Hi there Co,I've been working on this problem for quite a while now, but found no sulution.
Within the registry you can change the locale settings, but you can't change the keyboard layout!
If you check the registry while changing the keyboard layout (as you probably did), you see the regkey HKCU\...\substitude changing. This is NOT the right key that you have to change!
If you add another keyboard you will see that the substitude key has a new entry, concluding that the substitude key is an entry for "alternate" keyboards.
Try deleting all the key entries (substitude and preload\1 hives and work from that!
It gives a new perspective to your problem.
I've messed around with the following entries, but nothing did the job completely...
DELTREE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\substitutes")
DELTREE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\substitutes")
DELTREE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1")
DELTREE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\preload\1")
ADDKEY ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409")
ADDKEY ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409")
ADDKEY ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1")
ADDKEY ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\preload\1")
WRITEVALUE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409", "(Standaard)","00010409","REG_SZ")
WRITEVALUE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409", "(Standaard)","00010409","REG_SZ")
WRITEVALUE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)","00010409","REG_SZ")
WRITEVALUE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)","00010409","REG_SZ")
DELVALUE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)")
DELVALUE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)")
READTYPE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409", "(Standaard)")
READTYPE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)")
These are the full packet of entries that you will need. Just experiment by disable some entries and see what it does... have fun and good luck!
B.T.W. my temp solution is renaming kbdusx.kbd (located in c:\windows\system) to kbdnl.kbd and kbdus.kbd (leave timestamps the same) and override the files on the client machines. You will cover 99% of all th W95 client, because there is always a dutch or VS keyboard installed.
I know, it's not a nice solution, but you can reverse the process at any time.
[This message has been edited by SLM (edited 10 January 2001).]