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#87867 - 2002-09-15 11:34 PM Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
A few changes, a few bug fixes and a few enhancements announced with the release of Kixforms 2.0.5 (Build 33). Available for download at

The KiXforms Website

Heres the summary for this release:

2.0.5 Build 33

- Improved task switching behavior. Form now restores
keyboard focus back to previous control when task
switching between forms and other windows applications.
Next step - enable same feature when switching
within forms itself.

- Fixed some behaviors of the HyperLink object.

- Can now retrieve the Value (URL) property.

- Corrected constructor to properly display Caption.

- ToolTips are now DISABLED by default. The following
example sets the ToolTip to be the same as the VALUE
(URL) property text:

$HyperLink.ToolTip = $HyperLink.Value

- Added FontTransparent property to Form object. By default,
FontTransparent is set to TRUE. To print text on a form
and have graphics underneath totally erased, set
FontTransparent to FALSE.

* Note when using proportional font "spaces" to overwrite text
on a form. The space character in a proportional-font can
is very narrow (thin), and may require many more of them to
fully overwrite the entire text area.

- Added the OnActivate and OnDeactivate events to FORM
object. Occurs when a form is activated or deactivated
by the user (task switching), or through code (popups).
The very first (initial) OnActivate event for the main
form object cannot be captured in the current release.

- Added enhanced auto-refresh for Left,Top,Width,Height

- Added OnKeyDown event. Occurs when a user presses
a key while the object has the focus.

- Added KeyCode property. Gets the key code associated
with the key that caused the OnKeyDown Event.

- Fixed Sorted and List property memory leak.

- Fixed automatic vertical and horizontal scroll bars
for ListBox and ComboBox object.

Will be posting to this space with comments and sample scripts demontrating some of the new behaviors. As always, please feel free to post any and all questions, comments and ideas into this space.


[ 15. September 2002, 23:54: Message edited by: Shawn ]

#87868 - 2002-09-15 11:37 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
hyperlink constructor fix:
sorry shawn, but the caption does not show up correctly...
so, getting back to start when I said that it's not about hyperlink... still, seems to be the slider.

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#87869 - 2002-09-15 11:40 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Can you post an example of what the problem is ?
#87870 - 2002-09-15 11:49 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
k ... i see one thingy ... when the Caption for a HyperLink is set, than the size of the HyperLink is changed in anyway, the Caption does not "re-align" to the new dimensions ... yeah ?
#87871 - 2002-09-15 11:51 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
shawn, I'm not good at writing the problem-show-scripts...
I migth do you one anyway if I can reproduce, that is...

that I know, that the slider has not shown the hyperlink at any version correctly.

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#87872 - 2002-09-16 12:24 AM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
ok, no "bug" in there.
setting the hyperlink width to 5000 helped.

sorry to bother with this, but the autoline-thing was too much...

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#87873 - 2002-09-16 01:41 AM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Your still correct though Jooel - the HyperLink object still needs a bit of work. It was engineered to be setup and used only once ... not too smart in terms of changing the caption and auto-resiing etc ... will fix going-forward ...
#87874 - 2002-09-16 06:29 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
shawn, what could this be?;f=13;t=000302#000017 (hoby's post)

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#87875 - 2002-09-16 08:31 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Jooel - its could one of maybe couple things. Kixforms can cause a stack overflow (the only time i've ever seen it happen is during development when I've screwup the window classes) ... or a script can stack overflow though recursion (which your not doing) ... or maybe more likey, some "resource" is being used-up and not freed properly - little fuzzy on that last one, but it could be many things.

If Kixforms stack-overflows ... you usually see it right away - even before the form displays ... something that takes hours to crash sounds more like something slowly being eaten away at - and then crashes ... don't know what that "thing" might be though ... lets keep our collective eyes on it though.

#87876 - 2002-09-16 09:18 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
punkie Offline
Getting the hang of it

Registered: 2002-06-23
Posts: 67
I know there will be posted demos soon but I'm kinda bored here and wanted to play with the ComboBox, just can't figure out how it works without the documentation.

Anyone know how to do it?

#87877 - 2002-09-16 09:22 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
well, there is documentation some sort...
anyway, basic combobox:


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#87878 - 2002-09-16 09:26 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
punkie Offline
Getting the hang of it

Registered: 2002-06-23
Posts: 67
Thanks, that did it.
#87879 - 2002-09-16 11:41 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
shawn, I don't know how long you have ran that new checker...
I did for ten hours and decided to boot my machine as saw something eating up the memory.
I stopped all things, and lastly checker.

opened the taskmanager to see did those stopping help:

even though it's finnish, you can see the change...

it dropped from 280 to 126...
that's pretty good memory consumption, isn't it?

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#87880 - 2002-09-16 11:48 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
The only piece of Kixforms where I know for sure that there is a (small) memory leak is with the Timer object ... if you leave the timer running for a long period of time ... its will very slowly start to eat up memory ... are you still using the timer object for the slider ... if yes - I have more to say about that ...
#87881 - 2002-09-17 12:55 AM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
I still use it alright...

I'll leave the checker running again.
just not what I thought, as I don't this want to be like m$ app, which has to be restarted every day.

what comes to timer of the slider, it is cleaned up every time after the slider runs.

the timer of the mainform is different thing as it runs all the time.

[ 17. September 2002, 00:58: Message edited by: Lonkero ]

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#87882 - 2002-09-17 05:30 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
punkie Offline
Getting the hang of it

Registered: 2002-06-23
Posts: 67
Not sure if anyone has mention this before but the ToolTip don't support line breaks.
#87883 - 2002-09-17 09:26 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Ill check into that one Punkie.
#87884 - 2002-09-17 09:32 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Kixforms needs to get OnAfterUpdate event handling support !
#87885 - 2002-09-17 10:00 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
missed that multiline tooltip too...

what you mean with that onafterupdate?
after update of what?

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#87886 - 2002-09-17 10:24 PM Re: Kixforms 2.0.5 Released
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
ok, now it has run for 21 hours and memory usage is 350M! nice.

anyway, there is something else too, when opened the misc, it does not draw anymore.
it's transparent. meaning that it shows in it background the ie window behind it...

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