(Getting the hang of it)
2016-09-30 02:59 AM

Macros que poderia ser implementado, @AT, @Title, @Numlook, @ScrollLook e @CapsLook.

Ruud van Velsen
(Hey THIS is FUN)
2016-10-07 11:45 AM
Re: Macros

Hi AndreLuiz, what would @AT do, exactly? And do you want @Title to return the title of the console window in which Kixtart runs?


(Getting the hang of it)
2016-10-08 08:51 PM
Re: Macros

@Title - Desculpe não ter explicado melhor antes. Bom é exatamente isso, o @Title ira retornar o título da janela console.

@AT - @AT ou @CurXy ou qualquer outro, esse iria retornar a posição atual do cursor.

@Nlook, @Slook, @Clook - Acho que deu para entender né :D.


Você acha que seria difícil de implementar ações do mouse no console.


Eu estou aproveitando para pedir várias coisas para essa nova versão do 4.67.

Seria interessante usar o incremento de variáveis desta forma:
$i = 0
While ($i = 5)


$i = 0
While ($i = 5)

Deu para entender?
Bom desculpe por todos esses pedidos, se não dé para todo, mas queria pelo menos o @AT e @Title.
Obrigado por ter me respondido.

(KiX Supporter)
2016-10-09 03:57 PM
Re: Macros

This is a english speaking forum. For those of us unable to read the comments.


@title - Sorry I haven't explained it better before. Well that's exactly, @Title ira return the title of the console window.

@AT - @AT or @CurXyor any other, this would return the current position of the cursor.

@Nlook, @Slook, @Clook-I think you get the idea right:D.


Do you think it would be difficult to implement mouse actions in the console.


I am enjoying to ask several things to this new version of 4.67.

It would be interesting to use the increased variables like this:
$i = 0
While ($i = 5)
$i ++


$i = 0
While ($i = 5)
$i += 1

You get the idea?
Good excuse for all these applications, if not for all, but wanted to d is at least @AT and @Title.
Thanks for having me back.

Ruud van Velsen
(Hey THIS is FUN)
2016-10-10 09:03 AM
Re: Macros

Ok, thanks for these suggestions, I will have a look at them for the next update.


(Getting the hang of it)
2016-11-28 12:19 AM
Re: Macros

Hello, Ruud plus some macro that could be implemented, because one day I wanted to create a script and could not proceed for lack of this functionality.

* Screen buffer size = @SBSize
* Window size = @WSize
* Window position = @WPosition

An attentive request, André Luiz, thank you. Translated by google translator.