MM club member
Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
And again with your latest post!!!
Wxp Pro NL Latest KixForms Checker RC1
own slider:
Function slide($sc,$scv) Dim $t,$d,$p,$l,$c,$h,$w,$h1,$poplabel,$sl $d = 1 $h = 22 $h1 = 18 $w = 300 $p = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form") $p.height = 0 $t=$p.screen.height-taskbar() $p.height = 0 $p.width = $w + 6 $p.fontsize = 10 $p.fontname = "helvetica" $p.forecolor = 0 $p.fontbold = 0 $p.BorderStyle = 0 $p.backcolor = $p.RGB(255,255,0) $p.Top = $t $p.Left = $p.screen.width-$p.width-20
$poplabel = $p.label($sc,4,2+$h1/2,$w-2,2*$h1) $poplabel.backcolor = $p.rgb(255,255,0) $poplabel.borderstyle = 0 $poplabel.alignment = 2 $p.onmousemove="$$poplabel.fontbold=0 $$poplabel.fontunderline=0" $poplabel.onmousemove="$$poplabel.fontbold=0 $$poplabel.fontunderline=1" $poplabel.onmouseup="$runie "+Chr(34)+$scv+Chr(34)+"' sleep 0.5 $$p.visible=0 "
$c = $p.Timer(20) $c.OnTimer = " If $$d=1 $$p.Top=$$p.Top - 1 $$p.height=$$p.Height+1
$$ptopline=$$p.line(0,0,$$p.width,0) $$pleftline=$$p.line(0,0,0,$$p.height) $$prightline=$$p.line($$p.width-1,0,$$p.width-1,$$p.height) $$p.forecolor=$$p.RGB(255,255,0) $$pbottomline=$$p.line(1,$$p.height-2,$$p.width-1,$$p.height-2) $$p.forecolor=0 $$pbottomline=$$p.line(0,$$p.height-1,$$p.width,$$p.height-1)
If $$p.top<($$t-3*$h1) $$c.Interval=3000 $$d=0 EndIf Else If $$d=2 $$c.Interval=20 $$p.Top=$$p.Top + 1 $$p.height=$$p.Height-1
$$ptopline=$$p.line(0,0,$$p.width,0) $$pleftline=$$p.line(0,0,0,$$p.height) $$prightline=$$p.line($$p.width-1,0,$$p.width-1,$$p.height) $$p.forecolor=$$p.RGB(255,255,0) $$pbottomline=$$p.line(1,$$p.height-2,$$p.width-1,$$p.height-2) $$p.forecolor=0 $$pbottomline=$$p.line(0,$$p.height-1,$$p.width,$$p.height-1)
If $$p.top>$$t $$c.Enabled=0 $$p.Hide EndIf Else $$d=2 EndIf EndIf " $p.height=0 $p.Show $p.ShowInTaskbar = 0 $p.TopMost = 1
While $p.Visible $sl=Execute($p.DoEvents) Loop
$p = 0 $poplabel = 0 $ptopline = 0 $pleftline = 0 $prightline = 0 $pbottomline = 0 $c=0
Greetz, Patrick Rutten
- We'll either find a way or make one... - Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful... - Problems don't exist; they are challenges...