It sounds to me like a formatting difference. The date is returned like this from winnt:


If it is returned differently from LDAP, then the script would have to be modified to account for that. (Unfortunately, I have no means to test on LDAP.. only have NT servers here.)


P.S.... I totally forgot about the @YDAYNO function which could definitely be substituted for the CalcDayofYear($CurrentDateArray) but unfortunately can't be substituted for the CalcDayofYear($expiredateArray) unless you were to take the risky step of resetting the date to the old date, getting @YDAYNO then going back to the correct date.. (I don't think that's a good idea, but I had a similar idea when working on this.)

[ 04 June 2002, 22:57: Message edited by: BrianTX ]