Sorry you raised that topic... Now I'll pull this thread way off topic... oh well, I think it was done anyway...To answer your question, not so well. I couldn't get KiX to run from the GPO, so ended up hacking it into \NetLogon. That worked for Wintendo but not Win2k. Then I somehow ended up corrupting the GPO. Unlinked it and created a new GPO and, Voila! Win2k now runs the script in the GPO folder (you know, the one with the weird path). Next step, delete the hacked \NetLogon one and see if Wintendo picks up the one from the GPO.
Did I ever mention I hate Wintendo? Will it even work with AD and the GPO? Guess what I'll be doing this weekend!
I'm getting "the look" when I get home. To top it off, where the server is, my cell phone is out of range so she can't check up on me... This is going to cost me at least a dozen long stem roses... and I'm doing this pro bono.