#73457 - 2003-02-25 04:22 PM
Problem with kixtart and NT4.0
DJ Ballistic
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-02-21
Posts: 185
I am trying to deploy my logon.bat that calls my kixtart.kix script through a group policy.
The servers are windows 2000 server and the client is windows NT 4.0 Workstation.
I have tried putting several things in the logon key in the group policy screen and nothing works when the user logs on. I don't get any errors or anything but it doesn't run the script either.
Please help!
#73459 - 2003-02-25 04:28 PM
Re: Problem with kixtart and NT4.0
DJ Ballistic
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-02-21
Posts: 185
ECHO OFF CLS REM detect the operating system and go to the appropriate segment VER | find "NT" > nul IF not errorlevel 1 GOTO Win_NT VER | find "2000" > nul IF not errorlevel 1 GOTO Win_2K VER | find "XP" > nul IF not errorlevel 1 GOTO Win_XP VER | find "98" > nul IF not errorlevel 1 GOTO Win_98 VER | find "95" > nul IF not errorlevel 1 GOTO Win_95 VER | find "Millennium" > nul IF not errorlevel 1 GOTO WIN_ME GOTO DOS REM client is running DOS :DOS ECHO. ECHO No Login Script Available For DOS Clients ECHO. GOTO End REM client is running Windows 9x :Win_95 :Win_98 :Win_ME %WINDIR%\COMMAND\XCOPY %0\..\KIX32.EXE %WINDIR%\ /D /H /I /R /V /C >NUL %WINDIR%\COMMAND\XCOPY %0\..\KX*.DLL %WINDIR%\ /D /H /I /R /V /C >NUL GOTO RunScript REM client is running Windows NT/2000/XP :Win_NT :Win_2K :Win_XP ECHO y| XCOPY \\sussex1\\NETLOGON\KIX32.EXE %WINDIR%\ /D /H /I /R /V /C >NUL >NUL >NUL
GOTO RunScript :RunScript %WINDIR%\KIX32.EXE \\sussex1\\NETLOGON\Kixtart.KIX
GOTO End :End
;**** Created with KiXscripts Editor | http://KiXscripts.com **** ;**** Last Modified on 2/24/2003 at 11:47:08 AM by mmontgomery **** ; Revised By Matthew T. Montgomery (mmontgomery@sussexcounty.net)
;? 'Error = '+@ERROR+' - '+@SERROR ;Error checking per line
;*************************************************************************************************************************** ;Copy Kix32.exe and My Computer Information.kix Shortcut To The Client PC's Desktop - For Windows 2000 ;***************************************************************************************************************************
;MD c:\Kixscripts ;If NOT Exist('c:\Kixscripts\kix32.exe') ;Copy '\\sussex1\netlogon\Kixtart\kix32.exe' 'c:\Kixscripts' ;EndIf ;If NOT Exist('c:\Kixscripts\My Computer Info.kix') ;Copy '\\sussex1\netlogon\Kixtart\My Computer Information.kix' 'c:\Kixscripts' ;EndIf $desktop = ReadValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders","Desktop") If NOT Exist('$desktop\My Computer Information.lnk') Copy '\\sussex1\netlogon\Kixtart\My Computer Information.lnk' '$desktop' EndIf
;****************************************************************************** ; Check the following key for W2k Machines to make the window not run minimized ;******************************************************************************
If @dos >= "5.0" $hklms = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE' If 1 <> ReadValue($hklms+"\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", "RunLogonScriptSync") $ = WriteValue ($hklms+"\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", "RunLogonScriptSync", "1", "REG_DWORD") EndIf EndIf
;************************************************************ ;Windows MessageBox To Greet The User And Display Information ;************************************************************
MessageBox(" Hello @FULLNAME - today is @DAY @MDAYNO @MONTH
*** You are logging onto the @DOMAIN Domain *** Your current user rights are @Priv Your Password will expire in @PWAGE days. Host Name: @HOSTNAME IP address: @IPADDRESS0 Your System Specifications = @PRODUCTTYPE, @MHZ Mhz @CPU","Sussex Domain Logon",64,5)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; @MHZ = processor speed ; @CPU = processor type ; @TIME = curent time ; @fullname = shows users full name as entered on Server logon credentials ; @wksta = workstation name as entered on the local PC ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;*********************************** ; Synchronize Time From "Sussex-DC1" ;*********************************** SetTime "\\SUSSEX-DC1"
;***************** ;Clears The Screen ;***************** CLS
;*************************************************** ;Disables The Ability To Interrupt The Script Window ;*************************************************** Break off
;*********************************** ;Deletes all currently mapped drives ;*********************************** Use "*" /DELETE
;******************************************* ; Network Drive Mappings by Group Membership ;******************************************* If InGroup('Domain Users') ? 'I: (\\Sussex-FS-1\General)' Use I: '\\Sussex-FS-1\General' ? 'P: (\\Sussex1\Users\@USERID)' Use P: '\\Sussex1\USERS\@USERID' ? 'S: (\\Sussex1\Shared)' Use S: '\\Sussex1\Shared' EndIf
If InGroup('Information Systems') ? 'W: (\\Sussex-FS-2\Information Systems)' Use W: '\\Sussex-FS-2\Information Systems' EndIf
If InGroup('Mapping And Addressing') ? 'G: (\\Sussex1\Global)' Use G: '\\Sussex1\Global' ? 'R: (\\Sussex1\ReAddressing)' Use R: '\\Sussex1\ReAddressing' ? 'V: (\\Sussex1\View)' Use V: '\\Sussex1\View' ? 'Z: (\\Sussex-fs-1\Aerial_Photos)' Use Z: '\\Sussex-fs-1\Aerial_Photos' EndIf
;************************************ ;Printer Mappings by Group Membership ;************************************ If InGroup('Information Systems') $RC=AddPrinterConnection("\\Sussex-DC2\IS HP LaserJet 4100tn") If $RC=0 ? "Adding printer, IS HP LaserJet 4100tn" $RC=AddPrinterConnection("\\Sussex-DC2\IS HP Color LaserJet 4550") If $RC=0 ? "Adding printer, IS HP Color LaserJet 4500" Else ? "$$RC = "+$RC ? "@@Error = "+@Error ? "@@SError = "+@SError EndIf EndIf
;********************************************************************************************** ; Checks for Exchange Server Profile, If Not, Creates One (Tested On Windows 2000 Professional) ;********************************************************************************************** $Index = 0 $keyfound = 0
$search_location="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles" If (KeyExist($search_location) = 1) ; 1 if found $KeyName = EnumKey("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles", $Index) While @ERROR = 0 $keyfound = $keyfound + 1 $Index = $Index + 1 $KeyName = EnumKey("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles", $Index) Loop Else $search_location="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles" If (KeyExist($search_location) = 1) ; 3 if found $KeyName = EnumKey("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles", $Index) While @ERROR = 0 $keyfound = $keyfound + 1 $Index = $Index + 1 $KeyName = EnumKey("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles", $Index) Loop EndIf ; 3 if end EndIf ;1 if end If $keyfound = 0 $createprofile = @LSERVER + "\NETLOGON\Profgen.exe " + @LSERVER + "\NETLOGON\Newprof.exe -P " + @LSERVER + "\NETLOGON\Custom.prf -X -R -L" Run $createprofile ? "Email profile created" ; profgen.exe, newprof.exe and custom.prf can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/search.asp? in a file called idk99.exe ; or email noelh@clara.net for the files. EndIf
;******************************************************** ;Script Window Stays Focused For Specified Amount Of Time ;******************************************************** Sleep 2 ; Wait for 5 sec
;*********************** ;Exits The Script Window ;*********************** Exit
#73460 - 2003-02-25 04:30 PM
Re: Problem with kixtart and NT4.0
DJ Ballistic
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-02-21
Posts: 185
If I deploy the logon.bat or the kixtart.kix script to the user individually it works perfectly without any problems.
In the Group Policy Logon key I tried adding it there and it just doesn't work.
#73463 - 2003-02-25 04:58 PM
Re: Problem with kixtart and NT4.0
DJ Ballistic
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-02-21
Posts: 185
Well you can't do that if the servers are 2K can you? I don't have a NT 4 Domain Controller to handle NT 4 policies. I do know you can deploy policies to an NT4 box within a 2000 domain.
And the comment is a non-issue. But Thanks!
#73466 - 2003-02-25 08:36 PM
Re: Problem with kixtart and NT4.0
DJ Ballistic
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-02-21
Posts: 185
yeah but I gotta go to each nt 4 workstation and set that right?
Damn that is a lot of work.
#73468 - 2003-02-25 08:42 PM
Re: Problem with kixtart and NT4.0
DJ Ballistic
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-02-21
Posts: 185
The second part of your post was kinda confusing.
Could you please elaborate?
#73471 - 2003-02-25 08:46 PM
Re: Problem with kixtart and NT4.0
DJ Ballistic
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-02-21
Posts: 185
In our organization we have many departments that use different mapped drives and printers based on their departments. My logon script checks for the ingroup and does it accordingly. We have a mixture of 9x, NT4, 2000 Pro and XP Pro clients. All 2000 Server Domain Controllers running AD.
#73474 - 2003-02-25 08:48 PM
Re: Problem with kixtart and NT4.0
DJ Ballistic
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-02-21
Posts: 185
AD isn't hard, what are you getting at? You got a better idea?
#73475 - 2003-02-25 08:50 PM
Re: Problem with kixtart and NT4.0
DJ Ballistic
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-02-21
Posts: 185
Well where is NTDOC? Is he watching this post?
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