#156220 - 2006-01-29 12:35 AM
This type of array not supported
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Registered: 2004-03-09
Posts: 1597
Loc: Valley of the Sun (Arizona, US...
I have the following code giving me an error and I can not figure out what it is complaining about.
ERROR : Error in expression: this type of array not supported in expressions.!
It is complaining at this line Quote:
$LabelG.text + @CRLF + $Name[$PU,0] +" Please share with " + $a + @CRLF
I have the exact same code in another function and it works just fine.
In troubleshooting: If I ? $a immediatly after the $a=PartnerSelect() I get the expected string. If $a = "your choice" the else statement works just fine.
I also thought that it might be complaining about the use of an array on the If $b[2] = 1 line, but added a $c = $b[2] and then If $c = 1, but it still complained.
My assumption is that it is the Line before the one reported, (the if statement) that is really the problem, but not sure what I am doing wrong in writing it.
$B[x] is always a 0 or 1 and $ExVar is always 1 - 6
Function O($PU) $ = Split($Name[$PU,3],"~") ;$N = $Name[$PU,0] If $[2] = 1 Or $ExVar < 4 $a = PartnerSelect($PU) If $a <> "your choice" $b = Willing($a) If $b[2] = 1 Or $ExVar < 4 $LabelG.text + @CRLF + $Name[$PU,0] +" Please share with " + $a + @CRLF Pause() EndIf Else $LabelG.text = $LabelG.text + @CRLF + $Name[$PU,0] +" Please share with " + $a + @CRLF Pause() EndIf Else ;Fix the label to explain more $LabelG.text = $LabelG.text + @CRLF + "Sorry you do not have a preference, your loss" Pause() EndIf EndFunction
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