Draggin up this old post again, just to point these things out:

1. No KiX still doesn't support this type of call (Ruud?!?!)
2. AdsSecurity does NOT allow to SET control flags.
3. The new and improved AdsSecurityUtility doesn't allow SET control flags either. \:\(

Unfortunately to set Control flags you're going to need external .exe files or vbs.

Here is a small example to set inhertiance Flags on in vbs
Sub AllowInheritance(str_path)
  Set objSecurity = GetObject("winmgmts:{(Security,Restore)}\\.\root\cimv2:Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting='" & str_path & "'")
  'Get the Security Descriptor object (objSD)
  objSecurity.GetSecurityDescriptor objSD
  objSD.ControlFlags = 33796
  'Write back the Security Descriptor
End sub
