(Fresh Scripter)
2006-01-17 11:22 PM
VBScript to Kix Script: MS Word settings

At login we set the Word 2000 File Locations to point to our local templates directories.

I found some Vbscript code on the internet that does this perfectly. It works in the background without opening Word and is called from the Kix Login Script. However I would prefer to keep the whole login script Kix based.

I am a newbie to Kix and know nothing about VB coding, so I would appreciate any help to convert the VB.

I have no idea how to handle the setting of the 'objoptions'.

Any help appreciated.

On Error Resume Next

Const wdUserTemplatesPath = 2
Const wdWorkgroupTemplatesPath = 3
Const wdAutoRecoverPath = 5
Const wdStartUpPath = 7

Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objOptions = objWord.Options
objOptions.DefaultFilePath(wdUserTemplatesPath) = "C:\UTemplates"
objOptions.DefaultFilePath(wdWorkgroupTemplatesPath) = "C:\WTemplates"
objOptions.DefaultFilePath(wdAutoRecoverPath) = "C:\AutoRecover"
objOptions.DefaultFilePath(wdStartUpPath) = "C:\StartUp"


(KiX Supporter)
2006-01-18 12:09 AM
Re: VBScript to Kix Script: MS Word settings

Well - got some bad news for you. If what you were trying to do was actually supported in Kixtart - your script would have look like this:


Break On

$wdUserTemplatesPath = 2
$wdWorkgroupTemplatesPath = 3
$wdAutoRecoverPath = 5
$wdStartUpPath = 7

$objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
$objOptions = $objWord.Options

$objOptions.DefaultFilePath($wdUserTemplatesPath) = "C:\UTemplates"
$objOptions.DefaultFilePath($wdWorkgroupTemplatesPath) = "C:\WTemplates"
$objOptions.DefaultFilePath($wdAutoRecoverPath) = "C:\AutoRecover"
$objOptions.DefaultFilePath($wdStartUpPath) = "C:\StartUp"

$objWord = 0

Exit 0

BUT - unfortunately, this line here:

$objOptions.DefaultFilePath($wdUserTemplatesPath) = "C:\UTemplates"

and the other three lines below it ARE NOT supported by Kixtart. In Kixtart, you cant write to a property that has arguments. You can only read them. We've been down this road with the Developer - and he has stated that implementing support for this will not be possible.

So - unless you can find another PROPERTY or METHOD that does what you want it to do - think you'll have to stick with VBS for this small bit.

(Fresh Scripter)
2006-01-18 07:58 PM
Re: VBScript to Kix Script: MS Word settings

Unfortunate, thanks for answering the query.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-01-18 08:11 PM
Re: VBScript to Kix Script: MS Word settings

however, look here: