#75055 - 2003-05-17 04:51 AM
Pre-UDF EnumAD()
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2003-04-19
Posts: 4549
Loc: USA
Basically this is a netview for OUs. I think there is more we could do with this, and was kind of looking for some ideas...
Let me know.
Function EnumAD(optional $ou,optional $filter,optional $detaillevel) Dim $rootdse,$domain,$objects,$container,$OUObject $rootdse=getobject("LDAP://RootDSE") ;binds rootdse to local ldap object $domain=$rootdse.get("DefaultNamingContext") ;determines local domain if $ou<>'' if right($ou,1)<>',' $ou=$ou + ',' endif endif $container="LDAP://" + $ou + $domain $ouobjects = GetObject($container) select case ucase($filter)="ORGANIZATIONALUNIT" $ouobjects.Filter = "OrganizationalUnit","_" case ucase($filter)="COMPUTER" $ouobjects.Filter = "computer","_" case ucase($filter)="GROUP" $ouobjects.Filter = "group","_" case ucase($filter)="USER" $ouobjects.Filter = "user","_" endselect For Each $OUObject in $ouobjects if $objects<>"" $objects=$objects + '|' endif select case $detaillevel=2 if ucase($filter)="USER" If $OUObject.Class = "user" $objects=$objects + ucase($OUObject.ADSPath) endif else $objects=$objects + ucase($OUObject.ADSPath) endif
case $detaillevel=1 if ucase($filter)="USER" If $OUObject.Class = "user" $objects=$objects + ucase($OUObject.Name) endif else $objects=$objects + ucase($OUObject.Name) endif
case 1 if ucase($filter)="USER" If $OUObject.Class = "user" $objects=$objects + ucase(substr($OUObject.Name,4)) endif else $objects=$objects + ucase(substr($OUObject.Name,4)) endif endselect Next $EnumAD=split($objects,'|') Endfunction
Here is a simple example:
break on $ouroot="ou=adtest" dim $ou $OUs=EnumAD($ouroot,"OrganizationalUnit",1) for each $ou in $OUs for each $computer in EnumAD("$ou,$ouroot","Computer",2) if $computer<>"" ? $computer endif next next [ 17. May 2003, 05:32: Message edited by: Al_Po ]
#75056 - 2003-05-17 04:59 AM
Re: Pre-UDF EnumAD()
Howard Bullock
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-09-15
Posts: 5809
Loc: Harrisburg, PA USA
I have found the when setting the filter using the shortcut arrsy form '$x.Filter = "user",""' worked on the WinNT:// provider but did not work when using the LDAP:// provider. What is the purpose of the "_" in '$ouobjects.Filter = "group","_"'?
#75057 - 2003-05-17 05:09 AM
Re: Pre-UDF EnumAD()
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2003-04-19
Posts: 4549
Loc: USA
I happened to see a post by Shawn (I think) and he mentioned that the filter had to be an array, and one way for kixtart to recognize an array is to separate the values with a ",". The second value is nothing other than a place holder. I tried just using "" as well as what you described, and as you stated, it didn't work, but with something in that second position, it does work. [ 17. May 2003, 05:33: Message edited by: Al_Po ]
#75058 - 2003-05-17 05:14 AM
Re: Pre-UDF EnumAD()
Howard Bullock
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-09-15
Posts: 5809
Loc: Harrisburg, PA USA
As in my other code recently posted you can "Dim $aFilter[0]" then "$adFilter = 'group'" for LDAP://. I find it interesting that the "bogus" text string makes the shortcut way $aFilter = "group","_" work. Thanks for the tip.
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