Bill,Thanks for the confirmation.
I'm a little confused (or ignorant) about the RPC service and exactly what features require it. Here is the entire text of my script:
; @echo off
; There is a section for all of Rosemont and individual sections for each of
; the business groups. After the Rosemont section runs, user is tested for membership
; in each business group. If they are a member, that section is processed. If not, the
; script skips to the next business group. First business group commented.
; Login script for rsmt******************************************************
; Maps users' home directories.
use h: @homeshr
if ingroup("sharinfo-clients.isv.rsmt") use o: "\\washington\clients" endif
; These six lines map a drive to every business group's share
; to eliminate the need for individual user logon scripts.
use p: "\\washington\cdrsrw01"
use q: "\\washington\csis"
use r: "\\washington\rsmtcis"
use s: "\\washington\rsmtfin"
use t: "\\washington\rsmtopr"
use u: "\\washington\trade"
; Login script for ccs.rsmt**************************************************
; Test for group membership.
; If not in group, bail out of section.
if not ingroup("ccs.rsmt") goto endccs endif
; Map drive to the share corresponding to this group's 'home' server.
use x: "\\washington\cdrsrw01"
if ingroup("acad.ccs.rsmt") use n: "\\washington\cdrsrw01" endif
if ingroup("ccc group.ccs.rsmt") use k: "\\washington\cdrsrw01" endif
if ingroup("apms.cis.rsmt") use l: "\\washington\rsmtcis" endif
if ingroup("cold.ccs.rsmt") use n: "\\washington\rsmtfin" endif
; Reference point to bail out of section.
; Login script for cis.rsmt**************************************************
if not ingroup("cis.rsmt") goto endcis endif
use x: "\\washington\rsmtcis"
if ingroup("apms.cis.rsmt") use l: "\\washington\apms" endif
if ingroup("pvcs.cis.rsmt") use l: "\\washington\apms" endif
if ingroup("pvcs source code.cis.rsmt") use l: "\\washington\apms" endif
; Login script for fmd.rsmt**************************************************
if not ingroup("fmd.rsmt") goto endfmd endif
use x: "\\washington\trade"
if ingroup("cold.fmd.rsmt") use n: "\\washington\rsmtfin" endif
if ingroup("governmentfmd.rsmt") use g: "\\washington\trade" endif
if ingroup("fedmark.fmd.rsmt") use n: "\\washington\trade" endif
; Login script for fnc.rsmt**************************************************
if not ingroup("fnc.rsmt") goto endfnc endif
use x: "\\washington\rsmtfin"
if ingroup("anamate") use i: "\\washington\rsmtfin" endif
if ingroup("budget.fnc.rsmt") use g: "\\washington\rsmtfin" endif
if ingroup("billtrk.fnc.rsmt") use j: "\\washington\rsmtfin" endif
if ingroup("cold.fnc.rsmt") use n: "\\washington\rsmtfin" endif
; Login script for isv.rsmt**************************************************
if not ingroup("isv.rsmt") goto endisv endif
use x: "\\washington\csis"
if ingroup("trade-busihelp.isv.rsmt") use l: "\\washington\trade" endif
if ingroup("pvcs.cis.rsmt") use l: "\\washington\apms" endif
if ingroup("pvcs source code.cis.rsmt") use l: "\\washington\apms" endif
; Login script for lgl.rsmt**************************************************
if not ingroup("lgl.rsmt") goto endlgl endif
if ingroup("") use n: "\\washington\rsmtfin" endif
if ingroup("") use g: "\\washington\rsmtopr" endif
; Login script for ops.rsmt**************************************************
if not ingroup("ops.rsmt") goto endops endif
use x: "\\washington\rsmtopr\"
if ingroup("cold.ops.rsmt") use n: "\\washington\rsmtfin" endif
; Login script for per.rsmt**************************************************
if not ingroup("per.rsmt") goto endper endif
if ingroup("isg-restrict-training.cis.rsmt") use i: "\\washington\rsmtcis"endif
Does anything here require the RPC service?