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#87726 - 2002-09-13 12:51 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

The last error was expected, since PROGMAN first checks the executable in the "command line" for an icon. There is none so the error could be expected.


how can I make the text displayed in the slider contain more data? (the width of the slider is easy...)
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87727 - 2002-09-13 12:53 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

only for the checker hardcode the progra~1 in the inst.kix
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87728 - 2002-09-13 12:56 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
pat, if you get this posts $show correctly shown in slider, I'll buy you a six pack... what ever beer you prefer!

you can adjust the width to be 800 and still it fails to show it.

all it shows is:
"BBChecker II - Update -"

and I don't know why...


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#87729 - 2002-09-13 01:23 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

Put the beer in the fridge (Heineken is fine) [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

I think I found a bug in KiXForms!!!

place the following in the beginning of bbCkecker.kix
Break ON
Gosub "init"
Play "1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t4d400f"
Exit 0

Make the slider 300 wide and also adjust the width to 296.
Then see what happens
If $show contains no spaces much more text is displayed!!! [Eek!]

Hmmm how does hyperlink work???


please verify...
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87730 - 2002-09-13 01:39 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
I think shawn is trinking your heineken [Big Grin]

I discovered that it had something to do with spaces as it cut's the line at some point if there is spaces.
but the question is why?

it's not problem of hyperlink (in the main window it shows correctly) but it has something to do with our slider...

still, if I would have sticked with the old one, this problem would not happen...

shawn, call #2


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#87731 - 2002-09-13 01:51 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
burp (excuse me) ... kan u repraduze tha prublim
wit jus e zimpel form ... i kan na typ 2
strait -me drin 2 ma hinykin ...

[ 13. September 2002, 01:51: Message edited by: Shawn ]

#87732 - 2002-09-13 01:54 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
pat, I'm heading for bed now (2:55 am) as tv shows only discussion about ufo's (until 6:00am)...

but, I think you have uttleast tried for a minute the bbchecker rc2.
that's why I ask, is the change afwul?

also, I'll be wanting to change something else too.

like the hide and show buttons for history and buddyes...

what comes to flat (office xp style) buttons, I think they are neat and will be wanting to go for them in release of 2.5

2.5 a major major upgrade...

anyway, at the state I get some board related stuff like show topic's by board and such implemented, I'll make it a honeymoon.

well, I'm dreaming about lots of things and the bed keeps calling me. I shall give up...

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#87733 - 2002-09-13 01:56 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
shawn, I've drinked .5L vodka and I don't speak as bad as you... what you have been up to?

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#87734 - 2002-09-13 02:02 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

if you use the old formlink code, you're able to put more text in the link,

try this

; BBChecker II - KiXtart Bulleting Board New Post Checker
; Dependencies:
; Wkix32 - GUIfriendly KiXtart 4.11
; kixforms.dll - KiXForms 2.0.3
; IE5
; -Lonkero


Break ON
Gosub "init"
Play "1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t4d400f"
;Enable following two lines for testing the slider
slide("Yahoo, Jooel is buying me a six-pack of Heineken!!!","")
Exit 0
While $m.visible
Gosub "final"
Exit 0


Function update()
If $show
$m.caption=$show+" - BBChecker II"
If $Beep
Play "1g256t1d500f1g256t1d400f1g256t1d600f"
If $fo=0 AND $sslider


Function parse()
$httpobj.Open("GET","", NOT 1)
$httpobj.send() $data=$httpobj.responsetext
If 5000<Len($data)
$bl.clear $bll.clear
If InStr($data,'ubb=get_profile')<InStr($data,'guest(s)')
$users=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,' and'))
For Each $user IN Split($users,'</a>, ')
For $c=0 TO 7
$data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,'&nbsp;<a href=')+15)
$x[$c]=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,'</a>') - 1)+" "
If InStr(SubStr($data,1,1),"<")
If $my AND InStr($users,$logon)
For $=0 TO 7
If $x[$]<>$old[$]
$hl.additem($x[$]+" "+Left(@time,5)+" on @mdayno. of "+Left(@month,3)+" {"+$forum[$]+"}",0)


Function show($)
If $m.height=340
If $=2
$ = $m.height-38
$ = $m.height-20
$ = $
$ = $
$ = $


Function hide($)
If $=1
$$screen - (taskbar() + $m.height - 3)
$ = $m.height-38
$ = $m.height-20
$ = $
$ = $
$ = $


Function TaskBar()
If @dos=="4.0"


Function slide($sc,$scv)
Dim $t,$d,$l,$c,$p
$t = $screen - taskbar()
$d = 1
$h = 22 ;PR ADDED
$h1 = 18 ;PR ADDED
$w = 500 ;PR ADDED
$p = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")
$p.borderstyle = 0
$p.height = 0 ;PR $p.Height = 22
$p.width = $w + 6 ;PR $p.Width = 200
$p.fontsize = 10
$p.fontname = "helvetica"
$p.forecolor = 0
$p.fontbold = 1
$p.borderstyle = 1
$p.backcolor = $p.rgb(255,255,0)
$ = $t
$p.Left = $m.screen.width-$p.width-1 ;PR $p.Left = $m.screen.width-660
$p.showintaskbar = 0
;PR $l = $p.hyperlink($sc,2,2,296,18) ;PR $l = $p.hyperlink($sc,2,2,196,18)
;PR $l.backcolor = $p.rgb(255,255,0)
;PR $l.borderstyle = 0
;PR $l.alignment = 2
;PR $l.value = $scv
$poplabel = $p.label($sc,2,$h1,$w,$h1) ;PR ADDED
$poplabel.backcolor = $p.rgb(255,255,0) ;PR ADDED
$poplabel.borderstyle = 0 ;PR ADDED
$poplabel.alignment = 2 ;PR ADDED
$p.onmousemove="$$poplabel.fontbold=1 $$poplabel.fontunderline=0" ;PR ADDED
$poplabel.onmousemove="$$poplabel.fontbold=1 $$poplabel.fontunderline=1" ;PR ADDED
$poplabel.onmouseup="$runie "+Chr(34)+$scv+Chr(34)+"' sleep 0.5 $$p.visible=0 " ;PR ADDED
$c = $p.timer(20)
$c.ontimer = "
If $$d=1
$$p.height=$$p.Height+1 ;PR added
If $$<($$t-3*$h1) ;PR If $$<($$t-40)
If $$d=2
$$$$p.Top + 1
$$p.height=$$p.Height-1 ;PR added
If $$>$$t
$p.topmost = 1
While $p.visible


Function misc()
$f = CreateObject("kixtart.form")
$f.caption = "bbChecker II - Miscellaneous"
$f.width = 250
$f.height = 350
$ = $screen/2-100
$f.Left = $f.screen.width-720
$f.fontname = "Bookman Old Style"
$f.printxy(20,10,"bbChecker II 1.1")
$f.printxy(20,30,"Based on:")
$f.printxy(20,45,"Kixtart 4.11 (wkix32.exe)")
$f.printxy(20,60,"KixForms GUI (KixForms.dll)")
$f.printxy(20,80,"Special thanks for helping me out")
$f.printxy(20,95,"and making things possible go to:")
$f.printxy(20,110,"Ruud Van Velsen")
$f.printxy(20,125,"Shawn Tassie")
$f.printxy(20,140,"Chris S. ,Patrick Rutten ...")
$f.printxy(20,155,"everyone contributing to bbs")
$f.fontname = "helvetica"
$fp = $f.checkbox("Don't show my posts",20,235,130,15)
$fpt = $f.textbox($logon,150,235,65,17)
$lt = $f.textbox($looptime,150,258,25,17)
$f.printxy(20,260,"Post check interval (secs):")
$foc = $f.checkbox("Beep on post",20,280,110,15)
$fs = $f.checkbox("Show slider",20,300,90,15)
$fp.value = $my
If $fp.value
$foc.value = $Beep
$fs.value = $sslider
$fb = $f.button("OK",170,305,75,20)
$fb.onclick = 'if val($$lt.text)<10 $$lt.text="10" else $$f.visible=0 endif'
While $f.visible
If $fp.value
If 99<Val($lt.text)
$looptime = Val($lt.text)
$Beep = $foc.value
$sslider = $fs.value
$my = $fp.value


$m = CreateObject("kixtart.form")
Global $x[7]
$forum=Split("Starters Scripts General COM UDF Beta Suggestions FAQ")
$old=$x $y=$x
$runie = "run '"+ReadValue("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile\shell\open\command","")+" "
$m.caption = "BBChecker II"
$m.width = 430
$m.height = 40
$m.Left = $m.screen.width - $m.width - 20
$m.borderstyle = 0
$m.fontsize = 8
$m.fontname = "helvetica"
$m.forecolor = 0
$m.fontbold = 0
$m.onlostfocus = "$$fo=0"
$m.ongotfocus = "$$fo=1"
$msg = $m.hyperlink("Loading elements...",15,2,410,15)
$ = $screen - (taskbar() + $m.height - 3)
$fbe = $m.button("Exit",2,20,65,19)
$fbe.onclick = "$$m.visible = 0"
$fbs = $m.button("Miscellaneous",69,20,80,19)
$fbs.onmouseup = "misc()"
$fbs.tooltip="Checker's Settings and info"
$fbh = $m.button("History",$m.width - 68,20,65,19)
$fbh.onclick = "$$fbh.enabled=0 show(2) $$m.setfocus()"
$fbb = $m.button("Buddyes",$fbh.Left - 68,20,65,19)
$fbb.onclick = "$$fbb.enabled=0 show(1) $$m.setfocus()"
$m.visible = 1
;history block
$hl = $m.listbox(0,2,2,426,170)
$hl.visible = 0
$hl.ondblclick = "$$ $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$hl.tooltip="Posts since checker started. hint: doubleclick to open topic"
$hbh = $m.button("Hide",$m.width - 80,175,75,20)
$hbh.visible = 0
$hbh.onclick = "hide(2) $$fo=1"
$hbo = $m.button("Show Topic",5,175,75,20)
$hbo.visible = 0
$hbo.onclick = "$$ $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$hbo.tooltip="Show selected topic in browser"
$hba = $m.button("Today's Active topics",150,175,130,20)
$hba.visible = 0
$hba.onclick = "$$ $runie "+Chr(34)+$org+"get_daily"+Chr(34)+"'"
$hba.tooltip="Show today's active topics in browser. Note:days are switches by board time."
$hlurl = $m.listbox(0,0,0,0,20)
$hlurl.visible = 0
;buddyes block
$bl = $m.listbox(0,2,15,200,80)
$bl.visible = 0
$bll = $m.listbox(0,0,0,0,20)
$bll.visible = 0
$blt = $m.label("Logged on users:",5,2,150,12)
$blt.visible = 0
$bbh = $m.button("Hide",$m.width - 80,15,75,20)
$bbh.visible = 0
$bbh.onclick = "hide(1) $$fo=1"
$bbp = $m.button("Show Profile",210,15,78,20)
$bbp.visible = 0
$bbp.onclick = "$$ $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+$org+"get_profile;u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$bbr = $m.button("Recent Posts",210,40,78,20)
$bbr.visible = 0
$bbr.onclick = "$$ $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+$org+"recent_user_posts;u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$bbm = $m.button("Send Message",210,65,78,20)
$bbm.visible = 0
$bbm.onclick = "$$ $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+$org+"private_message;u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
If NOT KeyExist($bk)
$=MessageBox("bbChecker II installation corruption!@crlfThis propably is due to unclean installation@crlfRe-install needed","bbChecker II",16)
Exit 0
;xmlhttp related func
$xk="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"
$httpobj = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
;finalize starting
$msg.caption = ""
$Loop = $m.timer(1000*$looptime)



Going to bed too (2:02 AM), sleep tight. Don't let the KiX(forms) bugs bite... [Big Grin]

[ 13. September 2002, 08:02: Message edited by: MightyR1 ]
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87735 - 2002-09-13 02:09 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
can't leave the board...
ppl will be angry tomorrow at work!

anyway, what comes to the problem, only shawn can answer (if he is not too drunk [Razz] ) why the hyperlink works in the form but not in slider...


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#87736 - 2002-09-13 08:37 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

here's some code for you to try:

Break ON
$m = CreateObject("kixtart.form")
$m.caption = "Test .hyperlink object"
$m.width = 800
$m.height = 100
$$m.screen.height - $m.height) / 2
$m.Left = ($m.screen.width - $m.width) / 2
$m.borderstyle = 1
$m.fontsize = 8
$m.fontname = "helvetica"
$m.forecolor = 0
$m.fontbold = 0
$m.visible = 1
$x="Hover over a hyperlink to see a tooltip. Notice the tooltip contains the full string!!!"
$label = $m.label($x,15,2,750,15)
$x = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"
$msg = $m.hyperlink($x,15,29,750,15)
$x = "This_is_a_very_long_text_without_any_spaces_in_it_to_test_the_.hyperlink_object._As_you_can_see_it_is_able_to_use_a_long_text_as_long_as_there_are_no_spaces_in_it..."
$msg1 = $m.hyperlink($x,15,48,750,15)
While $m.visible
Exit 0


as you can see the bug also appears "outside" the slider...
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87737 - 2002-09-13 09:37 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
back in business...

had to come with taxi to work and yes, bosses were angry...

I'll check this more indebt later, but I wonder why it works with checkers main form...
well, it's not very long line anyway, but why the inconsistency...

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#87738 - 2002-09-13 09:42 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
first problem found with the integrated slider.

this is again a reason to draw back to the old one which was outside the main script file.

during the slider, the checker is not responding at all, and that is big no-no...

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#87739 - 2002-09-13 02:16 PM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK

I took liberty to start testing with 4.12 beta1 and got myself in one part (my bad) logged of the machine as needed to forcibly kill wkix...

well, after I logged back in, nothing worked anymore, can't access almost anything else but taskmanager!

nice, seems that something has broken my profile and offcourse I do not have backups...

counting the stuff together what has happened today, I can say, this day truly is friday 13.

not sure, can I get my machine up and running today... really nice.

{edit} had to fix layout as you have pretty long line there...

[ 13. September 2002, 14:18: Message edited by: Lonkero ]

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#87740 - 2002-09-15 01:15 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
ok, got the checker code fixed and it seems fine.

current code name for it is rc3 and I will not turn it to package either.

only thing changed is the script itself.
if it has no problems, will fix my installer and post the release asap.


download KiXnet

#87741 - 2002-09-15 01:28 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Can you provide link to BBChecker II again .. maybe start another new thread kinda thingy ?
#87742 - 2002-09-15 01:29 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Patrick ! Wonderfull ... love it when the problem can be reduced into a manageable (changable) mini script - thanks dude ! Will give it a shot !
#87743 - 2002-09-15 01:32 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
Shawn, Go ahead shoot...

But please don't shoot ME [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

[ 15. September 2002, 01:32: Message edited by: MightyR1 ]
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87744 - 2002-09-15 01:32 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
shawn, if there is new issues, which will blow the topic, why not.

until then, it seems that final is so close, that will create the new topic when it's here.

the link:

I also placed the wkix 4.12 beta 1 there, as that is the version I'm running currently...

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#87745 - 2002-09-15 01:38 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Jooel - I guess the nice thing about having the slider "outside" the script ... is that maybe you could "publish" different sliders ... and plug-and-play them ... you know - some big - some small - some fancy - like you say - modular scripting [Wink]

See Patrick - that made it so easy - even though I'm not a home right now (no code) - know pretty much what it is ... your aware that the CAPTION property, used after the control is created - still works though (yeah?), example:

$x = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"
$msg = $m.hyperlink($x,15,29,750,15)
$msg.caption = $x

Thinnk the problem is just in the caption used in the constructor.

[ 15. September 2002, 01:39: Message edited by: Shawn ]

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