(Fresh Scripter)
2004-07-09 04:31 PM
bug ?

I'm using kixtart with windows 2003 and dfs file share. When i set the users home directory to DomainName\Dfsroot\users\user1 i get the right drive mapping (pointing to user1 on the shared dirctory) from the logon server but @homeshr point only to DomainName\Dfsroot\

Is this a bug? is there a workaround ?

thanks for help

(KiX Master)
2004-07-09 04:37 PM
Re: bug ?

If you set the users home directory, and expect @HomeShr, it must not be in KiX but rather in the user's profile. What you describe is a not a bug but a limitation of the @HomeShr macro in dealing with DFS.

(Fresh Scripter)
2004-07-09 04:46 PM
Re: bug ?

ok that mightbe but

why can i connect a drive in explorer using \\domainName\DFSRoot\user1 without any prob

and error 1351
when i try use x: \\domainName\DFSRoot\user1

(Fresh Scripter)
2004-07-09 04:52 PM
Re: bug ?

And there another way to know what the users home directory is when it resides on a DFS Share ????

(KiX Master)
2004-07-09 07:53 PM
Re: bug ?

My user home folders are on DFS. I did initially try to assign it in the user's profile but ran into some weirdness so now I map it with:
NET USE \\domain.local\DFSRoot\%USERNAME%

both NET USE and USE LIST will report the mappings using DFS nomenclature.

(Fresh Scripter)
2004-07-09 08:44 PM
Re: bug ?

so you don't use the kix use command but step back to the net command ? shell and so on ? then i should use a simple batch file instead of kixtart ? is that what you mean ???

(Fresh Scripter)
2004-07-09 10:00 PM
Re: bug ?

but i have to admit shell "net use andsoon" works fine
thanks alot

(KiX Master)
2004-07-09 11:09 PM
Re: bug ?


then i should use a simple batch file instead of kixtart ?

That's what I use. My users run a DOS GPO script that is just a few lines long. No KiX needed to simply map three drives.

I use KiX only for admin scripting, not logon scripting.

(Fresh Scripter)
2004-07-10 12:09 AM
Re: bug ?

then its not a bug but a functionnality