The Ascii zero is in the manual under 'General Syntax Rules', I quote:
Strings can contain any characters, except the \0 (NULL) and \x1a (end of file) characters.

With FSO you can open a file as unicode for read or write.

I knocked up the following to read and write to/from an array
$files = @ScriptDir+"\output.uni",@ScriptDir+"\output.txt"
$txt = "hello there","how are you","today?","I am "
AppendFile($files[0],"Unicode"+@CRLF+"so there")
AppendFile($files[1],"Ascii"+@CRLF+"ending with EOL"+@CRLF)
FOR EACH $fn IN $files
$arr = ReadFile($fn)
? $fn +', Lines = '+Ubound($arr)
FOR $ajh = 0 to Ubound($arr)
? ""+$ajh+" : "+$arr[$ajh]
GETS $rc
; Creates a text file from $text (can be an array)
; If $type = "u" then a Unicode text file is created.
; New-line is NOT forced after text
; (to force New-Line $text[n] should be an empty element
; or if $text is a string it should end with @CRLF)
FUNCTION WriteFile($fn,$text,OPTIONAL $type)
IF Ubound($text) < 1 $text =Split($text,@CRLF) ENDIF
IF $type = "U" $type = -1 ELSE $type = 0 ENDIF
DIM $oFSO,$oFile,$i
$oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
IF @Error EXIT @Error ENDIF
$oFile = $oFSO.OpenTextFile($fn,2,-1,$type)
IF @Error EXIT @Error ENDIF
FOR $i = 0 TO UBound($text) -1
; Appends $text (can be an array) onto an existing text file
; New-line is NOT forced before or after text
; (to force New-Line $text[n] should be an empty element
; or if $text is a string it should begin/end with @CRLF)
FUNCTION AppendFile($fn,$text)
IF Ubound($text) < 1 $text =Split($text,@CRLF) ENDIF
DIM $oFSO,$oFile,$type
$oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
IF @Error EXIT @Error ENDIF
$oFile = $oFSO.OpenTextFile($fn,1,0,0) ;Ascii
IF @Error EXIT @Error ENDIF
$type = $oFile.Read(2) $oFile.Close
IF $type = CHR(255)+CHR(254) $type = -1 ELSE $type = 0 ENDIF
$oFile = $oFSO.OpenTextFile($fn,8,0,$type)
FOR $i = 0 TO UBound($text) -1
; Reads contents of file into an array.
; Ascii / Unicode is detected automatically.
FUNCTION ReadFile($fn)
DIM $oFSO,$oFile,$type
$oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
IF @Error EXIT @Error ENDIF
$oFile = $oFSO.OpenTextFile($fn,1,0,0) ;Ascii
IF @Error EXIT @Error ENDIF
$type = $oFile.Read(2) $oFile.Close
IF $type = CHR(255)+CHR(254) $type = -1 ELSE $type = 0 ENDIF
$oFile = $oFSO.OpenTextFile($fn,1,0,$type)
$ReadFile = Split($oFile.ReadAll,@CRLF)
? "Type "+$type