Allright, let me be the first to post code, before I hit the shower and go to work,
for all the grail seekers and cage rattlers to abuse, improve or else
; begin Taunt Generator
function a($)
dim $_,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h,$j,$k,$l,$n,$q,$r,$t,$z
$t='Taunter: '
for each $n in $
for $=0 to 36
$n=join(split($n,' '))
$_=$_+'#Knight: '+$n+#
for $j=33 to 64
$=join(split(join(split($,' '+chr($j)),''),chr($j)),'')
for $d=1 to 12
if $h
$_=$_+$t+'(A childish hand gesture).#'
while $j>0
$=$r mod 3=1
$_=$_+$t+iif($,$e[$q mod 11]+'! ','')+
'Your '+iif($,split('steed king first-born')[$l mod 3]+split(' is# masquerades as',#)[$l mod 2],
$g[$k mod 5]+' '+$c[$k mod 2])+' a '+iif($,iif($l mod 2,$f[$z mod 5]+' ','')
+split('silly wicked sordid naughty repulsive malodorous ill-tempered')[$l mod 7]+' ','')
+lcase($e[($q+$) mod 11])+'.#'
$z=$*$l mod 2+$z
; end Taunt Generator
Your solution passed all tests
KiXtart Version = 4.53
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_tg.kix
OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 15
Speed = 2399 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB
KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.3
KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = Taunt Generator
Processing Start = 2007/12/18 06:35:35.578
Processing End = 2007/12/18 06:35:35.625
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.046
KiXGolf Score = 997
Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!