $objClass.properties_ $Max = $Max + 1 Next
$PBar.Max = $Max
$Script = 'Break On' + @CRLF
$Script = $Script + '$$strComputer = "."' + @CRLF
$Script = $Script + '$$objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" + $$strComputer + "\root\cimv2")' + @CRLF
$Script = $Script + '$$colItems = $$objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from $Class",,48)' + @CRLF
$Script = $Script + 'For each $$objItem in $$colItems' + @CRLF
For Each $objProperty in $objClass.properties_
$PBar.Value = $PBar.Value + 1
$Prop = $
If instr(WMIQuery($Prop,$Class),"$$value")
$Script = $Script + ' For each $$Item in $objItem.' + $Prop + @CRLF
$Script = $Script + ' "*' + $Prop + ': " + $$Item ?' + @CRLF
$Script = $Script + ' Next' + @CRLF
$Script = $Script + ' "' + $Prop + ': " + $$objItem.' + $Prop + ' ?' + @CRLF
$Script = $Script + ' ?' + @CRLF
$Script = $Script + 'Next'
$TextBox.Text = "$Script"
$cmdRun.Enabled = 1
$cmdSave.Enabled = 1
$TextBox.Text = ""
$cmdRun.Enabled = 0
$cmdSave.Enabled = 0
$Form.MousePointer = 0
$objWMIService = 0

Function RunScript()
$objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
$strTmpName = "temp_script.kix"
$objScript = $objFSO.CreateTextFile($strTmpName)
$objScript.Write ($TextBox.Text)
$objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
$strCmdLine = "%COMSPEC% /k kix32.exe "
$strCmdLine = $strCmdLine + $strTmpName
$nul = $objShell.Run($strCmdLine)

Function SaveScript()
$objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
$strTmpName = "temp_script.kix"
$objScript = $objFSO.CreateTextFile($strTmpName)
$objScript.Write ($TextBox.Text)
$dlgSave = $Form.FileSaveDialog("Save File",@SCRIPTDIR,$Class+".kix","KiX Files|*.kix|All Files|*.*|",2)
Copy $strTmpName $dlgSave

Function OpenScript()
$dlgOpen = $Form.FileOpenDialog("Open File",@SCRIPTDIR,,"KiX Files|*.kix|All Files|*.*|",4)
$objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
$objFile = $objFSO.OpenTextFile($dlgOpen)
$Script = $objFile.ReadAll()
$TextBox.Text = $Script
$cmdRun.Enabled = 1
$cmdSave.Enabled = 1

Function QuitScript()
$objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
$objFSO.DeleteFile ("temp_script.kix")
$objFSO = 0

Function WMIQuery($what,$from,optional $computer,optional $where, optional $x)
dim $strQuery, $objEnumerator, $value
if not $computer $computer="@WKSTA" endif
$strQuery = "Select $what From $from"
if $where and $x $strQuery = $strQuery + " Where $where = '$x'" endif
$SystemSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//$computer")
$objEnumerator = $SystemSet.ExecQuery($strQuery)
For Each $objInstance in $objEnumerator
If @Error = 0 and $objInstance <> ""
$=execute("$$value = $$objInstance.$what")
exit @error
exit @error

(KiX Master Guru)
2003-07-14 06:12 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

doc, it looks nice.
even though, the shit color might not be the best one...
but that indeed is COPY&pasteable.

(KiX Master)
2003-07-14 06:14 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

...but I still cannot Cut & Paste. [Frown]

(KiX Master)
2003-07-14 06:29 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Yeah... 2 problems I don't think anyone is going to solve in their code.

CUT and Acceptable colors for eveyone. [Big Grin]

Chris S.
(MM club member)
2003-07-14 06:34 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

The lengths you guys will go to to increase your post-count. [Wink]

Is this description better?

BTW, I plan on updating this script when the latest KF dll goes gold. Sometime in the next decade, I imagine.

(KiX Master)
2003-07-14 06:37 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

LOL [Big Grin]

(KiX Master)
2003-07-14 06:40 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Thanks Chris.
Guys, I guess we've been found out. Now for MCA to try and figure out how to discount these posts from his stats> [Big Grin]

(KiX Master Guru)
2003-07-14 07:06 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

chris, I still wonder what is that ",,48" in those getobjects...
I've found almost all I've tried working without it.
is it some sorta trojan?

Chris S.
(MM club member)
2003-07-14 07:11 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

More like a sig than a trojan. [Wink] does serve some purpose:;f=1;t=005971#000010

(KiX Master Guru)
2003-07-14 07:13 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

thank you, oh WMI-GURU!

not sure I still need them anywhere but good to know that they don't most likely harm either.

(KiX Master)
2003-07-14 07:16 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

However, the 48 (semi-synchronous mode) cannot be used in conjunction with a .COUNT. Thus
$a=$objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from $Class",,48)
? 'elements = '+$a.count
for each $b in $a

will not work AFAIK.

(MM club member)
2005-04-26 10:26 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Just wanted to say REALLY nice work Chris S!

...and I'm not gonna be a bitch-o-matic about anything which seems more popular than staying on-topic for some these days

Chris S.
(MM club member)
2005-04-27 08:06 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Hey, thanks!

(Seasoned Scripter)
2005-06-08 01:33 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

Hey Chris!! congrats man!
You know what I was thinking while using it, It would be cool if you reduce the size of the combo and instead place a small textbox in order to type any word to match the array populated into the big combo after an 'enter' FE. In that case you can type the word 'Video' FE and just populate only the ones that match some part of any array item.
Just a feedback thought Chris...thanks.

Chris S.
(MM club member)
2005-08-24 05:05 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

I have updated KiXomatic with Lonk's code to handle WKiX, plus I have optimized the script generation code to handle arrays better. No more long hangups while generating a script!

(KiX Master Guru)
2005-08-24 05:31 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

lol, you had to do something meaningfull for your 2000th post.

and I'm glad my modifications made to the mainstream kixomatic version.

(KiX Master)
2005-08-24 08:42 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

Works great. Thanks again Chris

(MM club member)
2006-02-09 09:32 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

How about KixOMatic showing methods too ?

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-02-09 09:35 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

idea is nice but how to really do that as an example code is rather not that easy.
maybe as comments...

(MM club member)
2006-02-09 09:51 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

Something like this perhaps ?

$strComputer = "."
$objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" + $strComputer + "\root\cimv2")
$objClass = $objWMIService.Get("Win32_PnPEntity")
? "Listing Class Methods:"
For Each $objItem In $objClass.methods_
? $objItem.Name

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-02-09 09:56 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

well, that's not how the properties work either.

but, as many of us know, there is just so little methods in WMI.
as example, in pnpEntity, I think there was just 2 methods, and both are unusable!

(MM club member)
2006-02-09 10:01 AM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

Thats true, although the "terminate" method in WIN32_Process is a handy one. I just mentioned it for the completeness of KiXoMatic. WIN32_PnPEntity should have an "Uninstall" method

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2009-07-31 06:39 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

i get an error line 27 when I run the kixomatic?
It shows it wants to run but stops and give me and error at line 27.
I have kixforms installed right and then use wkix32 to run the kixomatic2.kix file right?

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2009-07-31 06:45 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.2 - 'Now with KiX! and WKiX!'

chris i solved it
i needed the kix classic msi file installed for it to work
thanks i got it looks freaking awesome great job man

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2009-07-31 06:49 PM
Where do I get temp_script.kixF?

when i run the kixomatic 2 i get this error need file
temp_script.kixF! where do I get his kix file?


(Starting to like KiXtart)
2009-07-31 08:42 PM
Re: The All-New KiXomatic 2.1 - 'Now with KiX!'

CHris and NTDOC

you guys are freaking geniuses I love kixomatic got it working chris
wow is this fantastic! wowowowowo!