#114963 - 2004-05-21 07:52 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-10-31
Posts: 184
Loc: Ohio
I know about the .scr bug, didn't know about the Get $sfsdfsdf not working. I've been out of town and havn't had a chance to fix it but I will next week. There also is a minor bug that will cause a random error 380 and kick you out. Seems to happen mostly if you delete the last character or last couple lines of a script. Look for an update for all that next week.
#114964 - 2004-05-22 04:57 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2001-01-03
Posts: 6241
Loc: Tigard, OR
Looks like there is a problem with the updater (v1.83).. It downloads the update and applies it fine. You go back and run it again and want to update it (based on date) again.
#114966 - 2004-06-04 04:14 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-10-31
Posts: 184
Loc: Ohio
There will be a new release, 1.85, before the end of the day. For those that started with 1.80 and never installed a earlier version I would highly recommend getting this one, it includes a part of the updater that wasn't included in the 1.80 package that will make sure you can download updates. Everyone else (or if your updater works fine) just download the update through the updater. Some of the things fixed:
The caption will correctly update after a file save. Also the extension .scr will no loger get added onto the end of a new file when you go to save. (Reported by Lonkero)
The updater will be updated. It should ignore a date different of less then 1 day which it wasn't doing. (Reported by KDyer)
A couple little changes here and there...check the revision notes for a full list.
Any other comments/questions/bugs please let me know.
P.S. - Lonkero....My get and gets statements are working fine. Try running a script and when you get to that point click the output screen and type your response to them...see if that works. I did put a note on the debug screen to notify users to click on the screen...otherwise when you press enter or space it will close the debug window (default action on that form) and yes, Kix32.exe will stay in memory.
#114970 - 2004-06-07 03:02 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-10-31
Posts: 184
Loc: Ohio
Lonkero - Can you send me a screen copy of Kixtarter (ALT+Print Screen of the debug window) when it does this and possibly the snippet of code thats doing it. I'm using Get and Gets statements and I can't get the same result.
Co - Thanks. It still needs a little work...especially when scrolling and clicking, the screen sometimes bounces a little erraticly. Its not as smooth as it should be but overall I think its a pretty nice piece of software.
#114971 - 2004-06-07 03:35 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
KiX Master Guru
Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
lets start from beginning then. (had to install 1.85 on my laptop) searching it, can't find... oh, it just placed an icon somewhere on my desktop. damn, if someone could know how messed up place that is, he would never do that silly insert.
doing some code and clicking on run. it asks me to save that thing. from the past I know, kixtarter does "crash" there if you don't save. it just assumes you always click yes. so I do. click yes and it gives my script SCR ending! 
k, I close the debugger after it crashes not finding kix. go to settings and see the text: "associate kixtarter with these extensions" only kix is selected. doh, I go to postprep folder and look around, there are about 50 different scripts with .kix as their extension. all of them associated with notepad!
well, one thing that's not changed either. setting it to use mixedcase still uses UPPERCASE! as an example: ASC("a")
dunno about you but that's uppercase to me. anyway, continuing. making it to use temporary files. (no need for me to save all those screensaver files)
k, looking for a place to enter where kix sits... oh, under that bebug stuff.
k, then running: www.gwspikval.com/jooel/kixtarter.jpg
you see the script. you see your damn debugger window. you see my script is not exited. you see your window says it is. you see there is nothing in my script but simple "get $" you see why I ask, WTF!
!download KiXnet
#114973 - 2004-06-07 08:20 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-10-31
Posts: 184
Loc: Ohio
lets start from beginning then. (had to install 1.85 on my laptop) searching it, can't find... oh, it just placed an icon somewhere on my desktop. damn, if someone could know how messed up place that is, he would never do that silly insert.
I did that because I have the free version of the Visual Studio installer which unfortunatly doesn't have a easy way of adding under the Programs group. It want's a hard name typed in and not a variable so anyone thats not using a English version of windows would have the icon messed up so I just threw it on the desktop. I'll be getting VB.net, hopefuly the installer with that will be better.
doing some code and clicking on run. it asks me to save that thing. from the past I know, kixtarter does "crash" there if you don't save. it just assumes you always click yes. so I do. click yes and it gives my script SCR ending! 
Default extension is .scr when theres no extension specified. Actually it "should" put the last saved extension in. Or if you hit "New Script" and type in the name as "Lonkero.kix" it would have defaulted to this. Since you only put the name it added the .scr. On mine I just hit new script, skipped the wizard and hit save. It defaulted to Untitled.txt because the last file I opened and saved had a .txt extension.
k, I close the debugger after it crashes not finding kix. go to settings and see the text: "associate kixtarter with these extensions" only kix is selected. doh, I go to postprep folder and look around, there are about 50 different scripts with .kix as their extension. all of them associated with notepad!
That I don't know....unclick, save, reclick, save?
well, one thing that's not changed either. setting it to use mixedcase still uses UPPERCASE! as an example: ASC("a")
dunno about you but that's uppercase to me.
Ahhh....O.k. Mixed case in my progam is based on programming standards, so usually small abbriviations will stay capitalized. For example ASC will stay ASC while COLOR will be converted to Color. At least it should be. If its not then theres a bug. But things like ASC, CLS, DEl, etc will stay all caps while SAVEKEY, GETDISKSPACE, etc will get converted.
anyway, continuing. making it to use temporary files. (no need for me to save all those screensaver files) k, looking for a place to enter where kix sits... oh, under that bebug stuff.
k, then running: www.gwspikval.com/jooel/kixtarter.jpg
you see the script. you see your damn debugger window. you see my script is not exited. you see your window says it is. you see there is nothing in my script but simple "get $" you see why I ask, WTF!
Well, I tried it. In fact I copied your script and when I run it both in KiXtart 3.45, 4.22, and 4.50. All three wait for my entry on my machine (XP Pro Version 2002 SP1 - US English). ( http://www.gardinertrane.com/kixtarter/lonkero.jpg ). Can someone else try this out and see what they get? In your example with nothing between the run and exit lines its almost like its running a blank script, like its not even debugging anything. Also if you would try saving the file, reopening it and debugging. See if that give the same results. I would really like to figure this one out,
#114974 - 2004-06-07 08:21 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-10-31
Posts: 184
Loc: Ohio
sorry allan for this tense post. got out of bed with wrong foot. (overslept and missed the whole workday)
Totally understand. About 1/4 our office has a cold today, everyones trying to avoid everyone else so no one gets killed.
#114976 - 2004-06-08 04:05 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-10-31
Posts: 184
Loc: Ohio
Yeah, its wkix32.exe. I tried it and got a different but similiar result if that makes sense. I can probably control the output/read the output of that window too if I put my mind to it. Maybe even detect the wkix32 and not even open up my own debug window but I don't think many people would use it as they would just use the kix32.exe when using my program. Not sure though, if people would want the ability to track errors generated by wkix32.exe I can probably do it, need to see if thats the case.
#114977 - 2004-06-08 04:51 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
Night Hawk
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2002-10-09
Posts: 33
Loc: NC, USA
is there a way to down load all the approved and posted UDF's???? i am properly confused now with the few i have
#114978 - 2004-06-08 04:56 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2001-01-03
Posts: 6241
Loc: Tigard, OR
What does this have to do with this Thread????
#114979 - 2004-06-08 06:29 PM
Re: Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor
Night Hawk
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2002-10-09
Posts: 33
Loc: NC, USA
can you kill it i thought i was in a new topic??
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