#185185 - 2008-02-08 05:52 PM
Kix+Forms+Active Directory
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2007-10-25
Posts: 61
Loc: iowa
alrighty in my ini file that is processed I have the following
;sample.ini [Domain\Drive_benefits_400] 400drivemap1=B,Benefits,\\Qs1045n5m\,
[Domain\Drive_set_400] 400drivemap1=Q,set,\\Qs1045n5m\,
;portion of functions.kix
Function graphical400($drive,$share,$server)
if exist("$drive:\")
run "regsvr32 \\srv05wts\netlogon\kixforms.dll /s"
$System = CreateObject("Kixtart.System")
$Form = $System.Form()
$Form.Caption = "AS400 Login"
$Form.ScaleHeight = 200
$Form.ScaleWidth = 250
$Form.FontName = "Arial"
$Form.FontSize = 9
$FrameBanner = $Form.PictureBox
$FrameBanner.BackColor = $Form.RGB(255,255,255)
$FrameBanner.Height = 70
$FrameBanner.Left = 0
$FrameBanner.Top = 5
$FrameBanner.Width = 250
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 20
$FrameBanner.FontName = "lucida"
$FrameBanner.ForeColor = 0
$FrameBanner.FontBold = 1
$FrameBanner.PrintXY(70,0,"As400 Login")
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 14
$FrameBanner.ForeColor = $Form.RGB(0,0,0)
$FrameBanner.FontBold = 0
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 8
$FrameBanner.ForeColor = $Form.RGB(0,0,0)
$FrameBanner.PrintXY(71,50,"Type in your AS400 Credentials")
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 8
; Banner Picture
$PictureBanner = $FrameBanner.Image
$PictureBanner.Picture = "%WINDIR%\System32\shell32.dll;18"
$PictureBanner.Height = 60
$PictureBanner.Left = 5
$PictureBanner.Top = 5
$PictureBanner.Width = 60
$TextBoxUsername = $Form.TextBox
$TextBoxUsername.Height = 19
$TextBoxUsername.Left = 50
$TextBoxUsername.Top = 85
$TextBoxUsername.Text = username
$TextBoxUsername.Width = 161
$TextBoxPassword = $Form.TextBox
$TextBoxPassword.Text = "Password"
$TextBoxPassword.Height = 19
$TextBoxPassword.Left = 50
$TextBoxPassword.PasswordChar = "*"
$TextBoxPassword.Top = 110
$TextBoxPassword.Width = 161
$CmdUserLogin = $Form.CommandButton("Login")
$CmdUserLogin.Default = 1 ; True
$CmdUserLogin.FontName = "Arial"
$CmdUserLogin.FontSize = 10
$CmdUserLogin.FontBold = 1
$CmdUserLogin.Left = 50
$CmdUserLogin.Top = 140
$CmdUserLogin.Width = 78
$CmdUserLogin.Height = 19
$CmdUserLogin.OnClick = "CmdUserLogin_Click($drive,$share,$server)"
$CmdExit = $Form.CommandButton("Cancel")
$CmdExit.FontName = "Arial"
$CmdExit.FontSize = 10
$CmdExit.FontBold = 1
$CmdExit.Top = 140
$CmdExit.Width = 80
$CmdExit.Height = 19
$CmdExit.Left = 133
$CmdExit.OnClick = "quit()"
Dim $StringUsername
Dim $StringPassword
While $Form.Visible
$ = Execute($System.Application.DoEvents)
Function CmdUserLogin_Click($drive,$share,$server)
If $TextBoxUsername.Text = ""
$= $Form.MsgBox("You must specify a username before clicking LOGIN.", "Invalid Username")
$TextBoxUsername.Text = $StringUsername
Exit Sub
$StringUsername = $TextBoxUsername.Text
If $TextBoxPassword.Text = ""
$= $Form.MsgBox("You must specify a password before clicking LOGIN.", "Invalid Password")
$TextBoxPassword.Text = $StringPassword
Exit Sub
$StringPassword = $TextBoxPassword.Text
? "mapping $drive to $share"
Use "$drive:" /Delete
if @ERROR <> "2250"
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to remove $drive drive")
Use "$drive:" $share /user:$StringUsername /password:$StringPassword
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to map $drive drive")
;do your work here!
;$= $FORM.MsgBox("Your username is: $StringUserName Your Password is: $StringPassword", "TEST Box Return OF VALUES ENTERED")
So heres the fun part, it brings up the box for both, no problems there
With benefits group it even works in fact. But something is causing a bizzare error with the set group
Error in Expression Line 1 of Functions.kix
#185191 - 2008-02-08 08:10 PM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: Glenn Barnas]
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2007-10-25
Posts: 61
Loc: iowa
uh? I have to declare variables that im passing in? Im not sure what I actually did wrong here
Edited by duo (2008-02-08 08:13 PM)
#185205 - 2008-02-09 01:32 AM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: duo]
Glenn Barnas
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2003-01-28
Posts: 4396
Loc: New Jersey
Well, you've declared no vars, placed vars in strings (although the warning on line 72 is OK, because it's a string that KF will execute). You haven't posted the entire file, so there's no way to tell where the actual error is, and the two functions you did post generated 25 warnings in a sanity check. There's no indenting of loops, commenting, identification of code sections - I could go on...
The warnings will give you an idea of how you should code when working on complex projects ("complex" being a relative term). Not counting the code you commented out, there are only two comments in the entire 145 lines. How will you understand the code next week? How do you expect others to understand your intentions.
I'm not picking on YOU, I'm making observations on code placed in the Advanced Scripting forum. These are things that advanced scripts need - it's a style you develop. Simple scripts don't need these things, but complex ones demand them. As you (and anyone else reading this) embarks on more advanced projects, you will need to develop a more formalized style and structure.
Comments - lots of them! On large projects, my Comment:Code ratio is about 55% - thats 55 lines of comments and 45 lines of code. They help you (and others) visualize the project in natural language - no coding or miscoding to interpret.
Declaration of variables - getting into using functions without declaring vars to limit their scope can have bizzare effects. You can Dim several vars on a single line, but I prefer to Dim one var per line, with a descriptive comment. If I have several temp or index pointers, I'll dim them all together, but most vars have their own declaration and written definition. No more wondering "WTF did THAT var represent???"
Code Formatting - indentation of If and Loop constructs goes a long way in readable code. So does consistent line spacing - such as Three lines before function declarations; two lines after unique code sections; one line after every EndIf or Loop terminator so you can see where the logic sections end. Consistent indenting with spaces, not tabs - especially for code you post, where tabs make for unreasonably long lines. If a post isn't easily readable, it won't get prompt attention - just human nature.
"Empty" logic - "If X=3 Else do this EndIf" - Is something missing? Do we not want to do things when X=3? Try "negative logic" instead: If NOT X=3 do something... EndIf
Again, the intention is clear, nobody is left wondering if some part of code got accidentally deleted.
So - just a couple of comments to give you and all those embarking on projects that push your limits.. It's how we get better, learn, and ultimately excel. Just realize that when you go from building that treehouse to building a skyscraper, you'll need to learn and use new techniques.
You might want to take the weekend to review your code, add some of the things discussed, and post the complete package back. There are lots of us here willing to help (significantly), but "you" (anyone reading and seeking help) need to help the rest of us with good, solid information about your code and your project. We are at a disadvantage, not having sat in your chair, walked in your shoes, or (enjoyed??) a Vulcan mind-meld.
Actually I am a Rocket Scientist!
#185224 - 2008-02-11 04:00 AM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: Sealeopard]
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2007-10-25
Posts: 61
Loc: iowa
This line alone is scary as it implies end-user local adminsitrator rights.
Oh i assure you its much worse than you think....
#185225 - 2008-02-11 04:02 AM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: duo]
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2007-10-25
Posts: 61
Loc: iowa
Well, you've declared no vars, placed vars in strings (although the warning on line 72 is OK, because it's a string that KF will execute). You haven't posted the entire file, so there's no way to tell where the actual error is, and the two functions you did post generated 25 warnings in a sanity check. There's no indenting of loops, commenting, identification of code sections - I could go on... I understand fully, Tommorow morning I am going to clean it up as best I can and post the entire thing in its terrible entirety...
#185238 - 2008-02-11 04:16 PM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: Glenn Barnas]
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2007-10-25
Posts: 61
Loc: iowa
$ = SetOption('NoMacrosInStrings', 'On')
;-------------------------------------------------------global variables
if $osname="Windows Vi"
;Vista Paths
$start_loc="C:\Users\"+@USERID+"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
;XP,2k,2k3 Paths
$desktop_loc="C:\documents and settings\"+@USERID+"\desktop\"
$start_loc="C:\documents and settings\"+@USERID+"\start menu\programs\apps\"
;version support attempt
;changes since
;call \\srv05wts\netlogon\functions.kix
;call functions.kix
RUN "\\srv05wts\keyfinder\keyfinder.exe /save \\srv05wts\logs$\ /close"
DIM $sections,$keys,$sectionkey,$sectionentry,$rc,$resource,$commands,$desc,$function
FOR EACH $sectionentry IN $sections
IF $sectionentry <>''
FOR EACH $sectionkey IN $keys
IF $sectionkey <>''
;? 'Key "'+$sectionkey+'" = "'+readprofilestring($fl,$sectionentry,$sectionkey)+'"'
If InStr($resource, '@USERID')
$resource = Join(Split($resource, '@USERID'), @USERID)
IF INGROUP($sectionentry) | @hostname=$sectionentry
;maybe there is a cleaner way to do this process?
For Each $desc IN $commands
if $count=2; this is nessicary do to the fact that the For Each is running each item twice, essentially a modulus
;? $desc $sectionkey
run_functions($sectionkey,$commands[0],$commands[1], $commands[2], $commands[3])
function run_functions($function,$desc,$command,$command2,$command3)
case $function="400dr"
;?"400drive to be mapped is " $desc ":\ from " $command2$command
case $function="drive"
;? "drive to be mapped is " $desc ":\ from " $server$command
case $function="print"
;? "printer to be mapped is " $desc " from " $printserver$command
case $function="copyf"
? $command
case $function="regha"
;? "path is "$desc @CRLF" key is " $command " value " $command2 " type " $command3
registry_fixes($desc, $command, $command2, $command3)
case $function="runap"
;? "command 1 $command @CRLF command 2 $command2"
RUN "$command2$command"
case 1
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"improper function in run_functions")
function copy_files($personal,$desktop,$start,$server,$program)
DIM $file
$file=$server + "icons$\" + $program
if not exist ("$personal")
md "S:\icons\"
if not exist ("$personal$program")
;? "need in personal drive"
COPY "$file" "$personal" /c
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $personal")
if not exist ("$desktop$program")
;? "need in desktop"
COPY "$file" "$desktop" /c
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $desktop")
if not exist ("$start")
md "C:\documents and settings\"+@USERID+"\start menu\programs\apps\"
if not exist ("$start$program")
;? "need in startmenu"
COPY "$file" "$start" /c
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $start")
function drive_mapping($drive,$share,$server)
? "mapping $drive to $share"
Use "$drive:" /Delete
if @ERROR <> "2250"
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to remove $drive drive")
Use "$drive:" $share
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to map $drive drive")
if $drive="S"
function printer_mapping($server,$printer)
If AddPrinterConnection("$server$printer")=0
? "Added $printer"
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt add $printer from $server")
function registry_fixes($path,$field,$value,$type)
WriteValue($path, $field, $value, $type)
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"Couldnt modify $field")
function error_check($errnum,$error,$message)
If @ERROR<>0
Open(1,$logfilepath, 5)
WriteLine(1, @DATE + " " + @TIME + " Error# $errnum $error occured, $message" + Chr(13) + Chr(10))
function update_logfile()
Open(1,$logfilepath, 5)
WriteLine(1, @CRLF + @DATE + " " + @TIME + " LogonServer=" + @LDRIVE + " Computer=" + @HOSTNAME + Chr(13) + Chr(10))
function graphical400($drive,$share,$server)
if exist("$drive:\")
;do something
run "regsvr32 \\srv05wts\netlogon\kixforms.dll /s"
$System = CreateObject("Kixtart.System")
$Form = $System.Form()
$Form.Caption = "AS400 Login"
$Form.ScaleHeight = 200
$Form.ScaleWidth = 250
$Form.FontName = "Arial"
$Form.FontSize = 9
$FrameBanner = $Form.PictureBox
$FrameBanner.BackColor = $Form.RGB(255,255,255)
$FrameBanner.Height = 70
$FrameBanner.Left = 0
$FrameBanner.Top = 5
$FrameBanner.Width = 250
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 20
$FrameBanner.FontName = "lucida"
$FrameBanner.ForeColor = 0
$FrameBanner.FontBold = 1
$FrameBanner.PrintXY(70,0,"As400 Login")
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 14
$FrameBanner.ForeColor = $Form.RGB(0,0,0)
$FrameBanner.FontBold = 0
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 8
$FrameBanner.ForeColor = $Form.RGB(0,0,0)
$FrameBanner.PrintXY(71,50,"Type in your AS400 Credentials")
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 8
$PictureBanner = $FrameBanner.Image
$PictureBanner.Picture = "%WINDIR%\System32\shell32.dll;18"
$PictureBanner.Height = 60
$PictureBanner.Left = 5
$PictureBanner.Top = 5
$PictureBanner.Width = 60
$TextBoxUsername = $Form.TextBox
$TextBoxUsername.Height = 19
$TextBoxUsername.Left = 50
$TextBoxUsername.Top = 85
$TextBoxUsername.Text = username
$TextBoxUsername.Width = 161
$TextBoxPassword = $Form.TextBox
$TextBoxPassword.Text = "Password"
$TextBoxPassword.Height = 19
$TextBoxPassword.Left = 50
$TextBoxPassword.PasswordChar = "*"
$TextBoxPassword.Top = 110
$TextBoxPassword.Width = 161
$CmdUserLogin = $Form.CommandButton("Login")
$CmdUserLogin.Default = 1 ; True
$CmdUserLogin.FontName = "Arial"
$CmdUserLogin.FontSize = 10
$CmdUserLogin.FontBold = 1
$CmdUserLogin.Left = 50
$CmdUserLogin.Top = 140
$CmdUserLogin.Width = 78
$CmdUserLogin.Height = 19
$CmdUserLogin.OnClick = "CmdUserLogin_Click($drive,$share,$server)"
$CmdExit = $Form.CommandButton("Cancel")
$CmdExit.FontName = "Arial"
$CmdExit.FontSize = 10
$CmdExit.FontBold = 1
$CmdExit.Top = 140
$CmdExit.Width = 80
$CmdExit.Height = 19
$CmdExit.Left = 133
$CmdExit.OnClick = "quit()"
Dim $StringUsername
Dim $StringPassword
While $Form.Visible
$ = Execute($System.Application.DoEvents)
Function CmdUserLogin_Click($drive,$share,$server)
If $TextBoxUsername.Text = ""
$= $Form.MsgBox("You must specify a username before clicking LOGIN.", "Invalid Username")
$TextBoxUsername.Text = $StringUsername
Exit Sub
$StringUsername = $TextBoxUsername.Text
If $TextBoxPassword.Text = ""
$= $Form.MsgBox("You must specify a password before clicking LOGIN.", "Invalid Password")
$TextBoxPassword.Text = $StringPassword
Exit Sub
$StringPassword = $TextBoxPassword.Text
? "variables are" $share $Stringusername $Stringpassword
? "mapping $drive to $share"
Use "$drive:" /Delete
if @ERROR <> "2250"
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to remove $drive drive")
Use $drive: $share /user:$StringUsername /password:$StringPassword
error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to map $drive drive")
;do your work here!
;$= $FORM.MsgBox("Your username is: $StringUserName Your Password is: $StringPassword", "TEST Box Return OF VALUES ENTERED")
Maybe its not as bad as we all think(i hope)
Edited by duo (2008-02-11 05:20 PM)
#185251 - 2008-02-11 08:10 PM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: duo]
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2007-10-25
Posts: 61
Loc: iowa
call \\srv05wts\netlogon\sanity.kix
Dim $File
$File= 'main-ext.kix'
Del '.\report.txt'
Sanity($File, '.\report.txt')
S:\>\\srv05wts\netlogon\kix32 \\srv05wts\netlogon\usesanity.kix 0 warnings generated, 10001 lines processed.
#185262 - 2008-02-11 10:33 PM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: duo]
Glenn Barnas
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2003-01-28
Posts: 4396
Loc: New Jersey
Try downloading the latest version of Sanity from my web site. Doc posted the UDF for me here on KORG and I can't edit it.
You might also want to do it all in a local folder instead of over the network to the netlogon share!
When I run
Call '.\Sanity.KXF'
Sanity('yourscript.kix', 'report.txt')
I get
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $
In function: Main
Referenced on line: 2
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $osname
In function: Main
Referenced on line: 4
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $vista
In function: Main
Referenced on line: 5
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $logfilepath
In function: Main
Referenced on line: 8
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $inifile
In function: Main
Referenced on line: 9
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $personal_loc
In function: Main
Referenced on line: 15
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $desktop_loc
In function: Main
Referenced on line: 16
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $start_loc
In function: Main
Referenced on line: 17
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $
In function: Main
Referenced on line: 41
41: RUN "\\srv05wts\keyfinder\keyfinder.exe /save \\srv05wts\logs$\ /close"
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $count
In function: ENUMINI
Referenced on line: 75
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $personal_loc
In function: run_functions
Referenced on line: 112
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $desktop_loc
In function: run_functions
Referenced on line: 112
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $start_loc
In function: run_functions
Referenced on line: 112
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $command2
In function: run_functions
Referenced on line: 119
119: RUN "$command2$command"
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $
In function: copy_files
Referenced on line: 143
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $
In function: copy_files
Referenced on line: 143
143: $file=$server + "icons$\" + $program
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $personal
In function: copy_files
Referenced on line: 147
147: if not exist ("$personal$program")
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $file
In function: copy_files
Referenced on line: 150
150: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $personal")
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $desktop
In function: copy_files
Referenced on line: 152
152: if not exist ("$desktop$program")
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $file
In function: copy_files
Referenced on line: 155
155: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $desktop")
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $start
In function: copy_files
Referenced on line: 160
160: if not exist ("$start$program")
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $file
In function: copy_files
Referenced on line: 163
163: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $start")
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $server
In function: drive_mapping
Referenced on line: 178
178: $share="$server$share"
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $drive
In function: drive_mapping
Referenced on line: 181
181: ? "mapping $drive to $share"
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $drive:
In function: drive_mapping
Referenced on line: 182
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $drive
In function: drive_mapping
Referenced on line: 184
184: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to remove $drive drive")
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $drive
In function: drive_mapping
Referenced on line: 188
188: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to map $drive drive")
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $server
In function: printer_mapping
Referenced on line: 205
205: If AddPrinterConnection("$server$printer")=0
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $printer
In function: printer_mapping
Referenced on line: 208
208: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt add $printer from $server")
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $logfilepath
In function: error_check
Referenced on line: 239
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $errnum
In function: error_check
Referenced on line: 240
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $error
In function: error_check
Referenced on line: 240
240: WriteLine(1, @DATE + " " + @TIME + " Error# $errnum $error occured, $message" + Chr(13) + Chr(10))
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $logfilepath
In function: update_logfile
Referenced on line: 256
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $drive:
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 266
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $drive:
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 266
266: if exist("$drive:\")
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $System
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 271
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $Form
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 272
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $FrameBanner
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 278
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $PictureBanner
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 297
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $TextBoxUsername
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 303
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $TextBoxPassword
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 309
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $CmdUserLogin
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 316
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $drive
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 325
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $share
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 325
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $server
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 325
325: $CmdUserLogin.OnClick = "CmdUserLogin_Click($drive,$share,$server)"
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $CmdExit
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 326
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $
In function: graphical400
Referenced on line: 343
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $TextBoxUsername
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 351
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 352
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $Form
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 352
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $StringUsername
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 353
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $TextBoxPassword
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 359
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $StringPassword
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 361
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $drive
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 377
377: ? "mapping $drive to $share"
Warning: Undeclared variable.
Variable Name: $drive:
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 378
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $drive
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 380
380: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to remove $drive drive")
Warning: Variable referenced inside string.
Variable Name: $drive
In function: CmdUserLogin_Click
Referenced on line: 384
384: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to map $drive drive")
57 warnings generated, 394 lines processed.
In the report.txt file (sanity warnings) I also get the following :
Undeclared variable.,,$,Main,2
Undeclared variable.,,$osname,Main,4
Undeclared variable.,,$vista,Main,5
Undeclared variable.,,$logfilepath,Main,8
Undeclared variable.,,$inifile,Main,9
Undeclared variable.,,$personal_loc,Main,15
Undeclared variable.,,$desktop_loc,Main,16
Undeclared variable.,,$start_loc,Main,17
Variable referenced inside string.,,$,Main,41
41: RUN "\\srv05wts\keyfinder\keyfinder.exe /save \\srv05wts\logs$\ /close",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$count,ENUMINI,75
Undeclared variable.,,$personal_loc,run_functions,112
Undeclared variable.,,$desktop_loc,run_functions,112
Undeclared variable.,,$start_loc,run_functions,112
Variable referenced inside string.,,$command2,run_functions,119
119: RUN "$command2$command",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$,copy_files,143
Variable referenced inside string.,,$,copy_files,143
143: $file=$server + "icons$\" + $program,,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$personal,copy_files,147
147: if not exist ("$personal$program"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$file,copy_files,150
150: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $personal"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$desktop,copy_files,152
152: if not exist ("$desktop$program"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$file,copy_files,155
155: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $desktop"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$start,copy_files,160
160: if not exist ("$start$program"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$file,copy_files,163
163: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $start"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$server,drive_mapping,178
178: $share="$server$share",,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,drive_mapping,181
181: ? "mapping $drive to $share",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$drive:,drive_mapping,182
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,drive_mapping,184
184: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to remove $drive drive"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,drive_mapping,188
188: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to map $drive drive"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$server,printer_mapping,205
205: If AddPrinterConnection("$server$printer")=0,,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$printer,printer_mapping,208
208: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt add $printer from $server"),,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$logfilepath,error_check,239
Variable referenced inside string.,,$errnum,error_check,240
Variable referenced inside string.,,$error,error_check,240
240: WriteLine(1, @DATE + " " + @TIME + " Error# $errnum $error occured, $message" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)),,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$logfilepath,update_logfile,256
Undeclared variable.,,$drive:,graphical400,266
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive:,graphical400,266
266: if exist("$drive:\"),,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$System,graphical400,271
Undeclared variable.,,$Form,graphical400,272
Undeclared variable.,,$FrameBanner,graphical400,278
Undeclared variable.,,$PictureBanner,graphical400,297
Undeclared variable.,,$TextBoxUsername,graphical400,303
Undeclared variable.,,$TextBoxPassword,graphical400,309
Undeclared variable.,,$CmdUserLogin,graphical400,316
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,graphical400,325
Variable referenced inside string.,,$share,graphical400,325
Variable referenced inside string.,,$server,graphical400,325
325: $CmdUserLogin.OnClick = "CmdUserLogin_Click($drive,$share,$server)",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$CmdExit,graphical400,326
Undeclared variable.,,$,graphical400,343
Undeclared variable.,,$TextBoxUsername,CmdUserLogin_Click,351
Undeclared variable.,,$,CmdUserLogin_Click,352
Undeclared variable.,,$Form,CmdUserLogin_Click,352
Undeclared variable.,,$StringUsername,CmdUserLogin_Click,353
Undeclared variable.,,$TextBoxPassword,CmdUserLogin_Click,359
Undeclared variable.,,$StringPassword,CmdUserLogin_Click,361
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,CmdUserLogin_Click,377
377: ? "mapping $drive to $share",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$drive:,CmdUserLogin_Click,378
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,CmdUserLogin_Click,380
380: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to remove $drive drive"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,CmdUserLogin_Click,384
384: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to map $drive drive"),,,,
57 warnings generated, 394 lines processed.,,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$,Main,2
Undeclared variable.,,$osname,Main,4
Undeclared variable.,,$vista,Main,5
Undeclared variable.,,$logfilepath,Main,8
Undeclared variable.,,$inifile,Main,9
Undeclared variable.,,$personal_loc,Main,15
Undeclared variable.,,$desktop_loc,Main,16
Undeclared variable.,,$start_loc,Main,17
Variable referenced inside string.,,$,Main,41
41: RUN "\\srv05wts\keyfinder\keyfinder.exe /save \\srv05wts\logs$\ /close",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$count,ENUMINI,75
Undeclared variable.,,$personal_loc,run_functions,112
Undeclared variable.,,$desktop_loc,run_functions,112
Undeclared variable.,,$start_loc,run_functions,112
Variable referenced inside string.,,$command2,run_functions,119
119: RUN "$command2$command",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$,copy_files,143
Variable referenced inside string.,,$,copy_files,143
143: $file=$server + "icons$\" + $program,,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$personal,copy_files,147
147: if not exist ("$personal$program"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$file,copy_files,150
150: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $personal"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$desktop,copy_files,152
152: if not exist ("$desktop$program"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$file,copy_files,155
155: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $desktop"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$start,copy_files,160
160: if not exist ("$start$program"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$file,copy_files,163
163: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt copy $file to $start"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$server,drive_mapping,178
178: $share="$server$share",,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,drive_mapping,181
181: ? "mapping $drive to $share",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$drive:,drive_mapping,182
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,drive_mapping,184
184: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to remove $drive drive"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,drive_mapping,188
188: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to map $drive drive"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$server,printer_mapping,205
205: If AddPrinterConnection("$server$printer")=0,,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$printer,printer_mapping,208
208: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"couldnt add $printer from $server"),,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$logfilepath,error_check,239
Variable referenced inside string.,,$errnum,error_check,240
Variable referenced inside string.,,$error,error_check,240
240: WriteLine(1, @DATE + " " + @TIME + " Error# $errnum $error occured, $message" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)),,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$logfilepath,update_logfile,256
Undeclared variable.,,$drive:,graphical400,266
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive:,graphical400,266
266: if exist("$drive:\"),,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$System,graphical400,271
Undeclared variable.,,$Form,graphical400,272
Undeclared variable.,,$FrameBanner,graphical400,278
Undeclared variable.,,$PictureBanner,graphical400,297
Undeclared variable.,,$TextBoxUsername,graphical400,303
Undeclared variable.,,$TextBoxPassword,graphical400,309
Undeclared variable.,,$CmdUserLogin,graphical400,316
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,graphical400,325
Variable referenced inside string.,,$share,graphical400,325
Variable referenced inside string.,,$server,graphical400,325
325: $CmdUserLogin.OnClick = "CmdUserLogin_Click($drive,$share,$server)",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$CmdExit,graphical400,326
Undeclared variable.,,$,graphical400,343
Undeclared variable.,,$TextBoxUsername,CmdUserLogin_Click,351
Undeclared variable.,,$,CmdUserLogin_Click,352
Undeclared variable.,,$Form,CmdUserLogin_Click,352
Undeclared variable.,,$StringUsername,CmdUserLogin_Click,353
Undeclared variable.,,$TextBoxPassword,CmdUserLogin_Click,359
Undeclared variable.,,$StringPassword,CmdUserLogin_Click,361
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,CmdUserLogin_Click,377
377: ? "mapping $drive to $share",,,,
Undeclared variable.,,$drive:,CmdUserLogin_Click,378
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,CmdUserLogin_Click,380
380: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to remove $drive drive"),,,,
Variable referenced inside string.,,$drive,CmdUserLogin_Click,384
384: error_check(@ERROR,@SERROR,"failed to map $drive drive"),,,,
57 warnings generated, 394 lines processed.,,,,
VarInfo.INI file:
These extra files are in a format easily read by a program, and give you critical information about the functions and the variables used in those functions, in addition to the warnings.
Actually I am a Rocket Scientist!
#185288 - 2008-02-12 05:21 PM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: Glenn Barnas]
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2007-10-25
Posts: 61
Loc: iowa
Edited by duo (2008-02-12 06:02 PM)
#185290 - 2008-02-12 07:20 PM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: duo]
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2007-10-25
Posts: 61
Loc: iowa
I am working on cleaning up these warnings, question
function copy_files($personal,$desktop,$start,$server,$program)
DIM $file
$file=$server + "icons$\" + $program
if not exist ("$personal")
I get the warning that $personal is not declared here. What do i need to do to declare it?
#185292 - 2008-02-12 07:42 PM
Re: Kix+Forms+Active Directory
[Re: Glenn Barnas]
Getting the hang of it
Registered: 2007-10-25
Posts: 61
Loc: iowa
That gets us to an interesting point Glen, check out this line
Use $drive: $share /user:$StringUsername /password:$StringPassword There is definantly something wrong with this line. What is the proper syntax for this line with novarsinstrings on?
also what is the difference between $=novars in strings or $variable name=no vars in strings?
Final comment, This is where everything gets frustrating
$System = CreateObject("Kixtart.System")
$Form = $System.Form()
$Form.Caption = "AS400 Login"
$Form.ScaleHeight = 200
$Form.ScaleWidth = 250
$Form.FontName = "Arial"
$Form.FontSize = 9
$FrameBanner = $Form.PictureBox
$FrameBanner.BackColor = $Form.RGB(255,255,255)
$FrameBanner.Height = 70
$FrameBanner.Left = 0
$FrameBanner.Top = 5
$FrameBanner.Width = 250
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 20
$FrameBanner.FontName = "lucida"
$FrameBanner.ForeColor = 0
$FrameBanner.FontBold = 1
$FrameBanner.PrintXY(70,0,"As400 Login")
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 14
$FrameBanner.ForeColor = $Form.RGB(0,0,0)
$FrameBanner.FontBold = 0
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 8
$FrameBanner.ForeColor = $Form.RGB(0,0,0)
$FrameBanner.PrintXY(71,50,"Type in your AS400 Credentials")
$FrameBanner.FontSize = 8
; Banner Picture
$PictureBanner = $FrameBanner.Image
$PictureBanner.Picture = "%WINDIR%\System32\shell32.dll;18"
$PictureBanner.Height = 60
$PictureBanner.Left = 5
$PictureBanner.Top = 5
$PictureBanner.Width = 60
$TextBoxUsername = $Form.TextBox
$TextBoxUsername.Height = 19
$TextBoxUsername.Left = 50
$TextBoxUsername.Top = 85
$TextBoxUsername.Text = username
$TextBoxUsername.Width = 161
$TextBoxPassword = $Form.TextBox
$TextBoxPassword.Text = "Password"
$TextBoxPassword.Height = 19
$TextBoxPassword.Left = 50
$TextBoxPassword.PasswordChar = "*"
$TextBoxPassword.Top = 110
$TextBoxPassword.Width = 161
$CmdUserLogin = $Form.CommandButton("Login")
$CmdUserLogin.Default = 1 ; True
$CmdUserLogin.FontName = "Arial"
$CmdUserLogin.FontSize = 10
$CmdUserLogin.FontBold = 1
$CmdUserLogin.Left = 50
$CmdUserLogin.Top = 140
$CmdUserLogin.Width = 78
$CmdUserLogin.Height = 19
$CmdUserLogin.OnClick = "CmdUserLogin_Click()"
$CmdExit = $Form.CommandButton("Cancel")
$CmdExit.FontName = "Arial"
$CmdExit.FontSize = 10
$CmdExit.FontBold = 1
$CmdExit.Top = 140
$CmdExit.Width = 80
$CmdExit.Height = 19
$CmdExit.Left = 133
$CmdExit.OnClick = "quit()"
Dim $StringUsername
Dim $StringPassword
While $Form.Visible
$ = Execute($System.Application.DoEvents)
Function CmdUserLogin_Click()
If $TextBoxUsername.Text = ""
$= $Form.MsgBox("You must specify a username before clicking LOGIN.", "Invalid Username")
$TextBoxUsername.Text = $StringUsername
Exit Sub
$StringUsername = $TextBoxUsername.Text
If $TextBoxPassword.Text = ""
$= $Form.MsgBox("You must specify a password before clicking LOGIN.", "Invalid Password")
$TextBoxPassword.Text = $StringPassword
Exit Sub
$StringPassword = $TextBoxPassword.Text
;? "variables are" $share $Stringusername $Stringpassword
? "mapping $drive to $share"
Use "$drive:" /Delete
Use "$drive:" $share /user:$StringUsername /password:$StringPassword
This works,and there is no real difference between this, or how its executed from the login script. It collects the user/pass and maps the drive...so why does this work with one of the drives through login script, but not both, when this works with both.
Edited by duo (2008-02-12 08:18 PM)
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