#167858 - 2006-09-16 02:24 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
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Registered: 2006-09-13
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ok ok..... removed some qoutes, 275 now
Function s($) Dim $a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g $d=" " For $b=1 to $ $d=W+$d+B $a=$a+$+2 Next Redim $s[$a] $=2 For $c=0 to $a $s[$c]=$d $d=Join(Split($d),SubStr($d,$b-1,1)) $d=Left($d,$b-2)+" "+Substr($d,$b) $b=$b+$ $e=Iif($a/2>$c+1,1,~) If Abs($)=1 $=-2*$e*$ Else If $f $f=$f-1 Else $=$*$e/2 $g=$g+$e $f=$g EndFunction
#167859 - 2006-09-16 02:46 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
KiX Master Guru
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remco, here's 272 of your code: Code:
Function s($) Dim $a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g $d=" " For $b=1 to $ $d=W+$d+B $a=$a+$+2 Next Redim $s[$a] $=2 For $c=0 to $a $s[$c]=$d $d=Join(Split($d),SubStr($d,$b-1,1)) $d=Left($d,$b-2)+" "+Substr($d,$b) $b=$b+$ $e=2*($a/2>$c+1)-1 If Abs($)=1 $=-2*$e*$ Else If $f $f=$f-1 Else $=$*$e/2 $g=$g+$e $f=$g EndFunction
#167860 - 2006-09-16 02:49 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
MM club member
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Registered: 2004-07-09
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Loc: Eijsden, the Netherlands
Here's my 360:
Function s($n) ReDim $s[$n*($n+2)], $, $a, $b, $r
; get directions $ = " " For $a = -$n+1 to $n-1 If $a < 1 $r = $r + $ + 1 $ = iif($ = "-", " ", "-") EndIf For $b = 1 to $n-abs($a) $r = $r + $ + 2 Next If $a > -1 $ = iif($ = "-", " ", "-") $r = $r + $ + 1 EndIf Next
; build first line For $a = 1 to $n $ = "W" + $ + "B" Next $s[0] = $
; build result For $a = 1 to Len($r) step 2 $ = $s[$a/2]
$b = InStr($," ") + Substr($r, $a, 2) $ = join(Split($), Substr($, $b, 1)) $s[$a/2 + 1] = Left($, $b - 1) + " " + Substr($, $b + 1) EndFunction
Damn... I should have googled more for that algorithm
#167862 - 2006-09-16 03:18 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
KiX Master Guru
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244 Code:
function s($a) dim $,$i,$c,$n,$t $=' ' for $c = 1 to $a $ = Wa + $ + aB next $ = split($,a) $t=join($,'')
$n=1 for $i = 1 to $a*2 for $c=$n*($i-2*($i-$a)*($i>$a))*($i<$a*2) to -$c step -2*$n $[ascan($,' ')] = $[$c+$a] $[$c+$a]=' ' $t=$t+a+join($,'') $s=split($t,a) next $n=-$n endfunction
#167863 - 2006-09-16 03:21 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
MM club member
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By the way, i didn't read the link jens posted, but if you look at the position of the space ' ' with regards to the center of board, a pretty clear pattern appears. Here are those positions for $=1 to 5
Quote: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 -1 0 1 -1 -2 0 2 1 -1 0 1 -1 -2 0 2 3 1 -1 -3 -2 0 2 1 -1 0 1 -1 -2 0 2 3 1 -1 -3 -4 -2 0 2 4 3 1 -1 -3 -2 0 2 1 -1 0 1 -1 -2 0 2 3 1 -1 -3 -4 -2 0 2 4 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -4 -2 0 2 4 3 1 -1 -3 -2 0 2 1 -1 0
pretty clear??? to me this is about as logical as a RND()
#167864 - 2006-09-16 03:23 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
MM club member
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240: Code:
function s($a) dim $,$i,$c,$n,$t $=' ' for $c = 1 to $a $ = Wa + $ + aB next $ = split($,a) $t=join($,'')
$n=1 for $i = 1 to $a*2 $n=-$n for $c=$n*($i-2*($i-$a)*($i>$a))*($i<$a*2) to -$c step -2*$n $[ascan($,' ')] = $[$c+$a] $[$c+$a]=' ' $t=$t+a+join($,'') $s=split($t,a) EndFunction
#167865 - 2006-09-16 03:27 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
KiX Master Guru
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239 Code:
function s($a) dim $,$i,$c,$n,$t $=' ' for $n = -$a+1 to 0 $ = Wa + $ + aB next $ = split($,a) $t=join($,'')
for $i = 1 to $a*2 $n=-$n for $c=$n*($i-2*($i-$a)*($i>$a))*($i<$a*2) to -$c step -2*$n $[ascan($,' ')] = $[$c+$a] $[$c+$a]=' ' $t=$t+a+join($,'') $s=split($t,a) endfunction
#167866 - 2006-09-16 03:50 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
KiX Supporter
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Right Gentlemen, for what's it worth anyway, I'll just post, beyond competition, my 472(changed last case condition to case 1 )
function s($) dim $![$+$*($+1)], $_, $0, $1 $![0] = " " for $_ = 1 to $ $![0] = "W" + $![0] + "B" next for $_ = 1 to ubound($!) $ = split($![$_-1]," ") $0 = right($[0],1) $1 = left($[1],1) select case instr($[1],"B")=2 and $1 = "W" ;^B $![$_] = $[0] + "B" + $1 + " " + right($[1],-2) case ($0 = "B" and $1 = "B" and instr($[0],'W')) or ($0 = "B" and instr($[1],'B') = 0) ;W^ $![$_] = left($[0],-2) + " " + $0 + "W" + $[1] case $0 = "W" and ( instr($[0],"B")=0 or instr($[1],"B")=0 ) ;W-> $![$_] = left($[0],~) + " W" + $[1] case 1 ;<-B $![$_] = $[0] + "B " + right($[1],~) endselect next $s = $! endfunction
that is :
Shuttle Puzzle passed all 10 tests (100% correct)
KiXtart KiXtart Version = 4.52 KiXforms Version = KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX
Computer OS = Windows XP Professional CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13 Speed = 1698 MHz Memory = 1022 MB
KiXGolf Scoring Engine Scoring Engine = 3.2
KiXtart Golf Score Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Shuttle Puzzle Processing Start = 2006/09/16 15:42:24.625 Processing End = 2006/09/16 15:42:24.665 Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.040 KiXGolf Score = 472 Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!
Having said that, I wish y'all a superb weekend and successful golfing
#167867 - 2006-09-16 03:51 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
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Ok, here is the code I started with (652), the first 3 'For' loops create the 'Key' to shifting the marbles then the rest shifts them around.
The 'Key' that is created for the input of 1, 2 and 3 is: W1 B2 W1 W1 B2 B1 W2 W2 B1 B2 W1 W1 B2 B1 W2 W2 W1 B2 B2 B2 W1 W2 W2 B1 B2 W1
The W and B refer to the color to be moved and the number 1 means move the marble 1 space and 2 means jump the marble next to it (move 2 spaces). White marbles will always move right and Black will always move left, so no need for a direction. Code:
Function s($z) Dim $a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h,$i $b=' ' $c=$z $d=$c For $a=1 to $z $b='W'+$b+'B' $d=''+$c+' '+$d+' '+$c+'' $c=$c-1 $h=$h+'2 ' Next $d=Split($d) $c=$z-1 For $a=1 to $z $h='1 '+$h+'1 ' For $f = 1 to $c $h='2 '+$h+'2 ' Next $c=$c-1 Next $h=Split(Trim($h)) $a=1 For Each $c in $d For $f = 1 to $c $e=IIf($a mod 2,'B','W') $g=$g+$e+$h[$i]+' ' $i=$i+1 Next $a=$a+1 Next $d=Split(Trim($g)) ReDim $g[UBound($d)+1] $g[0]=$b $a=1 For Each $c in $d $f=Split($b)[0] $h=Split($b)[1] $e=Right($c,1) $b=IIf(Left($c,1)='W', IIf($e=1,SubStr($f,1,Len($f)-1)+' W',SubStr($f,1,Len($f)-2)+ ' '+Right($f,1)+'W')+$h,$f+ IIf($e=1,'B '+SubStr($h,2,Len($h)-1),'B'+Left($h,1) +' '+SubStr($h,3,Len($h)-2))) $g[$a]=$b $a=$a+1 ;Next $s=$g EndFunction
Then I changed the to this process (412), the idea is to shift marbles based on the color of the two marbles to the left and right of the center space. Code:
Function s($z) Dim $a,$,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h[1],$i $=' ' $c=' ' For $a=1 to $z $='W'+$+'B' $c='B'+$c+'W' Next $h[0]=$ Do $=Split($) $d=$[0] ;Left $e=$[1] ;Right $f=Right($d,2) ;Right chrs of Left Half $g=Left($e,2) ;Left chrs of Right Half Select Case $f='WB' $=Left($d,Len($d)-2)+' BW'+$e Case $g='WB' $=$d+'BW '+Right($e,Len($e)-2) Case Not($f='W' Or $f='WW') And Left($g,1)='B' $=$d+'B '+Right($e,Len($e)-1) Case 1 $=Left($d,Len($d)-1)+' W'+$e EndSelect $i=$i+1 ReDim preserve $h[$i] $h[$i]=$ Until $=$c $s=$h EndFunction
#167869 - 2006-09-16 04:18 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
MM club member
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Registered: 2004-07-09
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Loc: Eijsden, the Netherlands
Jochen, this is shorter: $*($+2)
#167870 - 2006-09-16 07:43 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
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Loc: Lincoln, Ne
here is my code trimed down to 368: Code:
Function s($z) Dim $a,$,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h[$z*($z+2)] $=' ' $c=' ' For $a=1 to $z $=W+$+B Next For $a = 0 to $z*($z+2) $h[$a]=$ $=Split($) $d=$[0] ;Left $e=$[1] ;Right $f=Right($d,2) ;Right chrs of Left Half $g=Left($e,2) ;Left chrs of Right Half Select Case $f=WB $=Left($d,Len($d)-2)+' BW'+$e Case $g=WB $=$d+'BW '+Right($e,Len($e)-2) Case Not($f=W Or $f=WW) And Left($g,1)=B $=$d+'B '+Right($e,Len($e)-1) Case 1 $=Left($d,Len($d)-1)+' W'+$e EndSelect Next $s=$h EndFunction
Edited by benny69 (2006-09-16 07:44 PM)
#167871 - 2006-09-16 07:48 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
MM club member
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Here is my code. I do not think someone wants to reuse it. My logic was: example if input is 3 starting position = -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Then some code to get to the ending position = 1 2 3 0 -3 -2 -1 Then swap numbers 0 = ' ' <0 = 'W' >0 = 'B' Code:
Function s($) Dim $j, $k, $b, $v Dim $a[$+$] For $j = 0 to $+$ $a[$j] = ~$+1+$j Next
$s = d($s,$a) For $k = 1 to $ For $j = 1 to $k $a = c($j,$a) $s = d($s,$a) Next If $ > $k $k=$k+1 EndIf For $j = -1 to ~$k+1 step -1 $a = c($j,$a) $s = d($s,$a) Next Next If NOT $ MOD 2 For $j = 1 to $ $a = c($j,$a) $s = d($s,$a) Next EndIf If $ MOD 2 For $k = -1 to ~$+1 step -1 For $j = ~$k+1 to $ $a = c($j,$a) $s = d($s,$a) Next If ~$+1 < $k $k=$k-1 EndIf If NOT $k = ~$+1 For $j = $k to ~$+1 step -1 $a = c($j,$a) $s = d($s,$a) Next EndIf Next Else For $k = -1 to ~$+1 step -1 For $j = $k to ~$+1 step -1 $a = c($j,$a) $s = d($s,$a) Next If ~$+1 < $k $k=$k-1 EndIf For $j = ~$k+1 to $ $a = c($j,$a) $s = d($s,$a) Next Next EndIf $s=Split($s,"-") EndFunction
Function c($j,$a) Dim $b,$v $b = AScan($a,0) $v = AScan($a,$j) $a[$b]=$j $a[$v]=0 $c = $a EndFunction
Function d($s,$a) Dim $j If $s $s = $s + "-" EndIf For Each $j In $a Select Case $j < 0 $s = $s + "W" Case $j = 0 $s = $s + " " Case $j > 0 $s = $s + "B" EndSelect Next $d = $s EndFunction
If you would change <0 = 'B' >0 = 'A' all of the tests will fail... For one or another reason, I was also looking at the Demlo Number... But at the end found nothing that could help me.
#167873 - 2006-09-16 08:46 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
KiX Master Guru
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Registered: 2001-06-05
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lol!!! how NOBODY saw this?!?!? 238 Code:
function s($a) dim $,$i,$c,$n,$t $=' ' for $n = 1-$a to 0 $ = Wa + $ + aB next $ = split($,a) $t=join($,'')
for $i = 1 to $a*2 $n=-$n for $c=$n*($i-2*($i-$a)*($i>$a))*($i<$a*2) to -$c step -2*$n $[ascan($,' ')] = $[$c+$a] $[$c+$a]=' ' $t=$t+a+join($,'') $s=split($t,a) endfunction
#167875 - 2006-09-16 09:42 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
KiX Master Guru
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anyways, now I'm proud of myself. didn't like the cryptic line of maciep's code, so shrank it: Code:
Shuttle Puzzle passed all 10 tests (100% correct)
KiXtart KiXtart Version = 4.53 Release Candidate 1 KiXforms Version = KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_shuttle.kix
Computer OS = Windows XP Professional CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13 Speed = 800 MHz Memory = 760 MB
KiXGolf Scoring Engine Scoring Engine = 3.2
KiXtart Golf Score Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Shuttle Puzzle Processing Start = 2006/09/16 22:39:56.031 Processing End = 2006/09/16 22:39:56.265 Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.233 KiXGolf Score = 220
function s($a) dim $,$i,$c,$n,$t $=' ' for $n = 1-$a to 0 $ = Wa + $ + aB next $ = split($,a) $t=join($,'')
for $i = -$a+1 to $a $n=-$n for $c=$n*($a-abs($i)) to -$c step -2*$n $[ascan($,' ')] = $[$c+$a] $[$c+$a]=' ' $t=$t+a+join($,'') $s=split($t,a) endfunction
#167876 - 2006-09-16 09:44 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Shuttle Puzzle - Public Round
KiX Master Guru
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Registered: 2001-06-05
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damn, same mistake again!!! my luck that nobody else is watching this thread ![](/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif)
KiXGolf Score = 219
function s($a) dim $,$i,$c,$n,$t $=' ' for $n = 1-$a to 0 $ = Wa + $ + aB next $ = split($,a) $t=join($,'')
for $i = 1-$a to $a $n=-$n for $c=$n*($a-abs($i)) to -$c step -2*$n $[ascan($,' ')] = $[$c+$a] $[$c+$a]=' ' $t=$t+a+join($,'') $s=split($t,a) endfunction
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