#73807 - 2003-02-28 04:40 PM
The correct format.
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2002-12-30
Posts: 95
Loc: Hell
O.K. I tend to hate this, but here is goes. Does anyone know the correct format of the following command to use in Win9x, and not NT/2k
c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe /Q /E:1024 /C FOR /F "TOKENS=2* DELIMS= " %%i IN ('"PING -a -n 1 | FIND "]""') DO ECHO %%i >c:\report.txt pause
This will work in a NT format, but get an invalid switch for Win9x.
Sad thing is that I cannot find out where that invalid witch is.
Any Clues????
#73809 - 2003-02-28 04:53 PM
Re: The correct format.
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2002-12-30
Posts: 95
Loc: Hell
LOL yes I know that c:\windows\command.com, and c:\winnt]system32\cmd.exe are the two different ones. Thanks for pointing that out LLigetfa.
I do have %comspec% in the Kix script, and then pulling the result, to display the information.
Al that works, but here is the main issues I have.
SHELL '%Comspec% /Q /E:1024 /C FOR /F "TOKENS=2* DELIMS= " %%i IN ('+ CHR(39) + '"PING -a -n 1 $ipnum | FIND "]""' + CHR(39) + ') DO ECHO %%i >' + $tempfile
Only works in a NT/2K/XP enviorment.
DOS only tells me I have an inavlid switch on a WIN9X platform.
And for the life of me I cannot find that stupid invalid switch.
In short I was just trying to ping two IP's One is google.com, and the other is behind a vpn.
Wanted to know the results of the two so that I can know if the user is logged onto the ISP, and then the VPN.
Using Watlz function this is what I have: code:
? REVPING("") ? @error ? REVPING("") ? @error ? "DONE" get $
FUNCTION REVPING($ipnum) DIM $nameip, $tempfile $tempfile = "%temp%\nameip.txt" SHELL '%Comspec% /Q /E:1024 /C FOR /F "TOKENS=2* DELIMS= " %%i IN ('+ CHR(39) + '"PING -a -n 1 $ipnum | FIND "]""' + CHR(39) + ') DO ECHO %%i >' + $tempfile IF OPEN(10,$tempfile,2) = 0 $nameip = READLINE(10) ELSE $nameip = "" ENDIF IF CLOSE(10) = 0 DEL $tempfile ENDIF IF $nameip <> "" $revping = TRIM($nameip) EXIT (0) ELSE $revping = "UNRESOLVED" EXIT (1) ENDIF ENDFUNCTION
It works just right, but only on a NT platform.
So Hopefully some OLD SCHOOL people can tell me what the hell is the invalid switch.
#73811 - 2003-02-28 04:56 PM
Re: The correct format.
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-03-17
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Loc: Stuttgart, Germany
#73812 - 2003-02-28 05:05 PM
Re: The correct format.
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2002-12-30
Posts: 95
Loc: Hell
Ahh O.K. jpols is de man to ask! Your Ping() function also for a NT platform. it does in fact work perfect, and I do not reallt care about the DNS hostname conversion.
Here is the challenege for the day. Can you, or is it possible to ping the followng IP's in a WIN9X platform: VPN PUBLIC and just say true or false if it connected to the IP's or not?
#73815 - 2003-02-28 05:13 PM
Re: The correct format.
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2002-12-30
Posts: 95
Loc: Hell
Ahhhh Gaming gooood....
But just want to do like this in DOS ping
but in KIX how can you do that?
In short I just wanted to know if you pinged an ip it could tell you yeah I can see it, or NOPE cannot see that ip, so that the rest of my script will continue or not.
So if the script or a function could just outpu true or false the the IP in the request.
#73818 - 2003-02-28 05:26 PM
Re: The correct format.
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2002-12-30
Posts: 95
Loc: Hell
#73821 - 2003-03-03 08:15 PM
Re: The correct format.
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-03-17
Posts: 6380
Loc: Stuttgart, Germany
#73822 - 2003-03-17 07:01 PM
Re: The correct format.
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2002-12-30
Posts: 95
Loc: Hell
Yep still around, and still no luck
#73824 - 2003-03-17 07:39 PM
Re: The correct format.
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2002-12-30
Posts: 95
Loc: Hell
Well, not sure but every ping no matter if it is a bad ip or a good ip, says ping sucessfull.
so if I ran your script to ping it says it pinged, and if you place in a good ip, it says the same result.
#73826 - 2003-03-17 08:49 PM
Re: The correct format.
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2002-12-30
Posts: 95
Loc: Hell
Still says ping succesfull even for a bad ip address.
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