2002-01-07 07:46 PM
NETLOGON or Local?


Currently I have the KIX32.EXE and DLLs residing on the NETLOGON share of our 2000 server and all the clients run KIX32 from this location via the login.bat file:

%0\..\kix32 \\server\share\lgs.kix

I'm wondering if I should copy the EXE and DLLs to all the client PCs. The only reason I can think of to do this is that perhaps it would speed things up. But it would require a bit of permanent script that checks the client for the files and then the version number and then copies over the files if the version is wrong. That seems like a pain compared to my current procedure of doing nothing at all.

Is there an advantage to having the EXE and DLLs local vs. on the NETLOGON share?


Will Hetrick
(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-01-07 07:53 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?

Hello Shane,


Here is a program done by MCA who is a contributer of this board. It is a file that contains all the updated files from kix.

Just add this into your login script and everytime someone logs into the network, it will check and update if necessary the kix files on their computer.

The file is ony 178k and it take a second to run it.

The advantage to this is it runs quicker from the local hard drive and takes less time to find the correct files and avoids mismatched files.

[ 07 January 2002: Message edited by: Will Hetrick ]

(KiX Master)
2002-01-07 07:58 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?

The textbook way of calling the script is
%0\..\kix32 %0\..\lgs.kix
provided the script resides in NetLogon.

If you have Wintendo (9x/ME) or dial-in users, you should consider copying the executables and DLLs to %windir%. Wintendo has issues with its redirector that this will allieviate and performance on dial-in is a concern.

This can be handled within the logon script or by using MCA's tools.

p.s. only WIntendo needs the DLLs.

[ 07 January 2002: Message edited by: LLigetfa ]

2002-01-07 08:13 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?


I've seen the Kix401registry tool and I'd surely like to use it, but it associates .kix and .scr files with menu context stuff and I don't want that to happen (not on the client PCs anyway). I can't figure out how to modify the scripts inside kix401registry.exe, though.

Can I use this outside of the EXE? I can extract all the files into a directory and modify START1.KIX and START2.KIX not to run KIXEDIT.REG. Would I just call INSTALL.KIX from my login script? Would that work?

We have an odd active directory setup - we migrated two seperate NT domains as two child domains. Each child domain has its logon server, but they both run one KiXtart script that is located on a different server.

Will Hetrick
(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-01-07 08:18 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?

Then you want this one which, i do believe, does not update the .kix and .scr files to the registry.
Kix Update

Will Hetrick
(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-01-07 08:21 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?

Here is the old way I used to update kix on the hard drives.


:UpdateKix ; Updates the Login script and Kix files

; Updates rv-logon script on the hard drive.
$result = CompareFileTimes("\\enhbgdc034\NETLOGON\RV-LOGON.KIX","%WINDIR%\ZAWSYS\RV-LOGON.KIX")
If ($result = 1) Or ($result = -3)

;Updates kix32.exe on the hard drive.
$result = CompareFileTimes("\\enhbgdc034\avlog$\kix2001\kix32.exe","%windir%\zawsys\kix32.exe")
If ($result = 1) Or ($result = -3)
Copy "\\enhbgdc034\avlog$\kix2001\kix32.exe" "%windir%\zawsys\kix32.exe" /h

; Updates wkix32.exe on the hard drive.
$result = CompareFileTimes("\\enhbgdc034\avlog$\kix2001\wkix32.exe","%windir%\zawsys\wkix32.exe")
If ($result = 1) Or ($result = -3)
Copy "\\enhbgdc034\avlog$\kix2001\wkix32.exe" "%windir%\zawsys\wkix32.exe" /h


This might be of use if you do not want to mess with the registry either. This is for Winnt, on windows 9x you would have to copy the dll's to the windows\system directory.

2002-01-07 08:26 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?

Dumb question: Would I run the kix401update file from a script like so:

SHELL ("%COMSPEC% /C \\SERVER \SHARE\kix401update.exe /Q")


[ 07 January 2002: Message edited by: Shane ]

(KiX Master)
2002-01-07 08:28 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?

Here's what I use in my logon.bat


Rem Check to see if client is Win95 or WinNT
IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO KIX_NT

REM Copy needed files to Win95 clients
IF NOT EXIST %windir%\KIX32.EXE COPY \\FF_ADM1\update\kix\KIX32.EXE %windir%
IF NOT EXIST %windir%\KX32.DLL COPY \\FF_ADM1\update\kix\KX32.DLL %windir%
IF NOT EXIST %windir%\KX16.DLL COPY \\FF_ADM1\update\kix\KX16.DLL %windir%
IF NOT EXIST %windir%\KX95.DLL COPY \\FF_ADM1\update\kix\KX95.DLL %windir%


Will Hetrick
(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-01-07 08:37 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?

I actually run it from the login.bat file right before I call the kix file.

rem Starts the login script
Echo ...............................................
Echo Please wait while updating KixTart.
echo .................................................
Echo Please wait While running the login script
start /w \\enhbgdc035\avlog$\kix32.exe \\enhbgdc035\netlogon\rv-logon.kix


There are a bunch of people that say to use the %0\..\kix32.exe %0\..\rv-login.kix but this does not work for me.
Our computers are in a resource domain while our user accounts are in another domain.

2002-01-07 08:40 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?

If the clients have KIX32.EXE locally, do I need to modify the LOGIN.BAT file from:




I don't want to remove KIX32.EXE from the NETLOGON shares because someone who doesn't have KIX32 locally is bound to logon sooner or later. How do you keep the client from running KIX32 from the NETLOGON share if the file is local, but still provision for folks who haven't had KIX32.EXE copied local yet?


[ 07 January 2002: Message edited by: Shane ]

Will Hetrick
(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-01-07 08:59 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?

Here is an example of something you can do to run it from the netlogon share first if they don't have it and also copy it down for the next login.


if exist %windir%\kix32.exe goto yes
echo I could not find Kix on your Hard drive
start /w /b \\Server\netlogon\Kix32.exe \\Server\netlogon\rv-logon.kix


if exist %windir%\rv-logon.kix goto yesrv
echo I found kix but not the Login script
start /w /b %windir%\Kix32.exe \\server\netlogon\rv-logon.kix
copy \\Server\netlogon\rv-logon.kix %windir%\

goto next


echo Both Kix and the login script are found
start /w /b %windir%\Kix32.exe %windir%\rv-logon.kix


[ 07 January 2002: Message edited by: Will Hetrick ]

(KiX Supporter)
2002-01-07 11:40 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?


We advice you to use kix401update.exe for the normal users.
For users who requires file associations to .kix you should use
Using kix401update.exe will remove existing file associations
with kix32.exe.

You batch file can be something like:


@echo off
%0\..\kix401update.exe /q
kix32 %0\..\your_script.kix
@echo off

Each time it will verify the correctness of your release. Incorrect
files will be replaced and missing files will be added.

(previous published information)

An easy way of installing kixtart on your clients is by using our iexpress
At the moment there are four releases:

  • kix362update.exe
  • kix363update.exe
  • kix400update.exe
  • kix401update.exe

You can easily upgrade it with our iexpress package.
Questions: how?

A way of installing/updating kixtart of your clients: with only one additional statement

For the installation of kixtart at your local workstation we see many version of doing it.
Most statements in your BATch file are using for this duty.
But there is also a way of doing it with a single statement, which doesn't only copy
the required files, but also compare file version information. After completion a logfile
will be created at your local workstation.

Another way of installing/updating kixtart on your clients:

For installing or updating of your clients you can download our packages kix363update.exe,
kix400update.exe or kix401update.exe from our site http:\\home.wanadoo.nl\scripting .

Possible calls in your logon procedure can be:

As first line of your logon procedure you can use one of following formats:

  • x:\kixtart\kix401update.exe /q
  • %0\..\kix401update.exe /q
  • if not exist c:\kix401.ok %0\..\kix401update.exe /q

Second line can be something like:
  • kix32 %0\..\your_script.kix

Results of your BATCH can be:


@echo off
%0\..\kix401update.exe /q
kix32 %0\..\your_script.kix
@echo off

or for dial-up environments (= update package will transfer only once)

@echo off
if not exist c:\kix401.ok %0\..\kix401update.exe /q
kix32 %0\..\your_script.kix
@echo off

After using above programs there will be created a control
file c:\kix363.ok, c:\kix400.ok or c:\kix401.ok. So it isn't ne-
cessary to run the installation process again, but we advise to
update (or better: verify) kixtart files always.Reason: a secu-
rity leak for running kixtart from clients.

remarks: SECURITY LEAK for running kixtart from clients

running kix32.exe from a local workstation can have also unwanted effects. An user
can modify or replace your kix32.exe file. f.e. not to run your script but for
reading your script.
For RAS users it is interesting not to download each time the kixtart required files,
but for other user we advise:
always check the kixtart files and update them when necessary before running your KIX scripts.


In our case the first statement of our default logon procedure for network users is always:
%0\..\kix401update.exe /q
and it will guarantee that kix32.exe file will always the correct one.

remarks: performance

  • only 150 KBytes will be transfered to your workstation. the package has been compressed.
  • always the correct set of kixtart files will be used. during the execution of scripts
    the user can already starts working.
  • during installation or updating kixtart you will not get share violation error or busy file
    error. the install.kix scripts runs with his own kixtart version.
  • for RAS users we create additional authorizations which will run minimum set of script code.
    for them the logon procedure containts as statement:
    if not exist c:\kix401.ok %0\..\kix401update.exe /q


btw: related kixtart topic http://kixtart.org/board/Forum2/HTML/000583.html

btw: it is not necessary to modify the script of iexpress package. by possible
problems or requests put them
on the board or email them to us.

(KiX Supporter)
2002-01-09 11:50 PM
Re: NETLOGON or Local?


We have create an iexpress package which contains the wkix32.exe file.
During the installation process

  • it will verify the files wkix32.exe, kx16.dll, kx32.dll & kx95.dll
    missing files will be added. incorrect files will be replaced.
  • it will not influence the registry file association settings
  • the control file will be kix401w.ok instead of kix401.ok.
    The file on our site http://home.wanadoo.nl/scripting
    A possible call in your logon batch file can be:

    @echo off
    %0\..\wkix401update.exe /q
    rem - your script call
    @echo off

    We didn't create file association entries with wkix32.exe, because the way
    of correct calling can be different on different windows environments.

    The actual iexpress packages are:

    • kix401registry.exe
      (install kix32.exe with related DLLs files. it will remove the file associations
      .k2k, .kix, .scr and .udf and also it will remove
      the menu issues)

      (creates c:\kix401.ok as control file)

    • kix401update.exe
      (install kix32.exe with related DLLs files. it will add the file associations
      .k2k, .kix, .scr and .udf and also it will add
      the menu issues)

      (creates c:\kix401.ok as control file)

    • wkix401update.exe
      (install wkix32.exe with related DLLs files. it has no influience on file associations)

      (creates c:\kix401w.exe as control file)

    Any question, comment or remark is welcome.

    btw: Will kix401update will remove related file associations
    btw: Shane running the update from a script can result in unexpected results.
    it is possible that script one to replace open files or trying to run it isn't
    possible because kix32.exe isn't already installed.
    the best suggestion is to run kix401update.exe /q as first statement in
    your batch file.