#31747 - 2002-12-08 01:18 PM
Re: Uninstalling Software (how to remove f.e. Spyware software HOTBAR)
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU
On our site you will not find an uninstalling script for certain software. Reasons:
- procedure can be very complex, which needs to deal with rights, permission and
required feedback. Like jhansenjr says he gets an additional program to uninstall it. - procedure can be very easy, when you are removing the related shortcuts. Most
people will not start an application by explorer. Also it is very easy to remove or to rename the related file or directory on your client. It is also possible to replace related program with a dummy one. Such solution can be very easy An example for f.e. notepad.exe
$eof="~~~ end of file ~~~" shell '%comspec% /c dir c:\notepad.exe /b /s >%tmp%\kixtemp.txt' shell '%comspec% /c echo $eof >>%tmp%\kixtemp.txt' IF (Open(1,"%tmp%\kixtemp.txt",2) = 0) $line=Readline(1) WHILE (@error = 0) AND (Instr($line,$eof) = 0) IF (Instr($line,"\notepad.exe") <> 0) COPY \\server\netlogon\dummy.exe $line /H ; - command for replacing it ; DEL $line ; - command to remove it ENDIF $line=Readline(1) LOOP IF lose(1) ENDIF ENDIF
- by virus infections the most common site have already program to clean your
system. greetngs.
#31748 - 2003-06-27 08:45 PM
Re: Uninstalling Software (how to remove f.e. Spyware software HOTBAR)
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2002-08-19
Posts: 29
Loc: Tampa, FL
I tried to use this script for uninstalling Hotbar. For some reason it's not running. Should I call my login.kix with a .bat file. Should I create another kix script and call it via my login.kix or bat?
I'm using Radimus' go away hotbar script.
#31749 - 2003-06-27 10:07 PM
Re: Uninstalling Software (how to remove f.e. Spyware software HOTBAR)
Registered: 2000-01-06
Posts: 5187
Loc: Tampa, FL
I dunno how you are calling it, but here is the latest ver...
Many of the variables here aren't declared here, but you should be able to figure them out.
;******************************* remove hotbar **************************** $hotbar=0 if keyexist("$HKLMSMWCV\Uninstall\hotbar") $hotbar=readvalue("$HKLMSMWCV\Uninstall\hotbar","UninstallString") endif if keyexist("$HKLMSMWCV\Uninstall\hotbar uninstall") $hotbar=readvalue("$HKLMSMWCV\Uninstall\hotbar uninstall","UninstallString") endif
if $hotbar $=findproc(@wksta,"iexplore.exe",1) $=findproc(@wksta,"explorer.exe",1) $=findproc(@wksta,"outlook.exe",1) sleep 5 run '$setup\Apps\Hotbar\HotbarUninstall.exe'
sleep 3 $=setfocus("Hotbar Uninstall") $=sendkeys("{tab}{tab}{enter}")
sleep 3 $=setfocus("Hotbar Uninstall") $=sendkeys("{enter}") sleep 3 $=findproc(@wksta,"iexplore.exe",1)
if not exist("c:\progra~1\hotbar\bin\\Hbinst.exe") $=delkey("$HKLMSMWCV\Uninstall\hotbar") $=delkey("$HKLMSMWCV\Uninstall\hotbar uninstall") $runonce='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce' $=writevalue($runonce,"hotbarremove","cmd /c RD c:\progra~1\hotbar /s /q",Reg_SZ) endif endif
#31750 - 2003-06-28 12:19 AM
Re: Uninstalling Software (how to remove f.e. Spyware software HOTBAR)
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2002-08-19
Posts: 29
Loc: Tampa, FL
Thanks I'll give that a try. What would be the best way to call it?
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