#86385 - 2002-07-04 06:04 PM
Re: Kixforms - BBChecker II
Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Jooel, can you make the FORMS version of BBCHECKER2 available on your web server (couldn't find it), or mail it to me at shawn.tassie@cgi.ca. Would prefer the web server downloadable thingy though
#86387 - 2002-07-04 07:51 PM
Re: Kixforms - BBChecker II
Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Actually, with your permission, may I port BBChecker2 to Kixforms-TNG ? (The Next Generation) ... almost done that ...
I started-off porting loginscreen.exe (the interface, not the code) to C++/COM, then realized that it was too crude and limiting (imho) ... So basically now porting Kixforms to Kixforms2. Its implemented as an ActiveX Server (Kixforms2.exe) NOT a DLL, and is multi-threaded. This eliminates a big problem with GUI/COM DLL's - the REFRESH problem. So basically, with KIXFORMS2, one can issue a SLEEP 100000, and the GUI will still active and alive and real fresh-like ...
Made some small interface changes - basically taking the lessons I (we) have learned over the years, and rolling them into a fresh component. Working on the EVENT STRATEGY again - the plan is to recycle the DoEvents() type thing again ... unless you have anymore thoughts on that ...
Some other changes are as follows:
1) To create a multi-line textbox (remember the old TEXTBOX/EDITBOX thingy), one can now say this:
$TextBox = $Form.AddTextBox(10,10,100,100,"hi",1)
where the last parm is a boolean for MULTILINE (true/false). The method name has changed from .TextBox to .AddTextBox ...
2) Have already provided support for the ProgressBar control.
3) The component itself is smaller and more compact then the original.
4) Was planning on embedding much more HELP information in the component itself. So that if one uses Brian's TypeLibViewer, all the details (props,methods,etc) will be there.
5) Although not done (yet), will be adding the LISTVIEW control, which is your MULTICOLUMN listbox control.
6) The SHOW method has been enhanced to support modes such as MINIMIZED, MAXIMIZED, HIDDEN, etc ... much like the kixtart SETCONSOLE function.
7) Installation has changed quite a bit ... instead of saying:
regsvr32 kixforms.dll
one now says:
kixforms2.exe -install kixforms2.exe -uninstall kixforms2.exe -? (version info)
Was wondering if you had any others ideas for improving FORMS in any way ... like to hear your thoughts ... by the way, the object (progid) for KIXFORMS will be
$Form = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form.2")
#86392 - 2002-07-05 02:15 AM
Re: Kixforms - BBChecker II
Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Lonkero, I have a new Kixforms build, with a potential fix, please let me know when you can test ... if it works, you owe me a beer, Labatts Blue (Canadian) if you please, or a Coors Lite, or actually, if possible, how about a Jamaican Red Stripe (truely, my favorite Beer) ...
p.s. Happy Fourth of July to all our American members (friends) ... [ 05 July 2002, 02:17: Message edited by: Shawn ]
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