(Hey THIS is FUN)
2009-02-25 05:35 AM
Ping Computer VB to KIX

I am trying to convert this VB script to kiX, i am gettting this error message

ERROR : IDispatch pointers not allowed in expressions!
Script: D:\kix\pingvb.KIX
Line : 10

Please help!!!
$objExcel = CreateObject('Excel.Application') $objExcel.Visible = True $objExcel.Workbooks.Add $intRow = 2 $objExcel.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Machine Name" $objExcel.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Results" $Fso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') $InputFile = $fso.OpenTextFile('d:\kix\MachineList.Txt') Do While NOT ($InputFile.atEndOfStream) $HostName = $InputFile.ReadLine $WshShell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell') $Ping = $WshShell.Run("ping -n 1 " $HostName, 0, True) $objExcel.Cells($intRow, 1).Value = $HostName Select Case $Ping Case 0 $objExcel.Cells($intRow, 2).Value = "On Line" Case 1 $objExcel.Cells($intRow, 2).Value = "Off Line" EndSelect $intRow = $intRow + 1 Loop $bjExcel.Range("A1:B1").Select $objExcel.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 $objExcel.Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 12 $objExcel.Selection.Font.Bold = True $objExcel.Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit

(MM club member)
2009-02-25 06:41 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

Looks like you might as well just do it in VB, there really is no KiX specific in there.

Now if you do want to use KiX look at the UDF WMIPing()

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2009-02-25 08:12 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

Hi Gargoyle

I need to wright the result to an excell file with the heading "Machine Name" and "result" then save the file.

(KiX Master Guru)
2009-02-25 08:17 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

what's line 10?

this perhaps: $InputFile = $fso.OpenTextFile('d:\kix\MachineList.Txt')

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2009-02-25 09:19 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

line 10 is: $objExcel.Workbooks.Add

(KiX Master Guru)
2009-02-25 10:16 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

oh, so the above code is not complete.

so, try simply changing:

$obj_WB = $objExcel.Workbooks.Add

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2009-02-25 11:14 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

Thanx Lonkero

Now that part is working, but I am getting error on:
ERROR : expected ')'!
Script: D:\kix\PingVB.KIX
Line : 36

line 36 is : $Ping = $WshShell.Run("ping -n 1 " $HostName, 0, True)

(KiX Master Guru)
2009-02-25 11:38 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

("ping -n 1 " $HostName

should be:
("ping -n 1 " + $HostName

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2009-02-25 11:48 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

Sorry Lonk

Same error, could u post the full line ??

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2009-02-25 02:01 PM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

Don't know why we're all reinventing the wheel, especially for something that's effectively pointless in the current concept (see my comments below on Ping). Maybe 15 years as a technology instructor makes me look at things from a different perspective, but found myself shaking my head this morning.

First rule of any project - define the goal and then outline the process. Write the process down, not in code, so you can read it and see if it makes sense.

Goal: We want to obtain a list of computers in the network at a given point in time and identify their operational status - Up or Down.

Process - We need to:
  • Read a file to get a list of hostnames - ReadFile() would return them in an array, easy to enumerate with a "For Each" loop.
  • Ping a host once and determine if it responds. Well, this is pointless for the desired goal.. A computer may not reply if it is busy, the routers may drop ICMP packets if they are busy, so there's a fair chance you'll not get a reply with just one ping - FALSE NEGATIVE. Then, most newer PC hardware will reply to a ping once the network hardware has been initialized by loading an O/S, even if the O/S hangs. So, you get a reply from the NIC from an effectively dead computer - FASLE POSITIVE.

    If you must use Ping(), the functions that I use will ping a number of times to account for the low priority of ICMP, but will exit after the first succesful reply. The result is fast and accurate. I usually use that to determine if a computer can reply, and then make some other type of connection, such as reading the service list on a Windows computer (WMISvcMgr('list', ,,'HostName') or making some other type of socket connection to *nix systems to see if it's actually "alive". This requires more advanced capabilities than what Kix offers today, so I use a Socket Ping utility I wrote in Perl for the *nix systems. KixForms has socket support, but it's currently broken. The point is - you must actually COMMUNICATE to the host O/S to determine if it is "up" or "down" - something Ping can't really do.

    A combination of Ping() and WMISvcMgr() will provide accurate results with minimal delay.
  • Determine the result and write to an Excel file - the xlLib UDF library exists with all the capabilities to read/write/format Excel files with minimal effort or understanding of COM.
I'm not picking on Saleem - asking questions is how we all learn, but gee-whillikers, guys! This can be done in a few lines of new code, encouraging the use of proven, tested UDFs. If you're a new coder, you can treat the UDF as a "black box", just as any other built-in function, and get your code operational quickly. Then, you can go back and examine the UDFs and really get an education in coding by picking apart that logic - slowly and methodically. These are luxuries you may not have when under pressure to get a job done, but are critical to expanding your knowledge. The logic, and even the coding style found in UDFs gives you a broader knowledge base than any book can provide.

I also keep referencing my Kix library. Most of the functions have been posted here on KORG, but I keep my library up to date, and the latest versions from my production library are formatted and pushed to the web site nightly. These functions meet our internal coding standards, so even if the function was written by someone else, it will often have many more comments explaining the what and why of the logic.

Here's some basic code to put this together with the UDFs I've mentioned. It's PSEUDO-CODE, meaning it's the concept, untested, and makes assumptions that you'll locate and load the needed UDFs and add some good practices like variable declarations and error checking. All but the ReadFile() UDF are on the resource pages of my web site, updated directly from my active development library, so much searching is eliminated.

; make sure followint UDFs are either CALLed or pasted into the script:
; ReadFile
; Ping
; xlLib
; WMISvcMgr

; good coders declare their vars here... ;)

; Prepare Excel
$oXL = xlInit()                   ; initialize Excel
xlBookCreate(xlBookCreate($oXl,1) ; create a workbook

; verify function syntax
$Hosts = ReadFile('myListOfHosts.txt')

$Row = 2  ; row of first Excel data, after any headers

; enumerate hosts
For Each $Host in $Hosts
  If Ping($Host)    ; got a ping reply, so do effective test
    $Junk = WMISvcMgr('list',,,$Host)
    If Not @ERROR   ; got a reply, so computer is alive *1
      $Data = $Host, 'Responds'
      xlRangeValue($oXl, 'A'+CStr($Row), $Data) ; write in Col A, starting in $Row
      $Row = $Row + 1  ; increment row pointer
  Else                 ; no response at all
    $Data = $Host, 'Fails'
    xlRangeValue($oXl, 'A'+CStr($Row), $Data)
    ; might want to consider formatting the data - red text for fail?
    $Row = $Row + 1  ; increment row pointer
; prolly want to write some header cells before you exit
xlFile($oXL, 1, 'log.xls')       ; write the excel file
xlQuit($oXl)                     ; close the excel session

(KiX Supporter)
2009-02-25 02:42 PM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

but gee-whillikers

I feel like I just took a 50 year journey back to the land of "Leave it to Beaver". Glenn are you Ward or Eddie Haskel?

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2009-02-25 03:13 PM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

I thought that might get some attention ;\)

Fell asleep last night with TV-Land on, I may well have been brainwashed by the Beav!


(KiX Master)
2009-02-26 03:15 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

"Ward... you were a little hard on the Beaver last night."

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2009-02-26 12:11 PM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

Dear Glenn Barnas

Sorry to lag this issue.

I tried with our script, made sure all the UDF are present and called, now I am not getting any error message, it creates a excel file called "log.xls" but file is empty.

Wondering why ??

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2009-02-26 01:12 PM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX


No apology needed! \:\)

The first thing would be to determine if you are actually getting data to write to the file. The best thing would be to write some diagnostic messages, such as:

Right after "If Ping($Host)", you could add " 'got Ping reply from ' $Host ? " - this would tell you if the computer replied.

After the "$Junk = WMISvcMgr('list',,,$Host)" line, you could add
"UBound($Junk) + 1 ' services were found' ?" - this will tell you how many services were reported by the remote system. Zero would indicate a problem that may not generate an error.

If those prove that your logic related to querying the hosts is working, then I'd focus on the Excel write logic. Since this is a new set of functionality for you, I'd recommend that you write a separate small script just to test writing to Excel. Verify that the commands are correct without the complexity of your actual program.. for example

oXL = xlInit()                   ; initialize Excel
xlBookCreate(xlBookCreate($oXl,1) ; create a workbook

For $Row = 2 to 11  ; write 10 rows of test data
  $Data = 'ThisHost', 'Responds'
  xlRangeValue($oXl, 'A'+CStr($Row), $Data) ; write in Col A, starting in $Row
xlFile($oXL, 1, 'log.xls')       ; write the excel file
xlQuit($oXl)                     ; close the excel session

Did this create a spreadsheet file with ten lines of data across two columns? Is the data in the range A2:B11?

By creating this simple test, you can verify that the core logic used to update the spreadsheet is functioning. If it fails, you have a very small set of commands to troubleshoot. Once you find the error, you can correct it in your main script and verify the change.

I don't know your scripting proficiency level, but the biggest challenge most of my students have is trying to troubleshoot their entire script at once. I always break things down into small pieces based on (lack of) familiarity or logic complexity. My current project has half a dozen small script segments to test new concepts or verify logic outside of the main script.

I also like to use the Msg() library that I wrote.. the Dbg('message') function will only output messages when the global var $DEBUG is true. Makes it easy to use debugging messages and then turn them off when putting a script into production.


(Hey THIS is FUN)
2009-03-01 05:53 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

That code is also giving empty result on 'log.xls'

Actuelly all I need is to see the set of computer from a text file, if it is pinging (or not piging) write it down to an Excell file and save the file.

I am not an advance coder but may be average,

Tnx for your help guys...

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2009-03-01 12:57 PM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

I'll take a look at the code...


Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2009-03-01 01:30 PM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

OK - missed something in my example.. The xlRangeValue can accept a simple value when writing ONE cell, but when writing a range, it requires an Array of Arrays. The outer array represents the rows, the inner array the columns in each row. Since we had only one row, my example was a simple array.

There was also a typo, probably intoduced when I answered the phone in the middle of my post and came back.. I had typed the name of the function twice.

Adding an "@SERROR ?" after the xlRangeValue() function displayed an error, which lead me to read the header info for that function in more detail. The solution is rather simple, but not obvious:
Change the Dim statement from
Dim $Data
Dim $Data[0]

Then, by adding the "[0]" array reference to the data assignment, we have an array of arrays, which makes the function happy. The file is now generated.

One key thing to point out - note that even though $Data was an array, and now it's a multi-dimensional array, we don't use any element references when we pass it to the functions (ie - we declare $Data[0], we put values into $Data[0], but we pass $Data, not $Data[0]). This syntax indicates that we want to pass the ENTIRE array to the function and not one element.

Here's the updated example code, for testing the xlLib and for your process.


xlLib test script:
Break On

Dim $Data[0]					; need to declare as an array

$oXL = xlInit()					; initialize Excel
$oWB = xlBookCreate($oXL, 1)			; create a workbook

For $Row = 2 to 11  				; write 10 rows of test data
  $Data[0] = 'ThisHost', 'Responds'		; create an array in array element 0
  $Pos = 'A'+CStr($Row)				; extracted this to be able to display value
  'writing to ' $Pos ?
  xlRangeValue($oXL, $Pos, $Data)		; write in Col A, starting in $Row
  @SERROR ?					; display the result while debugging

xlFile($oXL, 1, 'H:\log.xls')			; write the excel file
xlQuit($oXL)					; close the excel session

Your project code
; make sure following UDFs are either CALLed or pasted into the script:
; ReadFile
; Ping
; xlLib
; WMISvcMgr

; good coders declare their vars here... ;)
Dim $Data[0]					; need to declare as an array

; Prepare Excel
$oXL = xlInit()					; initialize Excel
$0WB = xlBookCreate($oXl,1)			; create a workbook

; verify function syntax
$Hosts = ReadFile('myListOfHosts.txt')

$Row = 2					; row of first Excel data, after any headers

; enumerate hosts
For Each $Host in $Hosts
  If Ping($Host)				; got a ping reply, so do effective test
    $Junk = WMISvcMgr('list',,,$Host)
    If Not @ERROR				; got a reply, so computer is alive *1
      $Data[0] = $Host, 'Responds'
      xlRangeValue($oXl, 'A'+CStr($Row), $Data)	; write in Col A, starting in $Row
      $Row = $Row + 1  ; increment row pointer
  Else                 ; no response at all
    $Data = $Host, 'Fails'
    xlRangeValue($oXl, 'A'+CStr($Row), $Data)
    ; might want to consider formatting the data - red text for fail?
    $Row = $Row + 1  ; increment row pointer

; might want to write some header cells before you exit
$ = xlFile($oXL, 1, 'log.xls')			; write the excel file
xlQuit($oXl)					; close the excel session

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2009-03-02 08:20 AM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

Thanx Glenn Barnas

This time it did the Job !!

made some slight ammenmends

Break on

Call "d:\kix\udf\ReadFile.udf"
Call "d:\kix\udf\ping.udf"
Call "d:\kix\udf\xlLib.udf"

Dim $Data[0]					

$oXL = xlInit()					
$0WB = xlBookCreate($oXl,1)			

$Hosts = ReadFile('d:\kix\MachineList.txt')

$Row = 2    
$head = 1	
$header1 = 'Computer Name'
$header2 = 'Responce'				
xlRangeValue($oXl, 'A'+CStr($head), $header1)
xlRangeValue($oXl, 'B'+CStr($head), $header2)

For Each $Host In $Hosts
  If Ping("$Host",0,5,1000)=1				
      $Data[0] = $Host, 'Responds'
      xlRangeValue($oXl, 'A'+CStr($Row), $Data)	
      $Row = $Row + 1 
    $Data[0] = $Host, 'Fails'
    xlRangeValue($oXl, 'A'+CStr($Row), $Data)   
    $Row = $Row + 1  

$ = xlFile($oXL, 1, 'd:\kix\log.xls')			


Thanx again Glenn

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2009-03-02 01:47 PM
Re: Ping Computer VB to KIX

Good going!

One suggestion.. you don't need to define separate variables for your can simplify it to this:
; write the header
$Row = 1
$Data[0] = 'Computer Name', 'Responce'
xlRangeValue($oXl, 'A'+CStr($Row), $Data)
$Row = 2 ; get ready to write the data in row 2
