I most often find that with InstallShield silent installs, regardless of shell or START /W, it won't wait for the install to finish.
? "We have now to install IBM CA but first cleanup from prior installs"
SHELL 'deltree /Y "%TEMP%\_ISTMP*.DIR"'
? "Launching the main install"
run '"\\ffsms\Seed\IBM Client Access\Express\Setup.exe" -S'
;? "Waiting for the core install to start"
sleep 10
? "Waiting for the core install to finish" ?
$Index = 0
while exist("%temp%\_ISTMP1.DIR")
sleep 10
$Index = $Index + 1
if $index > 20
$RC = MessageBox("NOTICE!" + Chr(13) + "Installation did not complete within a reasonable time!"
+ Chr(13) + "Please notify the FF HelpDesk at ext. 1864","IBM Client Access Express",48,60)
goto finish
Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.