#69484 - 2002-09-06 12:42 AM
Re: BBChecker II Update
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Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Show me the money ...
Maybe Vig's "SoftWhere?" application will tell me where I can get this script ?
Im an idiot ... your revised slider is in the first post ... so you didn't make any mods to the main script, eh ? Just plug-and-play the slider ? [ 06. September 2002, 00:58: Message edited by: Shawn ]
#69486 - 2002-09-06 01:04 AM
Re: BBChecker II Update
Chris S.
MM club member
![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif)
Registered: 2002-03-18
Posts: 2368
Loc: Earth
{Editors note: I'm talking about integrating the slider into the main script here. Not running the slider as a separate script as Jooel had originally scripted it.}
Well, I did modifiy the main script some. I had to to get it to work. As far as I know, you can't have functions within a function.
The problem was the createform from within the function, though. As Vig experienced with his software form script, you just can't do that w/o mucking things up.
I started to go through the main script some, but didn't have enough time to get a handle on all of the functions. I was playing around with this with my 'spare-time' at work, after all. ![[Wink]](images/icons/wink.gif) [ 06. September 2002, 01:08: Message edited by: Chris S. ]
#69487 - 2002-09-06 01:04 AM
Re: BBChecker II Update
Howard Bullock
KiX Supporter
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Registered: 2000-09-15
Posts: 5809
Loc: Harrisburg, PA USA
Lonkero, thanks for a great tool. Chris, thanks for the improved slider. [ 06. September 2002, 01:05: Message edited by: Howard Bullock ]
#69488 - 2002-09-06 01:06 AM
Re: BBChecker II Update
Chris S.
MM club member
![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif)
Registered: 2002-03-18
Posts: 2368
Loc: Earth
Oh, the question was: did I have to modify the main script to update the slider? No. I used all of Jooel's variables in my script. I just renamed his slider and put mine in the folder in it's place.
#69492 - 2002-09-06 01:51 AM
Re: BBChecker II Update
Chris S.
MM club member
![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif)
Registered: 2002-03-18
Posts: 2368
Loc: Earth
If I still have it. And if I do it's at work and I'm not. I'll see if I can find it tomorrow morning.
Heck, I might just play around with it tonight.
It's sad, I'm starting to code for recreational purposes. I think I need a 12-step program.
Anyway, here is the code I came up with. This works, but I had to comment out the timer.interval = 5000 line and replace it with a sleep 5.
; ; BBChecker II - KiXtart Bulleting Board New Post Checker (RC-4) ; ; Dependencies (included in package): ; Wkix32 - KiXtart 4.11 ; kixforms.dll - KiXForms (build 21) ; IE5 or higher ; ; -Lonkero ; ;todo's before release: ; parse takes the page as input. ; this way later update of var names is no problem. ; ; installation package ; gosub "init" while $form.visible parse() if $show $msg.caption = $show $hlurl.listindex=0 formlink($hlurl.text) $form.caption = $show+" - BBChecker II" if $beep play "256t1d500f" endif $tmp=3 if $focus=0 and $sslider $form.show(2) slide($msg.caption) $form.height=$tmp inline() endif else $tmp=$looptime endif $time=@ticks+($tmp*1000) do sleep 0.2 inline() until @error or ($time < @ticks) loop gosub "final" exit 0
function inline() $=execute($form.doevents(1)) $=execute($form.doevents(1)) endfunction
function parse() $httpObj.open("GET","http://kixtart.org/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?", not 1) $httpObj.send() $data=$httpObj.Responsetext if 1000<len($data) inline() $data=substr($data,instr($data,'ubb=get_profile')+10) $bl.clear $bll.clear if instr($data,'ubb=get_profile')<instr($data,'guest(s)') $data=substr($data,instr($data,'ubb=get_profile')) $users=substr($data,1,instr($data,' and')) for each $user in split($users,'</a>, ') $bll.additem(substr($user,instr($user,';u=')+3,instr($user,'">')-3-instr($user,';u=')),-1) $bl.additem(substr($user,instr($user,'">')+2),-1) next $bl.removeitem($bl.listcount-1) endif for $c=0 to 6 $data=substr($data,instr($data,' <a href=')+15) $y[$c]=substr($data,1,instr($data,'"')-1) $data=substr($data,instr($data,'>')+1) $x[$c]=substr($data,1,instr($data,'</a>') - 1)+" " $x[$c]=join(split($x[$c],"""),'"') $data=substr($data,instr($data,chr(10))+1) if instr(substr($data,1,1),"<") $users=substr($data,7,instr($data,chr(10))-7) else $users=substr($data,1,instr($data,chr(10))-1) endif $x[$c]=$x[$c]+$users if $my and instr($users,$logon) $dataold[$c]=$x[$c] endif next $stamp=" "+left(@time,5)+" on @mdayno. of @month" select case "Loading elements..."==$msg.caption $show="" $fbb.enabled=1 $fbh.enabled=1 $msg.caption = "" case $x[0]<>$dataold[0] $show=$x[0] $hl.additem($x[0]+$stamp+" {starters}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[0],0) case $x[1]<>$dataold[1] $show=$x[1] $hl.additem($x[1]+$stamp+" {scripts}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[1],0) case $x[2]<>$dataold[2] $show=$x[2] $hl.additem($x[2]+$stamp+" {COM}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[2],0) case $x[3]<>$dataold[3] $show=$x[3] $hl.additem($x[3]+$stamp+" {UDF}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[3],0) case $x[4]<>$dataold[4] $show=$x[4] $hl.additem($x[4]+$stamp+" {beta}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[4],0) case $x[5]<>$dataold[5] $show=$x[5] $hl.additem($x[5]+$stamp+" {suggestions}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[5],0) case $x[6]<>$dataold[6] $show=$x[6] $hl.additem($x[6]+$stamp+" {FAQ}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[6],0) case 1 $show=0 endselect endif $dataold=$x endfunction
function show($) $form.height=$form.height+(100*$) if $form.height=340 $hl.top=102 $hbh.top=275 $hbo.top=275 $hba.top=275 else $hl.top=2 $hbh.top=175 $hbo.top=175 $hba.top=175 endif if $=2 $hl.visible=1 $hbh.visible=1 $hbo.visible=1 $hba.visible=1 $fbh.enabled=0 else $bl.visible=1 $blt.visible=1 $bbh.visible=1 $bbp.visible=1 $bbr.visible=1 $fbb.enabled=0 endif $form.top=$screen-taskbar()+3-$form.height $msg.top = $form.height-38 $fbe.top = $form.height-20 $fbh.top = $fbe.top $fbb.top = $fbe.top $fbs.top = $fbe.top $form.show(1) inline() endfunction
function hide($) $form.height=$form.height-(100*$) if $=1 $bl.visible=0 $bbh.visible=0 $bbp.visible=0 $bbr.visible=0 $fbb.enabled=1 $blt.visible=0 else $hl.visible=0 $hbh.visible=0 $hbo.visible=0 $hba.visible=0 $fbh.enabled=1 endif $form.top=$screen - (taskbar() + $form.height - 3) $msg.top = $form.height-38 $fbe.top = $form.height-20 $fbh.top = $fbe.top $fbb.top = $fbe.top $fbs.top = $fbe.top $hl.top=2 $hbo.top=175 $hba.top=175 $hbh.top=175 $form.show(1) inline() endfunction
function formlink($in) $form.onmousemove="$$msg.fontbold=0 $$msg.fontunderline=0" $msg.onmousemove="$$msg.fontbold=1 $$msg.fontunderline=1" $msg.onmouseup="$$form.show(2) run 'explorer "+chr(34)+$in+chr(34)+"'" endfunction
Function TaskBar() if @dos=="4.0" $_S="StuckRects" else $_S="StuckRects2" endif $TaskBar=val("&"+substr(readvalue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\$_S","settings"),41,2)) endfunction
function slide($sc) if instr($sc,'"') $sc=join(split($sc,'"'),"'") endif ;run '@scriptdir\wkix32 "@scriptdir\slider.kix" $$sc="$sc" $$b='+taskbar()
; Begin edit...Commented the above command. The rest of this function ; and the Timer_Timer() function below this one, is my ; modifications to the code.
$b=taskbar() $h = 120 $w = 300 $DirectionIsUp = 1
$Popup = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form") $Popup.BorderStyle = 0 $Popup.ScaleHeight = 0 $Popup.ScaleWidth = $w $Popup.ShowInTaskbar = False ; Not ready yet ! $Popup.TopMost = True $popLabel = $Popup.Label(@crlf+@crlf+@crlf+@crlf+$sc,,,$w,$h) $popLabel.BACKCOLOR = $Popup.RGB(255,255,255) $popLabel.BorderStyle = 4 $popLabel.Alignment = 2 $Popup.Top = $Popup.screen.height - (($b-4)+$Popup.Height) $Popup.Left = $Popup.Screen.Width - ($w+15) $Popup.Show $Timer = $Popup.Timer(10) $Timer.OnTimer = "Timer_Timer()" While $Popup.Visible $=Execute($Popup.DoEvents) Loop $Popup = "" $Timer = "" $popLabel = "" endfunction
Function Timer_Timer() $Timer.Interval = 10 If $DirectionIsUp $Popup.Height = $Popup.Height + 3 $Popup.Top = $Popup.Top - 3 If $Popup.Height => $h $Popup.Height = $h ;$Timer.Interval = 5000 sleep 5 $DirectionIsUp = 0 EndIf Else $Popup.Height = $Popup.Height -3 $Popup.Top = $Popup.Top + 3 If $Popup.Top >= ($Popup.Screen.Height-$b) $Timer.Enabled = 0 $Popup.Hide EndIf EndIf EndFunction
:init $form = createobject("kixtart.form") global $x[6] $dataold=$x $y=$x $screen=$form.screen.height $form.caption = "BBChecker II" $form.width = 430 $form.height = 40 $form.left = $form.screen.width - $form.width - 20 $form.borderstyle = 0 $form.fontsize = 8 $form.fontname = "helvetica" $form.forecolor = 0 $form.fontbold = 0 $form.onlostfocus = "$$focus=0" $form.ongotfocus = "$$focus=1" $msg = $form.label("Loading elements...",15,2,410,12) $msg.onmouseup="$$form.setfocus()" $form.top = $screen - (taskbar() + $form.height - 3) $fbe = $form.commandbutton("Exit",2,20,65,19) $fbe.onclick = "$$form.visible = 0" $fbs = $form.commandbutton("Miscellaneous",69,20,80,19) $fbs.onmouseup = "inline() misc()" $fbh = $form.commandbutton("History",$form.width - 68,20,65,19) $fbh.enabled=0 $fbh.onclick = "show(2) $$form.setfocus()" $fbb = $form.commandbutton("Buddyes",$fbh.left - 68,20,65,19) $fbb.enabled=0 $fbb.onclick = "show(1) $$form.setfocus()" $form.visible = 1 inline() ;history block $hl = $form.listbox(0,2,2,426,170) $hl.visible = 0 $hl.OnDblClick = "$$form.show(2) $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex run 'explorer "+chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+chr(34)+"'" inline() $hl.onclick="$$form.setfocus()" $hbh = $form.commandbutton("Hide",$form.width - 80,175,75,20) $hbh.visible = 0 inline() $hbh.onclick = "hide(2) $$focus=1" $hbo = $form.commandbutton("Show Topic",5,175,75,20) $hbo.visible = 0 inline() $hbo.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex run 'explorer "+chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+chr(34)+"'" $hba = $form.commandbutton("Today's Active topics",150,175,130,20) $hba.visible = 0 inline() $hba.onclick = "$$form.show(2) run 'explorer "+chr(34)+""+chr(34)+"'" $hlurl = $form.listbox(0,0,0,0,20) $hlurl.visible = 0 ;buddyes block $bl = $form.listbox(0,2,15,200,80) $bl.visible = 0 $bl.onclick="$$form.setfocus()" inline() $bll = $form.listbox(0,0,0,0,20) $bll.visible = 0 $bll.ongotfocus="$$form.setfocus()" inline() $blt = $form.label("Logged on users:",5,2,150,12) $blt.visible = 0 $blt.ongotfocus="$$form.setfocus()" inline() $bbh = $form.commandbutton("Hide",$form.width - 80,15,75,20) $bbh.visible = 0 $bbh.onclick = "hide(1) $$focus=1" inline() $bbp = $form.commandbutton("Show Profile",210,15,75,20) $bbp.visible = 0 $bbp.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex run 'explorer "+chr(34)+";u='+$$bll.text+'"+chr(34)+"'" inline() $bbr = $form.commandbutton("Recent Posts",210,40,75,20) $bbr.visible = 0 $bbr.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex run 'explorer "+chr(34)+";u='+$$bll.text+'"+chr(34)+"'" inline() global $focus $focus=1 ;settings $bk="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Jooel\bbChecker" if not keyexist($bk) $=messagebox("bbChecker II installation corruption!@crlfThis propably is due to unclean installation@crlfRe-install needed","bbChecker II",16) exit 0 endif $looptime=val(readvalue($bk,"looptime")) $beep=val(readvalue($bk,"beep")) $sslider=val(readvalue($bk,"slider")) $my=val(readvalue($bk,"my")) $logon=readvalue($bk,"logon") ;xmlhttp related func $cache=readvalue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5") $=writevalue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5","3","reg_dword") $httpObj = createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") return
:final $ = writevalue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5",$cache,"reg_dword") return
function misc() $f = createobject("kixtart.form") $f.caption = "bbChecker II - Miscellaneous" $f.width = 250 $f.height = 250 $f.top = $screen/2 $f.left = $f.screen.width-720 $f.fontbold=1 $f.fontname = "Bookman Old Style" $f.printxy(20,10,"bbChecker II") $f.fontbold=0 $f.printxy(20,30,"Based on:") $f.printxy(20,45,"Kixtart 4.11 (wkix32.exe)") $f.printxy(20,60,"KixForms GUI (KixForms.exe)") $f.fontname = "helvetica" $fp = $f.checkbox("Don't show my posts",20,135,130,15) $f.printxy(150,120,"Logonname:") $fpt = $f.textbox($logon,150,135,65,17) $lt = $f.textbox($looptime,150,158,25,17) $f.printxy(20,160,"Post check interval (secs):") $fo = $f.checkbox("Beep on post",20,180,110,15) $fs = $f.checkbox("Show slider",20,200,90,15) $fp.value = $my if $fp.value $fpt.enabled=1 else $fpt.enabled=0 endif $fo.value = $beep $fs.value = $sslider $fb = $f.commandbutton("OK",170,205,75,20) $fb.onclick = 'if val($$lt.text)<10 $$lt.text="10" else $$f.visible=0 endif' $f.show while $f.visible $=execute($f.doevents(1)) if $fp.value $fpt.enabled=1 else $fpt.enabled=0 endif if 99<val($lt.text) $lt.text="99" endif loop $looptime = val($lt.text) $beep = $fo.value $sslider = $fs.value $my = $fp.value $logon=$fpt.text $=writevalue($bk,"looptime",""+$looptime,"reg_sz") $=writevalue($bk,"beep",""+$beep,"reg_sz") $=writevalue($bk,"slider",""+$sslider,"reg_sz") $=writevalue($bk,"my",""+$my,"reg_sz") $=writevalue($bk,"logon",""+$logon,"reg_sz") endfunction
[ 06. September 2002, 14:14: Message edited by: Chris S. ]
#69495 - 2002-09-06 10:44 AM
Re: BBChecker II Update
MM club member
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Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
I've tested the integrated bbCheckerII script on a W95 box and.... it worked with minor adjustments.
Hmmm, minor adjustments I here you say. Well the only thing I adjusted was the way yhe IE browser was started. I've got W95 OSR2.5 Dutch with IE5.5 and the run 'explorer didn't work. After changing the explorer command to the start command, it worked fine.
I've also corrected the # of forums (8 not 7)
So the taskbar() works fine on W95 too.
How do we get rid of the annoying dos box???
; ; BBChecker II - KiXtart Bulleting Board New Post Checker (RC-4) ; ; Dependencies (included in package): ; Wkix32 - KiXtart 4.11 ; kixforms.dll - KiXForms (build 21) ; IE5 or higher ; ; -Lonkero ; ;todo's before release: ; parse takes the page as input. ; this way later update of var names is no problem. ; ; installation package ; Break on Gosub "init"
Play "1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t4d400f"
While $form.visible parse() If $show $msg.caption = $show $hlurl.listindex=0 formlink($hlurl.text) $form.caption = $show+" - BBChecker II" If $Beep Play "1g256t1d500f1g256t1d400f1g256t1d600f" EndIf $tmp=3 If $focus=0 AND $sslider $form.show(2) slide($msg.caption) $form.height=$tmp inline() EndIf Else $tmp=$looptime EndIf $time=@ticks+($tmp*1000) Do Sleep 0.2 inline() Until @error OR ($time < @ticks) Loop
Gosub "final"
Exit 0
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function inline()
$=Execute($form.doevents(1)) $=Execute($form.doevents(1))
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function parse()
$httpObj.Open("GET","http://kixtart.org/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?", NOT 1) $httpObj.send() $data=$httpObj.Responsetext
If 1000<Len($data) inline() $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,'ubb=get_profile')+10) $bl.clear $bll.clear
If InStr($data,'ubb=get_profile')<InStr($data,'guest(s)') $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,'ubb=get_profile')) $users=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,' and'))
For Each $user in Split($users,'</a>, ') $bll.additem(SubStr($user,InStr($user,';u=')+3,InStr($user,'">')-3-InStr($user,';u=')),-1) $bl.additem(SubStr($user,InStr($user,'">')+2),-1) Next $bl.removeitem($bl.listcount-1) EndIf For $c=0 to 7 $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,' <a href=')+15) $y[$c]=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,'"')-1) $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,'>')+1) $x[$c]=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,'</a>') - 1)+" " $x[$c]=join(Split($x[$c],"""),'"') $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,Chr(10))+1) If InStr(SubStr($data,1,1),"<") $users=SubStr($data,7,InStr($data,Chr(10))-7) Else $users=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,Chr(10))-1) EndIf
$x[$c]=$x[$c]+$users If $my AND InStr($users,$logon) $dataold[$c]=$x[$c] EndIf Next
$stamp=" "+Left(@time,5)+" on @mdayno. of @month" Select Case "Loading elements..."==$msg.caption $show="" $fbb.enabled=1 $fbh.enabled=1 $msg.caption = "" Case $x[0]<>$dataold[0] $show=$x[0] $hl.additem($x[0]+$stamp+" {starters}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[0],0) Case $x[1]<>$dataold[1] $show=$x[1] $hl.additem($x[1]+$stamp+" {scripts}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[1],0) Case $x[2]<>$dataold[2] $show=$x[2] $hl.additem($x[2]+$stamp+" {discussions}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[2],0) Case $x[3]<>$dataold[3] $show=$x[3] $hl.additem($x[3]+$stamp+" {COM}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[3],0) Case $x[4]<>$dataold[4] $show=$x[4] $hl.additem($x[4]+$stamp+" {UDF}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[4],0) Case $x[5]<>$dataold[5] $show=$x[5] $hl.additem($x[5]+$stamp+" {beta}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[5],0) Case $x[6]<>$dataold[6] $show=$x[6] $hl.additem($x[6]+$stamp+" {suggestions}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[6],0) Case $x[7]<>$dataold[7] $show=$x[7] $hl.additem($x[7]+$stamp+" {FAQ}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[7],0) Case 1 $show=0 EndSelect EndIf $dataold=$x
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function show($)
If $form.height=340 $hl.top=102 $hbh.top=275 $hbo.top=275 $hba.top=275 Else $hl.top=2 $hbh.top=175 $hbo.top=175 $hba.top=175 EndIf
If $=2 $hl.visible=1 $hbh.visible=1 $hbo.visible=1 $hba.visible=1 $fbh.enabled=0 Else $bl.visible=1 $blt.visible=1 $bbh.visible=1 $bbp.visible=1 $bbr.visible=1 $fbb.enabled=0 EndIf $form.top=$screen-taskbar()+3-$form.height $msg.top = $form.height-38 $fbe.top = $form.height-20 $fbh.top = $fbe.top $fbb.top = $fbe.top $fbs.top = $fbe.top $form.show(1) inline()
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function hide($)
If $=1 $bl.visible=0 $bbh.visible=0 $bbp.visible=0 $bbr.visible=0 $fbb.enabled=1 $blt.visible=0 Else $hl.visible=0 $hbh.visible=0 $hbo.visible=0 $hba.visible=0 $fbh.enabled=1 EndIf
$form.top=$screen - (taskbar() + $form.height - 3) $msg.top = $form.height-38 $fbe.top = $form.height-20 $fbh.top = $fbe.top $fbb.top = $fbe.top $fbs.top = $fbe.top $hl.top=2 $hbo.top=175 $hba.top=175 $hbh.top=175 $form.show(1) inline()
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function formlink($in)
$form.onmousemove="$$msg.fontbold=0 $$msg.fontunderline=0" $msg.onmousemove="$$msg.fontbold=1 $$msg.fontunderline=1" $msg.onmouseup="$$form.show(2) run 'start "+Chr(34)+$in+Chr(34)+"'"
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function TaskBar() If @dos=="4.0" $_S="StuckRects" Else $_S="StuckRects2" EndIf
$TaskBar=Val("&"+SubStr(ReadValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\$_S","settings"),41,2)) EndFunction
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function slide($sc)
If InStr($sc,'"') $sc=join(Split($sc,'"'),"'") EndIf
;run '@scriptdir\wkix32 "@scriptdir\slider.kix" $$sc="$sc" $$b='+taskbar()
; Begin edit...Commented the above command. The rest of this function ; and the Timer_Timer() function below this one, is my ; modifications to the code.
$b=taskbar() $h1 = 23 $w = 300 ; Len($sc)*15+10 ; 300 $h = 0 $DirectionIsUp = 1
$Popup = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")
$Popup.BorderStyle = 0 $Popup.Height = 0 $Popup.Width = $w $Popup.fontsize = 10 $Popup.fontname = "helvetica" $Popup.forecolor = 0 $Popup.fontbold = 1 ; $Popup.Top = $Popup.screen.height - $b - $h - 2 - 500 ; $Popup.Left = $Popup.Screen.Width - $w - 2 - 500 $Popup.Top = ($Popup.screen.height - $b) / 2 $Popup.Left = ($Popup.Screen.Width - $w) / 2
$Popup.ShowInTaskbar = False ; Not ready yet ! $Popup.TopMost = True
$popLabel = $Popup.Label($sc,0,0,$w,$h1) $popLabel.BACKCOLOR = $Popup.RGB(255,255,0) $popLabel.BorderStyle = 3 ; 4 $popLabel.Alignment = 2 $Timer = $Popup.Timer(10) $Timer.OnTimer = "Timer_Timer()"
Sleep 0.5
While $Popup.Visible $=Execute($Popup.DoEvents) Loop $Popup = "" $Timer = "" $popLabel = ""
Function Timer_Timer() $Timer.Interval = 10 If $DirectionIsUp $h = $h + 1 $popup.height = $h $Popup.Top = $Popup.Top - 1 If $h >= $h1 $Timer.Interval = 2500 $DirectionIsUp = 0 ;play "256t1d500f" EndIf Else $h = $h - 1 $popup.height = $h $Popup.Top = $Popup.Top + 1 If $h <= 0 $Timer.Enabled = 0 $Popup.Hide EndIf EndIf EndFunction
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :init
$form = CreateObject("kixtart.form") Global $x[7] $dataold=$x $y=$x $screen=$form.screen.height
$form.caption = "BBChecker II" $form.width = 430 $form.height = 40 $form.Left = $form.screen.width - $form.width - 20 $form.borderstyle = 0 $form.fontsize = 8 $form.fontname = "helvetica" $form.forecolor = 0 $form.fontbold = 0 $form.onlostfocus = "$$focus=0" $form.ongotfocus = "$$focus=1"
$msg = $form.label("Loading elements...",15,2,410,12) $msg.onmouseup="$$form.setfocus()"
$form.top = $screen - (taskbar() + $form.height - 3) $fbe = $form.commandbutton("Exit",2,20,65,19) $fbe.onclick = "$$form.visible = 0" $fbs = $form.commandbutton("Miscellaneous",69,20,80,19) $fbs.onmouseup = "inline() misc()" $fbh = $form.commandbutton("History",$form.width - 68,20,65,19) $fbh.enabled=0 $fbh.onclick = "show(2) $$form.setfocus()" $fbb = $form.commandbutton("Buddyes",$fbh.Left - 68,20,65,19) $fbb.enabled=0 $fbb.onclick = "show(1) $$form.setfocus()" $form.visible = 1
;history block $hl = $form.listbox(0,2,2,426,170) $hl.visible = 0 $hl.OnDblClick = "$$form.show(2) $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex run 'start "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$hl.onclick="$$form.setfocus()" $hbh = $form.commandbutton("Hide",$form.width - 80,175,75,20) $hbh.visible = 0
$hbh.onclick = "hide(2) $$focus=1" $hbo = $form.commandbutton("Show Topic",5,175,75,20) $hbo.visible = 0
$hbo.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex run 'start "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'" $hba = $form.commandbutton("Today's Active topics",150,175,130,20) $hba.visible = 0
$hba.onclick = "$$form.show(2) run 'start "+Chr(34)+""+Chr(34)+"'" $hlurl = $form.listbox(0,0,0,0,20) $hlurl.visible = 0
;buddyes block $bl = $form.listbox(0,2,15,200,80) $bl.visible = 0 $bl.onclick="$$form.setfocus()"
$bll = $form.listbox(0,0,0,0,20) $bll.visible = 0 $bll.ongotfocus="$$form.setfocus()"
$blt = $form.label("Logged on users:",5,2,150,12) $blt.visible = 0 $blt.ongotfocus="$$form.setfocus()"
$bbh = $form.commandbutton("Hide",$form.width - 80,15,75,20) $bbh.visible = 0 $bbh.onclick = "hide(1) $$focus=1"
$bbp = $form.commandbutton("Show Profile",210,15,75,20) $bbp.visible = 0 $bbp.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex run 'start "+Chr(34)+";u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$bbr = $form.commandbutton("Recent Posts",210,40,75,20) $bbr.visible = 0 $bbr.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex run 'start "+Chr(34)+";u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
Global $focus $focus=1
;settings $bk="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Jooel\bbChecker"
If NOT KeyExist($bk) $=MessageBox("bbChecker II installation corruption!@crlfThis propably is due to unclean installation@crlfRe-install needed","bbChecker II",16) Exit 0 EndIf
$looptime=Val(ReadValue($bk,"looptime")) $Beep=Val(ReadValue($bk,"beep")) $sslider=Val(ReadValue($bk,"slider")) $my=Val(ReadValue($bk,"my")) $logon=ReadValue($bk,"logon")
;xmlhttp related func $cache=ReadValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5") $=WriteValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5","3","reg_dword") $httpObj = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :final
$ = WriteValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5",$cache,"reg_dword")
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function misc()
$f = CreateObject("kixtart.form") $f.caption = "bbChecker II - Miscellaneous" $f.width = 250 $f.height = 250 $f.top = $screen/2 $f.Left = $f.screen.width-720 $f.fontbold=1 $f.fontname = "Bookman Old Style" $f.printxy(20,10,"bbChecker II") $f.fontbold=0 $f.printxy(20,30,"Based on:") $f.printxy(20,45,"Kixtart 4.11 (wkix32.exe)") $f.printxy(20,60,"KixForms GUI (KixForms.exe)") $f.fontname = "helvetica" $fp = $f.checkbox("Don't show my posts",20,135,130,15) $f.printxy(150,120,"Logonname:") $fpt = $f.textbox($logon,150,135,65,17) $lt = $f.textbox($looptime,150,158,25,17) $f.printxy(20,160,"Post check interval (secs):") $fo = $f.checkbox("Beep on post",20,180,110,15) $fs = $f.checkbox("Show slider",20,200,90,15) $fp.value = $my
If $fp.value $fpt.enabled=1 Else $fpt.enabled=0 EndIf
$fo.value = $Beep $fs.value = $sslider $fb = $f.commandbutton("OK",170,205,75,20) $fb.onclick = 'if val($$lt.text)<10 $$lt.text="10" else $$f.visible=0 endif' $f.show While $f.visible $=Execute($f.doevents(1)) If $fp.value $fpt.enabled=1 Else $fpt.enabled=0 EndIf If 99<Val($lt.text) $lt.text="99" EndIf Loop
$looptime = Val($lt.text) $Beep = $fo.value $sslider = $fs.value $my = $fp.value $logon=$fpt.text $=WriteValue($bk,"looptime",""+$looptime,"reg_sz") $=WriteValue($bk,"beep",""+$Beep,"reg_sz") $=WriteValue($bk,"slider",""+$sslider,"reg_sz") $=WriteValue($bk,"my",""+$my,"reg_sz") $=WriteValue($bk,"logon",""+$logon,"reg_sz")
Greetz, Patrick Rutten
- We'll either find a way or make one... - Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful... - Problems don't exist; they are challenges...
#69497 - 2002-09-07 12:09 AM
Re: BBChecker II Update
MM club member
![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif) ![*](/forums/images/general/default/star.gif)
Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
now I've got one .Kix for both W95 and W2k.
Take a look at the :init section. Depending on the OS I define the $runie variable.
On W95 the dos box disappears if I directly call iexplore
The forms are displayed correctly. Also the slider doesn't interfere with normal work!!
; ; BBChecker II - KiXtart Bulleting Board New Post Checker (RC-4) ; ; Dependencies (included in package): ; Wkix32 - KiXtart 4.11 ; kixforms.dll - KiXForms (build 21) ; IE5 or higher ; ; -Lonkero ; ;todo's before release: ; parse takes the page as input. ; this way later update of var names is no problem. ; ; installation package ; Break on Gosub "init"
Play "1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t1d600f1g256t4d400f"
While $form.visible parse() If $show $msg.caption = $show $hlurl.listindex=0 formlink($hlurl.text) $form.caption = $show+" - BBChecker II" If $Beep Play "1g256t1d500f1g256t1d400f1g256t1d600f" EndIf $tmp=3 If $focus=0 AND $sslider $form.show(2) slide($msg.caption) $form.height=$tmp inline() EndIf Else $tmp=$looptime EndIf $time=@ticks+($tmp*1000) Do Sleep 0.2 inline() Until @error OR ($time < @ticks) Loop
Gosub "final"
Exit 0
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function inline()
$=Execute($form.doevents(1)) $=Execute($form.doevents(1))
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function parse()
$httpObj.Open("GET","http://kixtart.org/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?", NOT 1) $httpObj.send() $data=$httpObj.Responsetext
If 1000<Len($data) inline() $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,'ubb=get_profile')+10) $bl.clear $bll.clear
If InStr($data,'ubb=get_profile')<InStr($data,'guest(s)') $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,'ubb=get_profile')) $users=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,' and'))
For Each $user in Split($users,'</a>, ') $bll.additem(SubStr($user,InStr($user,';u=')+3,InStr($user,'">')-3-InStr($user,';u=')),-1) $bl.additem(SubStr($user,InStr($user,'">')+2),-1) Next $bl.removeitem($bl.listcount-1) EndIf For $c=0 to 7 $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,' <a href=')+15) $y[$c]=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,'"')-1) $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,'>')+1) $x[$c]=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,'</a>') - 1)+" " $x[$c]=join(Split($x[$c],"""),'"') $data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,Chr(10))+1) If InStr(SubStr($data,1,1),"<") $users=SubStr($data,7,InStr($data,Chr(10))-7) Else $users=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,Chr(10))-1) EndIf
$x[$c]=$x[$c]+$users If $my AND InStr($users,$logon) $dataold[$c]=$x[$c] EndIf Next
$stamp=" "+Left(@time,5)+" on @mdayno. of @month" Select Case "Loading elements..."==$msg.caption $show="" $fbb.enabled=1 $fbh.enabled=1 $msg.caption = "" Case $x[0]<>$dataold[0] $show=$x[0] $hl.additem($x[0]+$stamp+" {starters}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[0],0) Case $x[1]<>$dataold[1] $show=$x[1] $hl.additem($x[1]+$stamp+" {scripts}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[1],0) Case $x[2]<>$dataold[2] $show=$x[2] $hl.additem($x[2]+$stamp+" {discussions}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[2],0) Case $x[3]<>$dataold[3] $show=$x[3] $hl.additem($x[3]+$stamp+" {COM}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[3],0) Case $x[4]<>$dataold[4] $show=$x[4] $hl.additem($x[4]+$stamp+" {UDF}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[4],0) Case $x[5]<>$dataold[5] $show=$x[5] $hl.additem($x[5]+$stamp+" {beta}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[5],0) Case $x[6]<>$dataold[6] $show=$x[6] $hl.additem($x[6]+$stamp+" {suggestions}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[6],0) Case $x[7]<>$dataold[7] $show=$x[7] $hl.additem($x[7]+$stamp+" {FAQ}",0) $hlurl.additem($y[7],0) Case 1 $show=0 EndSelect EndIf $dataold=$x
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function show($)
If $form.height=340 $hl.top=102 $hbh.top=275 $hbo.top=275 $hba.top=275 Else $hl.top=2 $hbh.top=175 $hbo.top=175 $hba.top=175 EndIf
If $=2 $hl.visible=1 $hbh.visible=1 $hbo.visible=1 $hba.visible=1 $fbh.enabled=0 Else $bl.visible=1 $blt.visible=1 $bbh.visible=1 $bbp.visible=1 $bbr.visible=1 $fbb.enabled=0 EndIf $form.top=$screen-taskbar()+3-$form.height $msg.top = $form.height-38 $fbe.top = $form.height-20 $fbh.top = $fbe.top $fbb.top = $fbe.top $fbs.top = $fbe.top $form.show(1) inline()
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function hide($)
If $=1 $bl.visible=0 $bbh.visible=0 $bbp.visible=0 $bbr.visible=0 $fbb.enabled=1 $blt.visible=0 Else $hl.visible=0 $hbh.visible=0 $hbo.visible=0 $hba.visible=0 $fbh.enabled=1 EndIf
$form.top=$screen - (taskbar() + $form.height - 3) $msg.top = $form.height-38 $fbe.top = $form.height-20 $fbh.top = $fbe.top $fbb.top = $fbe.top $fbs.top = $fbe.top $hl.top=2 $hbo.top=175 $hba.top=175 $hbh.top=175 $form.show(1) inline()
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function formlink($in)
$form.onmousemove="$$msg.fontbold=0 $$msg.fontunderline=0" $msg.onmousemove="$$msg.fontbold=1 $$msg.fontunderline=1" $msg.onmouseup="$$form.show(2) $runie "+Chr(34)+$in+Chr(34)+"'"
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function TaskBar() If @dos=="4.0" $_S="StuckRects" Else $_S="StuckRects2" EndIf
$TaskBar=Val("&"+SubStr(ReadValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\$_S","settings"),41,2)) EndFunction
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function slide($sc)
If InStr($sc,'"') $sc=join(Split($sc,'"'),"'") EndIf
;run '@scriptdir\wkix32 "@scriptdir\slider.kix" $$sc="$sc" $$b='+taskbar()
; Begin edit...Commented the above command. The rest of this function ; and the Timer_Timer() function below this one, is my ; modifications to the code.
$b=taskbar() $h1 = 23 $w = 300 ; Len($sc)*15+10 ; 300 $h = 0 $DirectionIsUp = 1
$Popup = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")
$Popup.BorderStyle = 0 $Popup.Height = 0 $Popup.Width = $w $Popup.fontsize = 10 $Popup.fontname = "helvetica" $Popup.forecolor = 0 $Popup.fontbold = 1 ; $Popup.Top = $Popup.screen.height - $b - $h - 2 - 500 ; $Popup.Left = $Popup.Screen.Width - $w - 2 - 500 $Popup.Top = ($Popup.screen.height - $b) / 2 $Popup.Left = ($Popup.Screen.Width - $w) / 2
$Popup.ShowInTaskbar = False ; Not ready yet ! $Popup.TopMost = True
$popLabel = $Popup.Label($sc,0,0,$w,$h1) $popLabel.BACKCOLOR = $Popup.RGB(255,255,0) $popLabel.BorderStyle = 3 ; 4 $popLabel.Alignment = 2 $Timer = $Popup.Timer(10) $Timer.OnTimer = "Timer_Timer()"
Sleep 0.5
While $Popup.Visible $=Execute($Popup.DoEvents) Loop $Popup = "" $Timer = "" $popLabel = ""
Function Timer_Timer() $Timer.Interval = 10 If $DirectionIsUp $h = $h + 1 $popup.height = $h $Popup.Top = $Popup.Top - 1 If $h >= $h1 $Timer.Interval = 2500 $DirectionIsUp = 0 ;play "256t1d500f" EndIf Else $h = $h - 1 $popup.height = $h $Popup.Top = $Popup.Top + 1 If $h <= 0 $Timer.Enabled = 0 $Popup.Hide EndIf EndIf EndFunction
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :init
$form = CreateObject("kixtart.form") Global $x[7] $dataold=$x $y=$x $screen=$form.screen.height Global $runie
If @inwin = 1 $runie = "run 'explorer " Else $runie = "run '"+readvalue("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile\shell\open\command","")+" " EndIf
$form.caption = "BBChecker II" $form.width = 430 $form.height = 40 $form.Left = $form.screen.width - $form.width - 20 $form.borderstyle = 0 $form.fontsize = 8 $form.fontname = "helvetica" $form.forecolor = 0 $form.fontbold = 0 $form.onlostfocus = "$$focus=0" $form.ongotfocus = "$$focus=1"
$msg = $form.label("Loading elements...",15,2,410,12) $msg.onmouseup="$$form.setfocus()"
$form.top = $screen - (taskbar() + $form.height - 3) $fbe = $form.commandbutton("Exit",2,20,65,19) $fbe.onclick = "$$form.visible = 0" $fbs = $form.commandbutton("Miscellaneous",69,20,80,19) $fbs.onmouseup = "inline() misc()" $fbh = $form.commandbutton("History",$form.width - 68,20,65,19) $fbh.enabled=0 $fbh.onclick = "show(2) $$form.setfocus()" $fbb = $form.commandbutton("Buddyes",$fbh.Left - 68,20,65,19) $fbb.enabled=0 $fbb.onclick = "show(1) $$form.setfocus()" $form.visible = 1
;history block $hl = $form.listbox(0,2,2,426,170) $hl.visible = 0 $hl.OnDblClick = "$$form.show(2) $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$hl.onclick="$$form.setfocus()" $hbh = $form.commandbutton("Hide",$form.width - 80,175,75,20) $hbh.visible = 0
$hbh.onclick = "hide(2) $$focus=1" $hbo = $form.commandbutton("Show Topic",5,175,75,20) $hbo.visible = 0
$hbo.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'" $hba = $form.commandbutton("Today's Active topics",150,175,130,20) $hba.visible = 0
$hba.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $runie "+Chr(34)+""+Chr(34)+"'" $hlurl = $form.listbox(0,0,0,0,20) $hlurl.visible = 0
;buddyes block $bl = $form.listbox(0,2,15,200,80) $bl.visible = 0 $bl.onclick="$$form.setfocus()"
$bll = $form.listbox(0,0,0,0,20) $bll.visible = 0 $bll.ongotfocus="$$form.setfocus()"
$blt = $form.label("Logged on users:",5,2,150,12) $blt.visible = 0 $blt.ongotfocus="$$form.setfocus()"
$bbh = $form.commandbutton("Hide",$form.width - 80,15,75,20) $bbh.visible = 0 $bbh.onclick = "hide(1) $$focus=1"
$bbp = $form.commandbutton("Show Profile",210,15,75,20) $bbp.visible = 0 $bbp.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+";u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$bbr = $form.commandbutton("Recent Posts",210,40,75,20) $bbr.visible = 0 $bbr.onclick = "$$form.show(2) $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+";u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
Global $focus $focus=1
;settings $bk="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Jooel\bbChecker"
If NOT KeyExist($bk) $=MessageBox("bbChecker II installation corruption!@crlfThis propably is due to unclean installation@crlfRe-install needed","bbChecker II",16) Exit 0 EndIf
$looptime=Val(ReadValue($bk,"looptime")) $Beep=Val(ReadValue($bk,"beep")) $sslider=Val(ReadValue($bk,"slider")) $my=Val(ReadValue($bk,"my")) $logon=ReadValue($bk,"logon")
;xmlhttp related func $cache=ReadValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5") $=WriteValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5","3","reg_dword") $httpObj = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :final
$ = WriteValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","SyncMode5",$cache,"reg_dword")
;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function misc()
$f = CreateObject("kixtart.form") $f.caption = "bbChecker II - Miscellaneous" $f.width = 250 $f.height = 250 $f.top = $screen/2 $f.Left = $f.screen.width-720 $f.fontbold=1 $f.fontname = "Bookman Old Style" $f.printxy(20,10,"bbChecker II") $f.fontbold=0 $f.printxy(20,30,"Based on:") $f.printxy(20,45,"Kixtart 4.11 (wkix32.exe)") $f.printxy(20,60,"KixForms GUI (KixForms.exe)") $f.fontname = "helvetica" $fp = $f.checkbox("Don't show my posts",20,135,130,15) $f.printxy(150,120,"Logonname:") $fpt = $f.textbox($logon,150,135,65,17) $lt = $f.textbox($looptime,150,158,25,17) $f.printxy(20,160,"Post check interval (secs):") $fo = $f.checkbox("Beep on post",20,180,110,15) $fs = $f.checkbox("Show slider",20,200,90,15) $fp.value = $my
If $fp.value $fpt.enabled=1 Else $fpt.enabled=0 EndIf
$fo.value = $Beep $fs.value = $sslider $fb = $f.commandbutton("OK",170,205,75,20) $fb.onclick = 'if val($$lt.text)<10 $$lt.text="10" else $$f.visible=0 endif' $f.show While $f.visible $=Execute($f.doevents(1)) If $fp.value $fpt.enabled=1 Else $fpt.enabled=0 EndIf If 99<Val($lt.text) $lt.text="99" EndIf Loop
$looptime = Val($lt.text) $Beep = $fo.value $sslider = $fs.value $my = $fp.value $logon=$fpt.text $=WriteValue($bk,"looptime",""+$looptime,"reg_sz") $=WriteValue($bk,"beep",""+$Beep,"reg_sz") $=WriteValue($bk,"slider",""+$sslider,"reg_sz") $=WriteValue($bk,"my",""+$my,"reg_sz") $=WriteValue($bk,"logon",""+$logon,"reg_sz")
[ 06. September 2002, 12:27: Message edited by: MightyR1 ]
Greetz, Patrick Rutten
- We'll either find a way or make one... - Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful... - Problems don't exist; they are challenges...
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