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#87686 - 2002-09-10 03:40 PM BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611

Flat buttons - there are a couple ways to do that with the current release:

$Button.Appearance = 0 ; flat control button

$Button.BorderStyle = 2 ; sunken (non-raised) window style

$Button.BorderStyle = 5 ; lightly-sunken (non-raised) window style

in terms of those window guards ... and double clicks - best (easiest) thing to do is make a IF CHECK to see if the resulting HEIGHT will be too big ... or too small ... before the Window Height gets set ... if yes ... then just ignore the click and do nothing.

#87687 - 2002-09-10 03:51 PM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611

I downloaded your version ... added the debug lines like this:

Break on
Gosub "init"

Sleep 3
slide("KiX me","")
Exit 0

what should I be looking for ? ... right now it initializes, then slides a KIX ME message, then exits ...


#87688 - 2002-09-10 04:59 PM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
thank you for creating new topic. was thinking whole about that but was too lazy...

well, I announce also new build with send pm link.
current build sources

shawn, what he is after that (if we are talking the same thing still)...
if you set the slider window to be topmost, the hyperlink does not function as link anymore, it just shows the stuff.

I quess, setting the topmost property freezes the event-handler somehow...
well, timer works still, but controls don't.

[ 10. September 2002, 17:02: Message edited by: Lonkero ]

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#87689 - 2002-09-10 05:04 PM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
k - that slider window is pretty fast though ... kinda tough to click through it...

on another note jooel .. are you a TIMER fan - or not ... I modified the script little bit to have the main parse routine called on a timer event. Works pretty well ... the timer interval is set to $SLEEP*1000 ... and if MISC() is called - just resets the timer interval to that ... i removed all the INLINE calls and now just have a small doevents loop at the top of the script. The script now exits immediately instead of hanging around ... just some food for thought.


#87690 - 2002-09-10 06:23 PM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
who is simple?

I didn't even thought it like that...

hey, thanks, will have to test it like that.

anyway, what comes to that doubleclick, making the execute twice in inline got the form faster too... and this way one needs quicker clicking to make that flaw come up.
but, you talked about that control, then I would need to call also misc() differently as it can be doubled too...

anyhow, it seems that I'll become timer lover as I get the idea sucked in to my head first.

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#87691 - 2002-09-10 11:20 PM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

Jooel is right. Clicking "KiX me" with .Topmost active doesn't work. Removing .Topmost solves it but doesn't get the window on top.
I think I'm going to concentrate on Jooel's new version for now. Maybe I see some improvements...(if it's possible [Wink] )

BTW how far are you with the KiXforms documentation? Some items can't be found on the KiXforms site yet. Is there a beta version of a document (like the KiX manual)?


I'm playing around with your latest version now. Is there something you'd like me to investigate???
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87692 - 2002-09-10 11:54 PM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
pat, right now nothing much... like you have done alright [Big Grin]

anyway, I'm thinking about making the history by forum.
and collection list...
buttons or something on top of the history list to select what is displayed at the time...

nice layout is still waiting for kixforms 2.0.4...
I could implement it already but it could increase the code size which I want to keep as low as possible...

lets say, that your ideas are totally welcome! as example the fix and finding the bug of forms you did with chris or the timing thing shawn told me...
these are the things I love to remember... you know, someone really teaches my, not just says that I should know everything.

anyway, I propably will need your help with bbcodeparser (have you tried it?) which I plan to incorporate in checker.

all your thoughts about the layout are welcome...

I'm thinking about like the flat look of the buttons and such... what looks nice in the eye...

[ 10. September 2002, 23:56: Message edited by: Lonkero ]

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#87693 - 2002-09-11 12:00 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

If anything comes to mind I let you know...

The BBcodeparser is used by me at home. It can't pass our (not managed by me) proxyserver at work...
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87694 - 2002-09-11 12:04 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
rclarke Offline
Starting to like KiXtart

Registered: 2001-06-08
Posts: 178
Loc: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
Hi Patrick,

In reference to your second question, I am under the impression that Shawn will be rightly concentrating on the coding of KiXforms rather than retrospectively producing detailed documentation. Shawn has already given us the basics, so with a little experimentation we can work out the rest. Although I am planning to work through all the Objects, Properties, Methods and Events to fill in the gaps in the website, this is a big task for just one person, especially when my work is so demanding at the moment (we are changing email infrastructure for the whole company globally).

I have stated on the KiXforms index page that “if anyone would like to help and have a go at documenting a particular Property then please feel free to do so and I will make sure you get credited”, however I have not had any takers so far [Frown] . We would get this done far quicker if a few people were able to contribute by documenting just one control. The good news is that once all the documentation is complete, I will be compiling a Word document, a PDF and maybe even a compiled HTML help file, which will then be downloadable from the site.



#87695 - 2002-09-11 12:19 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
rod, I quess the problem is that some of us are too lazy to write docs... it's quicker to just scroll the typelibrary and try out...

anyway, your bleed for assistance is so significant that there might even be someone making a move.

btw, haven't checked so well where you're at currently but I have one quickie:
button - shortcut for commandbutton

[ 11. September 2002, 00:21: Message edited by: Lonkero ]

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#87696 - 2002-09-11 12:30 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
rclarke Offline
Starting to like KiXtart

Registered: 2001-06-08
Posts: 178
Loc: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
Yeah Jooel, I know what you mean. Most people hate writing documentation as it is such a time consuming exercise. However, not everyone who would like to use KiXforms is as confident as you in using a tool like the TypeLibrary viewer. Plus that still only gives you syntax, not the potential values or their format. One day the KiXforms’ site will be complete. If I receive help, then that will be sooner rather than later, if I don’t, then everyone will just have to wait a little while longer [Wink]



P.S. The shortcuts on the documentation page for Button to CommandButton, and RadioButton to OptionButton are already implemented, but thanks anyway. [Smile]

[ 11. September 2002, 00:34: Message edited by: rclarke ]

#87697 - 2002-09-11 12:34 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
ok guys - good work - the TOPMOST bug identified and squashed ... it always helps when the problem is distilled down into a small repro script ...


here's something to try in the meantime ... what was happening was that when using TOPMOST = TRUE ... the form went DISABLED ... this might be temp work-around:

$Popup.TopMost = 1 ; True

$Popup.Enabled = 1 ; True


[ 11. September 2002, 00:38: Message edited by: Shawn ]

#87698 - 2002-09-11 12:46 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

I'm offering my help for documenting, but since I'm new to Kixforms (digged into it with the bbchecker) I'll have to learn much before documenting.
Therefore my Q for any docu so far.
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87699 - 2002-09-11 12:49 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Chris S. Offline
MM club member

Registered: 2002-03-18
Posts: 2368
Loc: Earth
Rod, I'll help you document KiXforms if you'll consider switching to frames. [Wink]

Ok, maybe even if you don't. But, it sure would help speed up loading the pages here across the pond if we didn't have to reload the button menu with every page.

#87700 - 2002-09-11 12:56 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
rclarke Offline
Starting to like KiXtart

Registered: 2001-06-08
Posts: 178
Loc: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
No worries Patrick, any help you can provide when you feeling confident will be much appreciated. T.B.H. I find it much easier to revise and embellish upon existing documentation (even if it is really rough) than start with a completely blank sheet of paper. At the last count there were 49 controls that still need documenting, so there is plenty to go around [Wink]



#87701 - 2002-09-11 12:57 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

your tip did the trick... see the code below

Sorry Jooel, this is my version of the checker which I adjusted...

; BBChecker II - KiXtart Bulleting Board New Post Checker (RC-4)
; Dependencies (included in package):
; Wkix32 - KiXtart 4.11
; kixforms.dll - KiXForms (build 21)
; IE5 or higher
; -Lonkero
;todo's before release:
; parse takes the page as input.
; this way later update of var names is no problem.
; installation package
Break on
Gosub "init"

;$xsc = "KiX me"
;$xurl = ""
;Sleep 3
;Exit 0

Play "1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t4d400f"

While $form.visible
If $show
$msg.caption = $show
$form.caption = $show+" - BBChecker II"
If $Beep
Play "1g256t1d500f1g256t1d400f1g256t1d600f"
If $focus=0 AND $sslider
Sleep 0.2
Until @error OR ($time < @ticks)

Gosub "final"

Exit 0

Function inline()



Function parse()

$httpObj.Open("GET","", NOT 1)
$httpObj.send() $data=$httpObj.Responsetext

If 1000<Len($data)
$bl.clear $bll.clear

If InStr($data,'ubb=get_profile')<InStr($data,'guest(s)')
$users=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,' and'))

For Each $user in Split($users,'</a>, ')

For $c=0 to 7
$data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,'&nbsp;<a href=')+15)
$x[$c]=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,'</a>') - 1)+" "

If InStr(SubStr($data,1,1),"<")


If $my AND InStr($users,$logon)

$stamp=" "+Left(@time,5)+" on @mdayno. of @month"

Case "Loading elements..."==$msg.caption $show="" $fbb.enabled=1 $fbh.enabled=1 $msg.caption = ""
Case $x[0]<>$dataold[0] $show=$x[0] $hl.additem($x[0]+$stamp+" {starters}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[0],0)
Case $x[1]<>$dataold[1] $show=$x[1] $hl.additem($x[1]+$stamp+" {scripts}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[1],0)
Case $x[2]<>$dataold[2] $show=$x[2] $hl.additem($x[2]+$stamp+" {discussions}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[2],0)
Case $x[3]<>$dataold[3] $show=$x[3] $hl.additem($x[3]+$stamp+" {COM}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[3],0)
Case $x[4]<>$dataold[4] $show=$x[4] $hl.additem($x[4]+$stamp+" {UDF}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[4],0)
Case $x[5]<>$dataold[5] $show=$x[5] $hl.additem($x[5]+$stamp+" {beta}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[5],0)
Case $x[6]<>$dataold[6] $show=$x[6] $hl.additem($x[6]+$stamp+" {suggestions}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[6],0)
Case $x[7]<>$dataold[7] $show=$x[7] $hl.additem($x[7]+$stamp+" {FAQ}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[7],0)
Case 1 $show=0



Function show($)


If $form.height=340

If $=2

$ = $form.height-38
$ = $form.height-20
$ = $
$ = $
$ = $


Function hide($)


If $=1

$$screen - (taskbar() + $form.height - 3)
$ = $form.height-38
$ = $form.height-20
$ = $
$ = $
$ = $


Function formlink($in)

$form.onmousemove="$$msg.fontbold=0 $$msg.fontunderline=0"
$msg.onmousemove="$$msg.fontbold=1 $$msg.fontunderline=1"
$msg.onmouseup="$$ $runie "+Chr(34)+$in+Chr(34)+"'"


Function TaskBar()
If @dos=="4.0"



Function slide($sc,$url)

If InStr($sc,'"')

$h1 = 18
$w = 300
$h = 0
$DirectionIsUp = 1

$Popup = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")

$Popup.BorderStyle = 0
$Popup.Height = $h
$Popup.Width = $w + 6
$Popup.fontsize = 10
$Popup.fontname = "helvetica"
$Popup.forecolor = 0
$Popup.fontbold = 1
$popup.BorderStyle = 1
$popup.backcolor = $Popup.RGB(255,255,0)
$Popup.Top = $Popup.screen.height - $b - $popup.height - 1
$Popup.Left = $Popup.Screen.Width - $Popup.Width - 1

$Popup.ShowInTaskbar = NOT 1

$popLabel = $Popup.Label($sc,2,$h1,$w,$h1)
$popLabel.Backcolor = $Popup.RGB(255,255,0)
$popLabel.BorderStyle = 0
$popLabel.Alignment = 2

$popup.onmousemove="$$poplabel.fontbold=1 $$poplabel.fontunderline=0"
$poplabel.onmousemove="$$poplabel.fontbold=0 $$poplabel.fontunderline=1"
$poplabel.onmouseup="$runie "+Chr(34)+$url+Chr(34)+"' sleep 0.5 $$popup.visible=0 "

$Timer = $Popup.Timer(20)
$Timer.OnTimer = "Timer_Timer()"

Sleep 0.5


$Popup.TopMost = 1
$Popup.Enabled = 1
$poplabel.enabled = 1

While $Popup.Visible

$Popup = ""
$Timer = ""
$popLabel = ""


Function Timer_Timer()
$Timer.Interval = 10
If $DirectionIsUp
$h = $h + 1
$popup.height = $h
$Popup.Top = $Popup.Top - 1
If $h >= 3*$h1
$Timer.Interval = 5000
$DirectionIsUp = 0
;play "256t1d500f"
$h = $h - 1
$popup.height = $h
$Popup.Top = $Popup.Top + 1
If $h <= 0
$Timer.Enabled = 0


$form = CreateObject("kixtart.form")
Global $x[7] $dataold=$x $y=$x
Global $runie

If @inwin = 1
$runie = "run 'explorer "
$runie = "run '"+ReadValue("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile\shell\open\command","")+" "

$form.caption = "BBChecker II"
$form.width = 430
$form.height = 40
$form.Left = $form.screen.width - $form.width - 20
$form.borderstyle = 0
$form.fontsize = 8
$form.fontname = "helvetica"
$form.forecolor = 0
$form.fontbold = 0
$form.onlostfocus = "$$focus=0"
$form.ongotfocus = "$$focus=1"

$msg = $form.label("Loading elements...",15,2,410,12)

$ = $screen - (taskbar() + $form.height - 3)
$fbe = $form.commandbutton("Exit",2,20,65,19)
$fbe.onclick = "$$form.visible = 0"
$fbs = $form.commandbutton("Miscellaneous",69,20,80,19)
$fbs.onmouseup = "inline() misc()"
$fbh = $form.commandbutton("History",$form.width - 68,20,65,19)
$fbh.onclick = "show(2) $$form.setfocus()"
$fbb = $form.commandbutton("Buddyes",$fbh.Left - 68,20,65,19)
$fbb.onclick = "show(1) $$form.setfocus()"
$form.visible = 1


;history block
$hl = $form.listbox(0,2,2,426,170)
$hl.visible = 0
$hl.OnDblClick = "$$ $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"


$hbh = $form.commandbutton("Hide",$form.width - 80,175,75,20)
$hbh.visible = 0


$hbh.onclick = "hide(2) $$focus=1"
$hbo = $form.commandbutton("Show Topic",5,175,75,20)
$hbo.visible = 0


$hbo.onclick = "$$ $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$hba = $form.commandbutton("Today's Active topics",150,175,130,20)
$hba.visible = 0


$hba.onclick = "$$ $runie "+Chr(34)+""+Chr(34)+"'"
$hlurl = $form.listbox(0,0,0,0,20)
$hlurl.visible = 0

;buddyes block
$bl = $form.listbox(0,2,15,200,80)
$bl.visible = 0


$bll = $form.listbox(0,0,0,0,20)
$bll.visible = 0


$blt = $form.label("Logged on users:",5,2,150,12)
$blt.visible = 0


$bbh = $form.commandbutton("Hide",$form.width - 80,15,75,20)
$bbh.visible = 0
$bbh.onclick = "hide(1) $$focus=1"


$bbp = $form.commandbutton("Show Profile",210,15,75,20)
$bbp.visible = 0
$bbp.onclick = "$$ $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+";u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"


$bbr = $form.commandbutton("Recent Posts",210,40,75,20)
$bbr.visible = 0
$bbr.onclick = "$$ $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+";u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"


Global $focus $focus=1


If NOT KeyExist($bk)
$=MessageBox("bbChecker II installation corruption!@crlfThis propably is due to unclean installation@crlfRe-install needed","bbChecker II",16)
Exit 0


;xmlhttp related func
$cache=ReadValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5")
$=WriteValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5","3","reg_dword")
$httpObj = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp")



$ = WriteValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5",$cache,"reg_dword")


Function misc()

$f = CreateObject("kixtart.form")
$f.caption = "bbChecker II - Miscellaneous"
$f.width = 250
$f.height = 250
$ = $screen/2
$f.Left = $f.screen.width-720
$f.fontname = "Bookman Old Style"
$f.printxy(20,10,"bbChecker II")
$f.printxy(20,30,"Based on:")
$f.printxy(20,45,"Kixtart 4.11 (wkix32.exe)")
$f.printxy(20,60,"KixForms GUI (KixForms.exe)")
$f.fontname = "helvetica"
$fp = $f.checkbox("Don't show my posts",20,135,130,15)
$fpt = $f.textbox($logon,150,135,65,17)
$lt = $f.textbox($looptime,150,158,25,17)
$f.printxy(20,160,"Post check interval (secs):")
$fo = $f.checkbox("Beep on post",20,180,110,15)
$fs = $f.checkbox("Show slider",20,200,90,15)
$fp.value = $my

If $fp.value

$fo.value = $Beep
$fs.value = $sslider
$fb = $f.commandbutton("OK",170,205,75,20)
$fb.onclick = 'if val($$lt.text)<10 $$lt.text="10" else $$f.visible=0 endif'
While $f.visible
If $fp.value

If 99<Val($lt.text)

$looptime = Val($lt.text)
$Beep = $fo.value
$sslider = $fs.value
$my = $fp.value


Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#87702 - 2002-09-11 12:58 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
chris, I made that same form reques a while ago...

anyway, SHAWN,
I think I really tried it with just the input of 1 and did not work.
if you mean that I should first set it to one and then say enable... well, have to try tomowwor at work...

thanks for inspecting.

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#87703 - 2002-09-11 01:05 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
gladly I can say two things:
1) my current script is cut© version of yours on web with some mods... pretty much the same.
reason is to keep the versioning flowing...
2) I see you have moved the topmost like I did to later point...

anyway, I'll check on that and mostlikely, if see it working enough, will be asking a solution from you... for the doubleclick issue...

also, what is ppl's though about the tooltips or the flat buttons...

2.1 is not so far away and will probably get it online "officially" this week as soon as I get miscellanous form updated...

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#87704 - 2002-09-11 01:10 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
rclarke Offline
Starting to like KiXtart

Registered: 2001-06-08
Posts: 178
Loc: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
Hi Chris,

I just knew someone would have to go and mention the tables versus frames argument again, personally I hate working with frames, but I will see what I can do [Wink] and I had just gone and implemented that sliding menu for Jooel as well [Roll Eyes]

Anyway I thought everyone had DSL over there in the US; don’t tell me you are still connecting over analogue dial-up - how retro [Big Grin]


[ 11. September 2002, 01:24: Message edited by: rclarke ]

#87705 - 2002-09-11 01:13 AM Re: BBChecker II - Update - Continued
Shawn Administrator Offline

Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611

Yeah - when one sets TOPMOST to TRUE ... it
disables form (a side-effect), if one then sets
ENABLED to TRUE .. it re-enables the FORM and
your back in business. I fixed things in
2.0.4 ... the thing that caused it to go
disabled in the first place ... so in next
release, won't need the extra ENABLED=1


ps - my request - i would like to see a PASTEL
colored form .. with a thin BLUE border around
it ... quite a challenge actually because your
FORM dynamically changes size ... therefore
BORDER must be DRAWN dynamically as well.

psps - see - should have brought your laptop home eh ?

[ 11. September 2002, 01:17: Message edited by: Shawn ]

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