Thanks for the posts thus far Allen. The problem is that the wlan subsection of netsh is new to vista, and there does not appear to be a way of getting the SSID from plain old command prompt in XP \:\(

However!!! i think i'm on to somthing with WMI. Using the Query:

Break On
$strComputer = "."
$objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" + $strComputer + "\root\wmi")
$colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from MSNdis_80211_ServiceSetIdentifier",,48)
For Each $objItem in $colItems
'has :' + UBound($objItem.Ndis80211SsId) + ' elements' ?
'The Array when Joined is (' + Join($objItem.Ndis80211SsId,',') + ')' ??

it returns a 32 element array, containing a decimal ascii. For example it could output:

83, 111, 109, 101, 83, 83, 73, 68

Using a Ascii decimal to Ascii converter like, it spits out the correct SSID!!!!!

All i now need is a method of converting decimal ascii to ascii in kix =D

