(Starting to like KiXtart)
2002-09-05 11:11 PM
Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

At long last I think I'm ready to post my solution to inventorying/viewing installed software across a network.

I'm using 4.10, 4.02, and KixForms 2.0.3

There are three phases to the process.

First the data collection which is done by the SoftwareUDF.kix script. It's in the form of a UDF so it can be used for "scanning" remote computers. It hangs when it cannot connect to the remote host so when I use it I work a ping in there to test network connectivity.


The $computer var should not contain "\\" and the $logpath should end in a "\".
Function Software($Computer,$LogPath)
Dim $programs
Dim $Subkeys
$index = 0
While @error = 0
ReDim preserve $subkeys[Ubound($subkeys)+1]
$index = $index+1 ?$computer
$subkeys[Ubound($subkeys)] = EnumKey("\\$Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall",$index)
$nul = ReDirectOutput ("$logpath$computer.log",1)
For Each $key in $subkeys
$Displayname = ReadValue ("\\$Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$key","Displayname")
If $Displayname <> ""
ReDim preserve $programs[Ubound ($programs)+1]
$programs[Ubound($programs)] = $Displayname
$nul = ReDirectOutput("")

Second phase is parsing all of the .log files obtained from the first script and adding the data to a microsoft access data base.

You'll need to create an access database with one table called TBL_PROGRAM. In the table there should be two columns, first "Computer" second "Program".

Since I'm no expert on COM scripting, this script will only work with 4.02. Props to Breaker since I only modified his script. I should also add that any program name with a ' in it will have it striped out.

$Loggpath should point to the directory where the .dat files are located (should end in "\"). $DBPATH should point to where the data base is located (should end in "\"). $DBFile should be the name of your data base file.

$Loggpath = "H:\loggs\"
$DBPath = "H:\loggs\"
$DBFile = "inventory.mdb"

$DSN="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$DBPath$DBFile"
$Connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
$Command = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
$Recordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
If $Connection
? "Connected"
$Connection.ConnectionString = $DSN
$Command.ActiveConnection = $Connection
$Recordset.CursorType = 3
$Recordset.LockType = 3
$Recordset.ActiveCommand = $Command
$file = Dir("$loggPath*.log")
While $file <> "" AND @error = 0
$computer = SubStr($file,1,InStr($file,".log")-1)
$nul = Open(1,"$loggpath$file") If @error <> 0 ?@serror Exit EndIf
$ProgArray = ReadLine(1) If @error <> 0 ?@serror Gosub End EndIf
$ProgArray = Split($ProgArray,"~*~")
For Each $program in $ProgArray
If InStr($Program,"'") <> 0 $A = Split($Program,"'") For Each $B in $A $C=$C+$B Next $Program = $C $C="" EndIf
$Command.CommandText = $CHECK_ENTRY_PROGRAM
If $Recordset.RecordCount < 1
$Recordset.AddNew If @ERROR <> 0 ?@SERROR EndIf
$Recordset.Fields("Computer").Value = "$computer" If @ERROR <> 0 ?@SERROR EndIf
$Recordset.Fields("Program").Value = "$program" If @ERROR <> 0 ?@SERROR EndIf
?"$computer Completed Successfully"
$file = Dir()
$Connection = 0
$Recordset = 0
$Command = 0
Goto error
Exit 321

Last phase is the feedback form. Basically there’s two ways to view the information in the data base. First is a list of all computers in the DB, as you select a computer name it shows what software is installed on that computer. Second is list of all software on the computers you collected data from. As you select a software name it returns a list of computers that software is installed on.

Since the current release of KixForm does not automatically sort the listbox, the software listbox is a bit of a mess. I'm hoping the KixForm 2.0.4 release will include the Sorted property which will make the software list much easier to navigate through. I could use one of the sort array UDF's, but that will dramatically lengthen the time between clicking on "Search for Software by Computer" and the list popping up. Because this process is already lengthy (longer depending on how many computers you collected data from) I've added a progress bar so you don't think the script is hanging.

$DBPath should point to where you data base is located (should end in "\"). $DBFile is the name of your data base.

Break on

Dim $SearArr
$DBPath = "h:\loggs\"
$DBFile = "inventory.mdb"

$FORM = CreateObject("Kixtart.FORM")

$FORM.CAPTION = "Software Inventory"

$SoftButton = $FORM.CommandButton("Search for Software by Computer",3,3,$FORM.Width-12,$FORM.Height/2-34)
$CompButton = $FORM.CommandButton("Search for Computer by Software",3,$SoftButton.Height+7,$FORM.Width-12,$FORM.Height/2-34)
$QuitButton = $FORM.CommandButton("Quit",3,$CompButton.Top + $CompButton.Height + 4,$FORM.Width-12,30)
$SoftButton.OnClick = '$$CompForm.Show if ubound($$ReturnData) = -1 $$ReturnData=GetDBData() CompForm($$ReturnData) endif'
$CompButton.OnClick = '$$SoftForm.Show if ubound($$ReturnData2) = -1 $$ReturnData2=GetDBData() SoftForm($$ReturnData2) endif'
$QuitButton.OnClick = 'Quit()'

$CompForm = CreateObject("Kixtart.FORM")
$CompForm.CAPTION = "Search for Software by Computer"
$CompForm.HEIGHT = 437
$CompForm.WIDTH = 337
$CompForm.FONTNAME = "Arial"
$CompForm.FONTSIZE = 9
$FraComp = $CompForm.Frame("",5,5,320,402)
$SelCompTxt = $FraComp.Label("Select a Computer:",10,20,150,20)
$SelCompBox = $FraComp.ListBox(,10,40,150,150)
$InsProTxt = $FraComp.Label("Installed Programs:",10,200,150,20)
$InsProBox = $FraComp.ListBox(,10,220,300,150)
$ExitButton = $FraComp.CommandButton("Exit",165,40,150-2,30)
$ProgComp = $FraComp.ProgressBar(,10,375,300,20)
$ProgComp.Min = 0
$ExitButton.OnClick = '$$CompForm.Show(0)'

$SoftForm = CreateObject("Kixtart.FORM")
$SoftForm.CAPTION = "Search for Computer by Software"
$SoftForm.HEIGHT = 437
$SoftForm.WIDTH = 337
$SoftForm.FONTNAME = "Arial"
$SoftForm.FONTSIZE = 9
$FraSoft = $SoftForm.Frame("",5,5,320,402)
$SelProgTxt = $FraSoft.Label("Select Software:",10,20,150,20)
$SelProBox = $FraSoft.ListBox(,10,40,300,150)
$InsCompTxt = $FraSoft.Label("Installed on this Computer:",10,200,150,20)
$InsCompBox = $FraSoft.ListBox(,10,220,150,150)
$ExitButton2 = $FraSoft.CommandButton("Exit",165,220,150-2,30)
$ProgSoft = $FraSoft.ProgressBar(,10,375,300,20)
$ExitButton2.OnClick = '$$SoftForm.Show(0)'


While $FORM.Visible OR $CompForm.Visible OR $SoftForm.Visible

Function CompForm($ReturnData)
$ProgComp.Max = Val(Ubound($ReturnData[0]))
$SelCompBox.List = StripCopies($ReturnData[0])
$SelCompBox.OnClick = '$$InsProBox.List = GetInfo($$SelCompBox.Value,$$0,$$1,$$ReturnData)'

Function SoftForm($ReturnData)
$ProgSoft.Max = Val(Ubound($ReturnData[1]))
$SelProBox.List = StripCopies($ReturnData[1])
$SelProBox.OnClick = '$$InsCompBox.List = GetInfo($$SelProBox.Value,$$1,$$0,$$ReturnData2)'

Function GetDBData()
Dim $CompArr
Dim $ProgArr
Dim $DBArr[2]
$connect = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
$connectstring = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=$DBPath$DBFile"
$queryDB = $connect.Execute($queryDB)
While NOT $queryDB.EOF
ReDim preserve $CompArr[Ubound($CompArr)+1]
ReDim preserve $ProgArr[Ubound($ProgArr)+1]
$CompArr[Ubound($CompArr)] = $dataComp
$ProgArr[Ubound($ProgArr)] = $dataprog
$DBArr[0] = $CompArr
$DBArr[1] = $ProgArr
$GetDBData = $DBArr

Function GetInfo($SearchFor,$SMultiNum,$RMultiNum,$Array)
Dim $InfoArray
$inter = 0
For Each $find in $Array[$SMultiNum]
If $find = "$SearchFor"
ReDim preserve $InfoArray[Ubound($InfoArray)+1] $InfoArray[Ubound($InfoArray)] = $Array[$RMultiNum][$inter]
$inter = $inter + 1
$GetInfo = $InfoArray

Function StripCopies($striArray)
$on = 1
Dim $searArr
For Each $add in $StriArray
If Ubound($SearArr) = -1
ReDim $searArr[0] $SearArr[0] = $add
$counter = 0
While Ubound($SearArr)+1 <> $counter
If $add = $searArr[$counter]
$on = 1
$counter = $counter + 1
$counter = 0
If $on = 0 ReDim preserve $SearArr[Ubound($SearArr)+1] $SearArr[Ubound($SearArr)] = $add EndIf
$on = 0
$ProgComp.Value = $ProgComp.Value+1
$ProgSoft.Value = $ProgSoft.Value+1
$ProgComp.Value = 0
$ProgSoft.Value = 0
$StripCopies = $SearArr

Don't know why I bother but here are the pics hosted from geocities.


If those don't work just go here and take a look at menu.jpg sbc.jpg and cbs.jpg.

Let me know how to improve this. Thanks.

(KiX Master)
2002-09-06 12:45 AM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Vig... nice work. (I think - looks impressive)

I will try to put it together and try it out within the next couple of weeks if I can.

As far as a suggestion for improvement, It would be nice to click on a Software name and then be able to print out a list of ALL computers that are running that software, as well as a different printable report that will print out all the software installed on any given/selected workstation.

(KiX Supporter)
2002-09-06 06:41 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data


Great script ... nicely done ... however, not too sure if you noticed or not, but your script has uncovered a bug in Kixforms. The individual dialogs are not handling the TAB key between controls ... think I know what it is ... just hope the fix doesn't upset the BBChecker crowd [Wink]

[ 06. September 2002, 18:46: Message edited by: Shawn ]

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2002-09-07 11:52 AM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

NTDOC, good idea about being able to print out. I'll work on that in the next couple of days.

Shawn, no I sure didn't notice that.

(Fresh Scripter)
2002-09-10 05:38 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Very Good script !! but the second part don't connect to the base i'v not find the pb.! :-(

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2002-09-10 06:39 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

The second script will not work with Kixtart version 4.10+, I'm using 4.02 to run that script.

(KiX Supporter)
2002-09-10 06:54 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data


Can you add your weight to this thread:

COM Problems with 4.10+

and include any observations and thoughts as to
what might have broke ? Im going to be
referring this thread back to Ruud in a day or
two. But we need more information to go on.


(Fresh Scripter)
2002-09-13 05:06 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Your super script working with 4.11 !
Have replaced :
$DSN="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$DBPath$DBFile"
$Connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")$Command = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")$Recordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

With :
$connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
$connectstring="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$DBPath$DBFile"

$Command = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
$Recordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

If $Connect
$Command.ActiveConnection = $Connectstring



(Starting to like KiXtart)
2002-09-14 08:21 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Hey thanks Bruno. [Smile]

I've been to busy lately to tackle that problem.

I've got a few more improvements to make then I'll update the scripts.

(Fresh Scripter)
2002-09-18 04:36 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Uhh... where does join() come from in the UDF?

 Script error : unknown command !

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-09-18 04:40 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

it is function added at somepoint to kix 4.xx

yep, in 4.10

[ 18. September 2002, 16:42: Message edited by: Lonkero ]

(Fresh Scripter)
2002-09-18 05:24 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Ok... I'm using 4.02, so I guess I have to go to 4.1x now?

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-09-18 05:51 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

well, it is one option.
other is to modify the lines to work with older versions...

(KiX Master)
2002-09-18 07:48 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data


Is the current code posted here the latest?

Did you get a chance to implement printing out the list of Computers that are running a specific piece of software by clicking on it?

Thanks... also, what is the MINIMUM version of KiXtart and KiXforms required for this to work properly and what version of MS Access is required?

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2002-09-18 09:28 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Currently reworking the entire script/process. My goal is to have one form that can do all of these functions plus more (creating reports, printing, faster and more search options). This is taking some time, especially since smaller time consuming projects keep coming up. My weekend is thursday and friday so expect something by the end of the week. All requests and questions will be answered then. Thanks.

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2003-05-19 04:01 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data


Great script, Has any work been done on it latley?

Having problems with the UDF, sometimes it does not produce any data on the pc it audits, consequently it bombs out the db convert script.

Any ideas what could be going wrong, I'm using the most recent version of kixtart on windows 98 machines

(MM club member)
2003-05-20 10:58 AM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Cool script [Cool]

Although I really have to give a shout for one freeware application: AIDA32 - (all that's required is that you register your company at Aida, no charge).

Just make a customized reportformat, and do inventories really slick with something like (this will do an inventory once a month):

? "*** PC Auditing"
$DoInvent = "no"
$InventFile = "\\someserver\Inventory$$\" + @WKSTA + ".csv"
IF EXIST("$InventFile") = 0
$DoInvent = "yes"
$FileMonth = SUBSTR(GETFILETIME("$InventFile"), 6, 2)
$ThisMonth = SUBSTR(@DATE, 6, 2)
IF $FileMonth <> $ThisMonth
DEL "$InventFile"
$DoInvent = "yes"
IF $DoInvent = "yes"
COLOR w/b ?" - PC audit, please wait..." COLOR y+/b
SHELL '%COMSPEC% /C $HomeServer\fileserver$$\Files\Aida32\aida32.exe /R "\\someserver\Inventory$$\$$HOSTNAME.csv" /CUSTOM "$HomeServer\fileserver$$\Files\Aida32\some_cust_report.rpf" /CSV /SHOWP /SILENT'
COLOR w/b ?" - PC audit already made" COLOR y+/b

[ 20. May 2003, 11:02: Message edited by: masken ]

(MM club member)
2003-05-20 06:03 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

I should perhaps add that I've removed all DirectX, event log & performance test related inventory options from the inventory file through the customized report format. It's more or less the "net audit" template available. This produces a 20-50kb inventory file. The default, with all options turned on, could produce a 5mb file [Eek!]

But this is a really good application. I've inventoried everything from Win95a to WinXP SP1 with it, and it works like a charm (early Win95's need a Comctl update).

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2003-05-22 12:05 AM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Thanks [Smile]

Will look into it

(Fresh Scripter)
2003-06-02 04:16 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Great Software...2 questions about you NetView.udf and do I get these?

(KiX Master)
2003-06-02 04:18 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

UDFs are posted in the UDF Forum.

(Fresh Scripter)
2003-06-02 04:20 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Do you know where?

(KiX Master)
2003-06-02 04:26 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Take a look at my signature or read the FAQ Forum under Cannot find what you are looking for?

(Fresh Scripter)
2003-06-02 04:28 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Stupid me....Thank you very much will look into it!

Thanks again

(Fresh Scripter)
2005-03-02 04:31 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

(KiX Master)
2005-03-02 05:00 PM
Re: Softwhere? - Solution to software inventory data

Why are you dredging up these corpses without adding a single word to it?