#81988 - 2002-12-08 04:37 PM
Analysis of KiX-related files
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2001-01-03
Posts: 6241
Loc: Tigard, OR
This may have been done before, but found this intersting.
Looking at a program that was listed at http://shellcity.net and is called Scanbin and is available from - http://members.aol.com/bellamyjc/en/scanbin.html .
If we do an analysis of KIX32.EXE.
The only difference between KIX32.EXE and WKIX32.EXE is there is one additional entry for imported functions: KERNEL32 4 AllocConsole
General informations : c:\WINDOWS\kix32.exe =========================================== Last update : 11/11/2002 File size : 225 280 byte(s) Module type : WINDOWS executable (32 bits) : Windows Console User Interface FileDescription : KiXtart main executable FileVersion : 4, 12, 0, 0 CompanyName : Ruud van Velsen (Microsoft) LegalCopyright : Copyright Ruud van Velsen 2002 InternalName : KIX32 OriginalFilename : KIX32.EXE ProductName : KiXtart ProductVersion : 4, 12, 0, 0 Languages : Language independent Module in use : 0 times WARNING ! This file calls following libraries API : KERNEL32: LoadLibrarya KERNEL32: LoadLibraryexa KERNEL32: GetProcAddress => DLL and Imports listes can be uncompleted
DLL used : c:\WINDOWS\kix32.exe =============================== Direct calls -------------------------------------------------------------- c:\windows\system32 (10 DLL) dll-32 advapi32.dll 8/29/2002 558 080 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Advanced Windows 32 Base API) dll-32 kernel32.dll 8/29/2002 930 304 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Windows NT BASE API Client DLL) dll-32 mpr.dll 8/23/2001 55 808 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.0(xpclient.010817-1148) Multiple Provider Router DLL) dll-32 netapi32.dll 8/29/2002 309 248 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Net Win32 API DLL) dll-32 ole32.dll 8/29/2002 1 169 920 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Microsoft OLE for Windows) dll-32 oleaut32.dll 8/29/2002 569 344 byte(s) (V.3.50.5016.0 Microsoft OLE 3.50 for Windows NT(TM) and Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems) dll-32 user32.dll 8/29/2002 560 128 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Windows XP USER API Client DLL) dll-32 version.dll 8/23/2001 16 384 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.0(xpclient.010817-1148) Version Checking and File Installation Libraries) dll-32 winmm.dll 8/29/2002 171 520 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) MCI API DLL) dll-32 winspool.drv 8/29/2002 132 096 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Windows Spooler Driver) Undirect calls -------------------------------------------------------------- c:\windows\system32 (4 DLL) dll-32 gdi32.dll 8/29/2002 250 368 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) GDI Client DLL) dll-32 msvcrt.dll 8/29/2002 323 072 byte(s) (V.7.0.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Windows NT CRT DLL) dll-32 ntdll.dll 8/29/2002 668 672 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) NT Layer DLL) dll-32 rpcrt4.dll 8/29/2002 530 432 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Remote Procedure Call Runtime)
Imported functions : c:\WINDOWS\kix32.exe ========================================= ADVAPI32 23 AdjustTokenPrivileges ADVAPI32 24 AllocateAndInitializeSid ADVAPI32 28 BackupEventLogA ADVAPI32 48 ClearEventLogA ADVAPI32 121 DeregisterEventSource ADVAPI32 157 FreeSid ADVAPI32 199 GetSidIdentifierAuthority ADVAPI32 201 GetSidSubAuthority ADVAPI32 202 GetSidSubAuthorityCount ADVAPI32 208 GetTokenInformation ADVAPI32 225 InitiateSystemShutdownA ADVAPI32 239 LookupAccountSidA ADVAPI32 240 LookupAccountSidW ADVAPI32 245 LookupPrivilegeValueA ADVAPI32 320 OpenEventLogA ADVAPI32 322 OpenProcessToken ADVAPI32 347 RegCloseKey ADVAPI32 348 RegConnectRegistryA ADVAPI32 351 RegCreateKeyExA ADVAPI32 354 RegDeleteKeyA ADVAPI32 356 RegDeleteValueA ADVAPI32 358 RegEnumKeyA ADVAPI32 359 RegEnumKeyExA ADVAPI32 362 RegEnumValueA ADVAPI32 366 RegLoadKeyA ADVAPI32 370 RegOpenKeyExA ADVAPI32 374 RegQueryInfoKeyA ADVAPI32 379 RegQueryValueExA ADVAPI32 384 RegRestoreKeyA ADVAPI32 386 RegSaveKeyA ADVAPI32 390 RegSetValueExA ADVAPI32 393 RegUnLoadKeyA ADVAPI32 396 RegisterEventSourceA ADVAPI32 401 ReportEventA KERNEL32 11 Beep KERNEL32 27 CloseHandle KERNEL32 32 CompareFileTime KERNEL32 40 CopyFileA KERNEL32 45 CreateDirectoryA KERNEL32 52 CreateFileA KERNEL32 68 CreateProcessA KERNEL32 87 DeleteFileA KERNEL32 119 EnumSystemLocalesA KERNEL32 125 ExitProcess KERNEL32 136 FileTimeToDosDateTime KERNEL32 137 FileTimeToLocalFileTime KERNEL32 139 FillConsoleOutputAttribute KERNEL32 140 FillConsoleOutputCharacterA KERNEL32 144 FindClose KERNEL32 148 FindFirstFileA KERNEL32 157 FindNextFileA KERNEL32 169 FlushConsoleInputBuffer KERNEL32 170 FlushFileBuffers KERNEL32 175 FormatMessageA KERNEL32 178 FreeEnvironmentStringsA KERNEL32 179 FreeEnvironmentStringsW KERNEL32 180 FreeLibrary KERNEL32 185 GetACP KERNEL32 191 GetCPInfo KERNEL32 202 GetCommandLineA KERNEL32 206 GetComputerNameA KERNEL32 224 GetConsoleCursorInfo KERNEL32 235 GetConsoleMode KERNEL32 238 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo KERNEL32 239 GetConsoleTitleA KERNEL32 245 GetCurrentDirectoryA KERNEL32 247 GetCurrentProcess KERNEL32 248 GetCurrentProcessId KERNEL32 250 GetCurrentThreadId KERNEL32 256 GetDiskFreeSpaceA KERNEL32 262 GetEnvironmentStrings KERNEL32 264 GetEnvironmentStringsW KERNEL32 265 GetEnvironmentVariableA KERNEL32 266 GetEnvironmentVariableW KERNEL32 267 GetExitCodeProcess KERNEL32 269 GetFileAttributesA KERNEL32 274 GetFileSize KERNEL32 276 GetFileTime KERNEL32 277 GetFileType KERNEL32 278 GetFullPathNameA KERNEL32 282 GetLastError KERNEL32 283 GetLocalTime KERNEL32 284 GetLocaleInfoA KERNEL32 285 GetLocaleInfoW KERNEL32 292 GetModuleFileNameA KERNEL32 294 GetModuleHandleA KERNEL32 303 GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents KERNEL32 305 GetOEMCP KERNEL32 314 GetPrivateProfileStringA KERNEL32 318 GetProcAddress KERNEL32 331 GetProfileStringA KERNEL32 334 GetShortPathNameA KERNEL32 336 GetStartupInfoA KERNEL32 338 GetStdHandle KERNEL32 339 GetStringTypeA KERNEL32 342 GetStringTypeW KERNEL32 343 GetSystemDefaultLCID KERNEL32 345 GetSystemDirectoryA KERNEL32 347 GetSystemInfo KERNEL32 349 GetSystemTime KERNEL32 357 GetTempPathA KERNEL32 365 GetTickCount KERNEL32 369 GetUserDefaultLCID KERNEL32 372 GetVersion KERNEL32 373 GetVersionExA KERNEL32 381 GetWindowsDirectoryA KERNEL32 397 GlobalMemoryStatus KERNEL32 409 HeapAlloc KERNEL32 411 HeapCreate KERNEL32 413 HeapDestroy KERNEL32 415 HeapFree KERNEL32 418 HeapReAlloc KERNEL32 445 IsValidCodePage KERNEL32 446 IsValidLocale KERNEL32 447 LCMapStringA KERNEL32 448 LCMapStringW KERNEL32 450 LoadLibraryA KERNEL32 451 LoadLibraryExA KERNEL32 460 LocalFree KERNEL32 484 MultiByteToWideChar KERNEL32 503 PeekConsoleInputA KERNEL32 523 RaiseException KERNEL32 524 ReadConsoleA KERNEL32 525 ReadConsoleInputA KERNEL32 536 ReadFile KERNEL32 551 RemoveDirectoryA KERNEL32 559 RtlUnwind KERNEL32 577 SetConsoleCtrlHandler KERNEL32 579 SetConsoleCursorInfo KERNEL32 581 SetConsoleCursorPosition KERNEL32 592 SetConsoleMode KERNEL32 600 SetConsoleTextAttribute KERNEL32 601 SetConsoleTitleA KERNEL32 605 SetCurrentDirectoryA KERNEL32 609 SetEndOfFile KERNEL32 610 SetEnvironmentVariableA KERNEL32 616 SetFileAttributesA KERNEL32 618 SetFilePointer KERNEL32 621 SetHandleCount KERNEL32 625 SetLastError KERNEL32 626 SetLocalTime KERNEL32 636 SetStdHandle KERNEL32 637 SetSystemPowerState KERNEL32 638 SetSystemTime KERNEL32 662 Sleep KERNEL32 667 SystemTimeToFileTime KERNEL32 670 TerminateProcess KERNEL32 685 UnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32 699 VirtualAlloc KERNEL32 703 VirtualFree KERNEL32 718 WaitForSingleObject KERNEL32 722 WideCharToMultiByte KERNEL32 724 WriteConsoleA KERNEL32 734 WriteConsoleW KERNEL32 735 WriteFile KERNEL32 741 WritePrivateProfileStringA KERNEL32 749 WriteProfileStringA KERNEL32 762 lstrcatW KERNEL32 771 lstrcpyW MPR 6 WNetAddConnection2A MPR 12 WNetCancelConnection2A MPR 17 WNetCloseEnum MPR 28 WNetEnumResourceA MPR 61 WNetGetUserA MPR 64 WNetOpenEnumA NETAPI32 211 Netbios OLE32 1 BindMoniker OLE32 5 CLSIDFromProgID OLE32 13 CoCreateInstance OLE32 89 CreateBindCtx OLE32 168 MkParseDisplayName OLE32 171 OleBuildVersion OLE32 201 OleInitialize OLEAUT32 2247 CLSIDFromProgID USER32 10 AttachThreadInput USER32 43 CharToOemA USER32 96 DdeClientTransaction USER32 98 DdeConnect USER32 101 DdeCreateStringHandleA USER32 103 DdeDisconnect USER32 107 DdeFreeStringHandle USER32 112 DdeInitializeA USER32 125 DdeUninitialize USER32 185 EndDialog USER32 189 EnumChildWindows USER32 208 EnumWindows USER32 211 ExitWindowsEx USER32 213 FindWindowA USER32 221 GetActiveWindow USER32 325 GetSystemMenu USER32 348 GetWindowRect USER32 350 GetWindowTextA USER32 354 GetWindowThreadProcessId USER32 405 KillTimer USER32 437 MapVirtualKeyA USER32 446 MessageBoxA USER32 462 OemToCharA USER32 516 RemoveMenu USER32 532 SendMessageA USER32 535 SendMessageTimeoutA USER32 559 SetFocus USER32 560 SetForegroundWindow USER32 594 SetTimer USER32 603 SetWindowPos USER32 618 ShowWindow USER32 625 SystemParametersInfoA USER32 668 VkKeyScanA USER32 682 keybd_event VERSION 0 GetFileVersionInfoA VERSION 1 GetFileVersionInfoSizeA VERSION 10 VerQueryValueA WINMM 12 PlaySoundA WINMM 145 sndPlaySoundA WINSPOOL 17 AddPrinterConnectionA WINSPOOL 50 DeletePrinterConnectionA
Started to look at KX16.DLL, KX32.DLL, and KX95.DLL and these appear to call different DLLs than those of NT-Class systems.
However, did look at KXRPC.EXE quote:
General informations : c:\Documents and Settings\Kent\KiX2001.412\kxrpc.exe =========================================================================== Last update : 9/11/2002 File size : 69 632 byte(s) Module type : WINDOWS executable (32 bits) : Windows Console User Interface FileDescription : KiXtart RPC service FileVersion : 4, 1, 0 CompanyName : Ruud van Velsen (Microsoft) LegalCopyright : Copyright Ruud van Velsen. 2001 InternalName : KXRPC OriginalFilename : KXRPC.EXE ProductName : KiXtart ProductVersion : 4, 1, 0 Languages : Language independent Module in use : 0 times WARNING ! This file calls following libraries API : KERNEL32: LoadLibrarya KERNEL32: GetProcAddress => DLL and Imports listes can be uncompleted
DLL used : c:\Documents and Settings\Kent\KiX2001.412\kxrpc.exe =============================================================== Direct calls -------------------------------------------------------------- c:\windows\system32 (6 DLL) dll-32 advapi32.dll 8/29/2002 558 080 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Advanced Windows 32 Base API) dll-32 kernel32.dll 8/29/2002 930 304 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Windows NT BASE API Client DLL) dll-32 netapi32.dll 8/29/2002 309 248 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Net Win32 API DLL) dll-32 rpcrt4.dll 8/29/2002 530 432 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Remote Procedure Call Runtime) dll-32 shell32.dll 8/29/2002 8 336 384 byte(s) (V.6.00.2800.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Windows Shell Common Dll) dll-32 user32.dll 8/29/2002 560 128 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Windows XP USER API Client DLL) Undirect calls -------------------------------------------------------------- c:\program files\common files\adaptec shared\system (1 DLL) dll-32 shlwapi.dll 4/23/1999 282 896 byte(s) (V.5.00.2614.3500 Shell Light-weight Utility Library) c:\windows\system32 (3 DLL) dll-32 gdi32.dll 8/29/2002 250 368 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) GDI Client DLL) dll-32 msvcrt.dll 8/29/2002 323 072 byte(s) (V.7.0.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) Windows NT CRT DLL) dll-32 ntdll.dll 8/29/2002 668 672 byte(s) (V.5.1.2600.1106(xpsp1.020828-1920) NT Layer DLL)
Imported functions : c:\Documents and Settings\Kent\KiX2001.412\kxrpc.exe ========================================================================= ADVAPI32 29 AllocateAndInitializeSid ADVAPI32 62 CloseServiceHandle ADVAPI32 66 ControlService ADVAPI32 100 CreateServiceW ADVAPI32 174 DeleteService ADVAPI32 175 DeregisterEventSource ADVAPI32 213 EqualPrefixSid ADVAPI32 223 FreeSid ADVAPI32 275 GetSidIdentifierAuthority ADVAPI32 277 GetSidSubAuthority ADVAPI32 278 GetSidSubAuthorityCount ADVAPI32 279 GetTokenInformation ADVAPI32 326 LookupAccountSidW ADVAPI32 424 OpenProcessToken ADVAPI32 426 OpenSCManagerW ADVAPI32 428 OpenServiceW ADVAPI32 429 OpenThreadToken ADVAPI32 447 QueryServiceStatus ADVAPI32 456 RegCloseKey ADVAPI32 461 RegCreateKeyExW ADVAPI32 464 RegDeleteKeyW ADVAPI32 481 RegOpenKeyExA ADVAPI32 482 RegOpenKeyExW ADVAPI32 491 RegQueryValueExA ADVAPI32 505 RegSetValueExW ADVAPI32 510 RegisterEventSourceW ADVAPI32 515 RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW ADVAPI32 521 ReportEventW ADVAPI32 568 SetServiceStatus ADVAPI32 575 StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW KERNEL32 27 CloseHandle KERNEL32 74 CreateThread KERNEL32 85 DeleteCriticalSection KERNEL32 102 EnterCriticalSection KERNEL32 125 ExitProcess KERNEL32 170 FlushFileBuffers KERNEL32 176 FormatMessageW KERNEL32 178 FreeEnvironmentStringsA KERNEL32 179 FreeEnvironmentStringsW KERNEL32 185 GetACP KERNEL32 191 GetCPInfo KERNEL32 202 GetCommandLineA KERNEL32 203 GetCommandLineW KERNEL32 247 GetCurrentProcess KERNEL32 249 GetCurrentThread KERNEL32 250 GetCurrentThreadId KERNEL32 262 GetEnvironmentStrings KERNEL32 264 GetEnvironmentStringsW KERNEL32 265 GetEnvironmentVariableA KERNEL32 277 GetFileType KERNEL32 282 GetLastError KERNEL32 292 GetModuleFileNameA KERNEL32 293 GetModuleFileNameW KERNEL32 294 GetModuleHandleA KERNEL32 305 GetOEMCP KERNEL32 318 GetProcAddress KERNEL32 320 GetProcessHeap KERNEL32 336 GetStartupInfoA KERNEL32 338 GetStdHandle KERNEL32 339 GetStringTypeA KERNEL32 342 GetStringTypeW KERNEL32 372 GetVersion KERNEL32 373 GetVersionExA KERNEL32 409 HeapAlloc KERNEL32 411 HeapCreate KERNEL32 413 HeapDestroy KERNEL32 415 HeapFree KERNEL32 418 HeapReAlloc KERNEL32 426 InitializeCriticalSection KERNEL32 429 InterlockedDecrement KERNEL32 432 InterlockedIncrement KERNEL32 447 LCMapStringA KERNEL32 448 LCMapStringW KERNEL32 449 LeaveCriticalSection KERNEL32 450 LoadLibraryA KERNEL32 460 LocalFree KERNEL32 484 MultiByteToWideChar KERNEL32 559 RtlUnwind KERNEL32 577 SetConsoleCtrlHandler KERNEL32 618 SetFilePointer KERNEL32 621 SetHandleCount KERNEL32 625 SetLastError KERNEL32 636 SetStdHandle KERNEL32 662 Sleep KERNEL32 670 TerminateProcess KERNEL32 674 TlsAlloc KERNEL32 676 TlsGetValue KERNEL32 677 TlsSetValue KERNEL32 685 UnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32 699 VirtualAlloc KERNEL32 703 VirtualFree KERNEL32 722 WideCharToMultiByte KERNEL32 735 WriteFile KERNEL32 777 lstrlenW NETAPI32 104 NetApiBufferFree NETAPI32 142 NetGetAnyDCName NETAPI32 239 NetUserGetInfo NETAPI32 240 NetUserGetLocalGroups NETAPI32 246 NetWkstaGetInfo RPCRT4 47 I_RpcGetBuffer RPCRT4 145 NdrConformantStringUnmarshall RPCRT4 163 NdrConvert RPCRT4 236 NdrPointerFree RPCRT4 262 NdrServerInitializeNew RPCRT4 267 NdrSimpleStructBufferSize RPCRT4 269 NdrSimpleStructMarshall RPCRT4 343 RpcBindingVectorFree RPCRT4 353 RpcEpRegisterW RPCRT4 355 RpcEpUnregister RPCRT4 370 RpcImpersonateClient RPCRT4 384 RpcMgmtIsServerListening RPCRT4 390 RpcMgmtStopServerListening RPCRT4 391 RpcMgmtWaitServerListen RPCRT4 403 RpcRaiseException RPCRT4 405 RpcRevertToSelf RPCRT4 407 RpcServerInqBindings RPCRT4 413 RpcServerListen RPCRT4 415 RpcServerRegisterAuthInfoW RPCRT4 416 RpcServerRegisterIf RPCRT4 420 RpcServerUnregisterIf RPCRT4 437 RpcServerUseProtseqW SHELL32 4 CommandLineToArgvW USER32 729 wsprintfW
Kent [ 10. December 2002, 09:08: Message edited by: kdyer ]
#81989 - 2002-12-08 04:42 PM
Re: Analysis of KiX-related files
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU
Nice info. Nice tool. greetings.
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