#139335 - 2005-10-20 05:54 PM
Re: My Computer Info - for Help Desk use PART 4
Registered: 2000-01-06
Posts: 5187
Loc: Tampa, FL
I've tweaked the HTML code generation script to read INI files... all looping so any ini file with any number of sections can be read and displayed
The first section reads a straight ini and displays each section in its own table in 2 column format
The second reads another ini but splits the DATA field into additional columns
Break on If Not IsDeclared($_UDF_LIB) Call @scriptdir+'\UDFs.kix' EndIf If Not IsDeclared($_INV_LIB) Call @scriptdir+'\Inventory.kix' EndIf
$SerNo =WMIQuery("SerialNumber","Win32_BIOS") If Len($SerNo) < 2 $SerNo=WMIQuery("SerialNumber","Win32_SystemEnclosure") If InStr($serno,"|") For Each $Return in Split($serno,"|") If Len($Return)<10 $serno=$Return EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $SerNo =Trim(Ucase($SerNo)) $icon = @scriptdir + '\AHCA.ico' $InvFile= @scriptdir + '\'+$SerNo+'.ini' $SoftFile= @scriptdir + '\'+$SerNo+'_Software.ini' $HTMLLog= @scriptdir + '\'+$SerNo+'.htm'
$haRd = '#cf2e4d' $haBu = '#0000cf' $hRed = '#ff0000' $hBlu = '#0000ff' $hGrn = '#00bb00' $hBwn = '#800000' $hBlc = '#000000' $hgry = '#777777' $bkgr = '#ffffcc'
if not exist($InvFile) CollectData($InvFile) ENDIF
$HTMLTableOpen = '<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse"' +' bordercolor="#cccccc" width="100%" id="AutoNumber1">'+@CRLF $HTMLTableClose= '</table>'+@CRLF $ImageLocation = ''
; ********************************* Header *************************************
$WL = '<html>'+@CRLF +'<head>'+@CRLF +'<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">'+@CRLF +'<meta name="GENERATOR" content=KiXtart '+@KIX+'>'+@CRLF +'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">'+@CRLF
+'<title>'+ 'Details on ' + $SerNo +'</title>'+@CRLF
+'</head>'+@CRLF +'<body bgproperties="fixed" bgcolor="'+$bkgr+'" background="'+$ImageLocation+'">'+@CRLF +'<p>'+@CRLF +'<img src="Picture1.gif">' +'<p><b><font size="5" color="'+$haBu+'">INVENTORY INFORMATION FOR: '+'</font></b>'+@CRLF +'<b><font size="5" color="'+$haRd+'">'+$SerNo+'</font></b></p>'+@CRLF
; ****************************** Hardware Inventory *************************************
$sections = split(readprofilestring($InvFile,'',''),chr(10)) for each $section in $sections if $section > " " $wl = $wl +'<p><b><font size="4" color="'+$hBwn+'">'+$section+'</font></b></p>'+@CRLF $wl = $wl + $HTMLTableOpen $color= $hBlc,$hRed,$hBlc,$hBlc,$hRed $Inv = Getini($InvFile,$section) for $entry = 0 to ubound($Inv) step 2 $one = split($Inv[$entry],',') if $entry+1 <= ubound($Inv) $Two = split($Inv[$entry+1],',') else $Two = ' ',' ',' ' endif $line = $one[1],$one[2],' ',$two[1],$two[2] $wl = $wl + HTMLRow($line, $color) next $WL = $WL + $HTMLTableClose endif next
; ***************************** Software Inventory **********************************
$wl = $wl + '<p><b><font size="4" color="'+$hBwn+'">APPLICATIONS INSTALLED</font></b></p>'+@CRLF
$wl = $wl + $HTMLTableOpen $color= $hBlc,$hBlc,$hRed,$hBlu,$hgrn
$sections = split(readprofilestring($SoftFile,'',''),chr(10)) for each $section in $sections if $section > " " $line = join(split($section,'_'),' '),' ',' ',' ',' ' $wl = $wl + HTMLRow($line, $color)
$SoftInv = Getini($SoftFile,$section,chr(9)) for each $entry in $SoftInv $one = split($entry,chr(9)) redim preserve $one[5] $line = ' ',$one[1],$one[2],$one[3],$one[4] $wl = $wl + HTMLRow($line, $color) next endif next $WL = $WL + $HTMLTableClose
; ****************************** footer ***********************************
$WL = $WL +'<p><b><font size="2" color="'+$hBlu+'">'+"Date of report: "+@Date+'</font></b></p>'+@CRLF + '</body>'+@CRLF + '</html>'+@CRLF
; *****************************************************************************
del $HTMLLog
$Handle = FreeFileHandle() $OpenFile = Open($Handle, $HTMLLog,5) $WL = WriteLine($Handle,$WL + @CRLF) $CloseFile = Close($Handle)
run 'cmd /c start iexplore "'+$htmllog+'"'
there are only a few UDFs used Code:
If Not IsDeclared($_UDF_LIB) Global $_UDF_LIB EndIf
Function WMIQuery($what,$from,optional $computer,optional $where, optional $x) Dim $strQuery, $objEnumerator, $value If NOT $computer $computer="@WKSTA" EndIf $strQuery = "Select $what From $from" If $where AND $x $strQuery = $strQuery + " Where $where = '$x'" EndIf $SystemSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//$computer") $objEnumerator = $SystemSet.ExecQuery($strQuery) For Each $objInstance in $objEnumerator If @Error = 0 AND $objInstance <> "" $=Execute("$$value = $$objInstance.$what") $WMIQuery="$value"+"|"+"$WMIQuery" EndIf Next $WMIQuery=Left($WMIQuery,Len($WMIQuery)-1) Exit @error EndFunction
Function ReadFile($file) Dim $lf, $f, $_, $t $lf=Chr(10) $f=FreeFileHandle $_=Open($f,$file) If @error Exit @error EndIf Do $t=$t+$lf+ReadLine($f) Until @error $_=Close($f) $ReadFile=Split(SubStr($t,2),$lf) EndFunction
Function WriteFile($file,$array) Dim $, $f, $line If NOT VarType($Array) & 8192 Exit(1) EndIf $f=FreeFileHandle $=Open($f,$file,5) If @error Exit @error EndIf For Each $line in $array $=WriteLine($f,$line+@crlf) If @error Exit @error EndIf Next $=Close($f) EndFunction
Function GetINI($File,optional $Section, optional $d) DIM $Rootdata, $sec, $i, $ii, $secdata, $Error DIM $Tarray[0] If not $d $d = "," EndIf If not Exist($file) Exit(2) EndIf $Rootdata = Split(ReadProfileString($file,$section,""),CHR(10)) If UBound($rootdata) = 0 Exit(13) EndIf ReDIM preserve $rootdata[ubound($rootdata)-1] If not $section $i = 0 For Each $sec In $rootdata $secData = GetINI($file,$sec,$d) $error = @ERROR ReDIM preserve $tarray[UBound($tarray)+UBound($secdata)+1] For $ii = 0 To UBound($secdata) $tarray[$i] = $secdata[$ii] $i = $i + 1 Next Next If UBound($tarray) > 0 ReDIM preserve $tarray[$i-1] EndIf Else ReDIM preserve $tarray[ubound($rootdata)] For $i = 0 To UBound($rootdata) $tarray[$i]=$section+$d+$Rootdata[$i]+$d+ReadProfileString($file,$section,$Rootdata[$i]) Next EndIf $GetINI = $tarray Exit($error) EndFunction
function arrayenumkey($regsubkey) dim $retcode, $subkeycounter, $currentsubkey, $subkeyarray if not keyexist($regsubkey) exit 87 endif $subkeycounter=0 do $currentsubkey=enumkey($regsubkey,$subkeycounter) if not @ERROR redim preserve $subkeyarray[$subkeycounter] $subkeyarray[$subkeycounter]=$currentsubkey $subkeycounter=$subkeycounter+1 endif until @ERROR $arrayenumkey=$subkeyarray exit 0 endfunction
Function HTMLRow($arrElements, $arrColor) $cols=Ubound($arrelements) if not Ubound($arrelements) =Ubound($arrColor) exit 1 endif $colWidth = 100/($cols+1) $HTMLRow = ' <tr>'+@CRLF for $item = 0 to $cols $HTMLRow = $HTMLRow +' <td width="'+$colwidth+'%" height="19"><font size="2" color="'+$arrColor[$item]+'">'+$arrElements[$item]+'</td>'+@CRLF next $HTMLRow = $HTMLRow +' </tr>'+@CRLF Endfunction
return Code:
#139336 - 2005-10-20 06:13 PM
Re: My Computer Info - for Help Desk use PART 4
Registered: 2000-01-06
Posts: 5187
Loc: Tampa, FL
the inventory script Code:
If Not IsDeclared($_UDF_INV) Global $_UDF_INV EndIf
Function CollectData($InvFile) $ip = EnumIPInfo($nic,0) $snm = EnumIPInfo($nic,1) $NicDesc= EnumIPInfo($nic,2) $mygw = EnumIPInfo($nic,3)
$Mac =WMIQuery("MACAddress","Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration",,"Description",$NicDesc) $Mac =Join(Split($mac,':'),'') $Mac =Left($mac,InStr($mac,'|')-1)
$pingloop = iif(val(WMIQuery('StatusCode', 'Win32_PingStatus',,'Address','')),'No Response','OK') $pinggate = iif(val(WMIQuery('StatusCode', 'Win32_PingStatus',,'Address',$mygw)),'No Response','OK') $pingmail = iif(val(WMIQuery('StatusCode', 'Win32_PingStatus',,'Address','fdhcmail')),'No Response','OK') $pingproxy = iif(val(WMIQuery('StatusCode', 'Win32_PingStatus',,'Address','proxy')),'No Response','OK') $pinginet = iif(val(WMIQuery('StatusCode', 'Win32_PingStatus',,'Address','www.yahoo.com')),'No Response','OK') $HD =WMIQuery("Size","Win32_DiskDrive") $hdGB =Left($hd,Len($hd)-9) $hdMBfr =GetDiskSpace("c:")/1000 $Video =WMIQuery("Description","Win32_VideoController") $Printer=WMIQuery("DriverName","Win32_Printer",,"SystemName","@wksta") $modem =WMIQuery("Description","Win32_POTSModem",,"Status","OK") $Biosv =WMIQuery("SMBIOSBIOSVersion","Win32_BIOS") $biosd =WMIQuery("Version","Win32_BIOS") $Make =Trim(Split(WMIQuery("Manufacturer","Win32_ComputerSystem"))[0]) $Model =trim(WMIQuery("Model","Win32_ComputerSystem")) Select Case InStr("$model","pro") $Case="Desktop" Case InStr("$model","evo") $Case="Desktop" Case InStr("$model","opt") $Case="Desktop" Case InStr("$model","lat") $Case="Laptop" Case 1 $Case="Not Specified" EndSelect $asset =WMIQuery("SMBIOSAssetTag","Win32_SystemEnclosure") If InStr($asset,"|") For Each $Return in Split($asset,"|") If $Return $asset=$Return EndIf Next EndIf $SerNo =WMIQuery("SerialNumber","Win32_BIOS") If Len($SerNo) < 2 $SerNo=WMIQuery("SerialNumber","Win32_SystemEnclosure") If InStr($serno,"|") For Each $Return in Split($serno,"|") If Len($Return)<10 $serno=$Return EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $SerNo =Trim(Ucase($SerNo))
$CPUsp =WMIQuery("CurrentClockSpeed","Win32_Processor") Select case left($CPUsp,3) = "339" $CPUsp=3400 case left($CPUsp,3) = "319" $CPUsp=3200 case left($CPUsp,3) = "279" $CPUsp=2800 case left($CPUsp,3) = "269" $CPUsp=2600 case left($CPUsp,3) = "239" $CPUsp=2400 case left($CPUsp,3) = "229" $CPUsp=2200 case left($CPUsp,3) = "199" $CPUsp=2000 case left($CPUsp,3) = "179" $CPUsp=1800 case left($CPUsp,3) = "169" $CPUsp=1700 case left($CPUsp,3) = "139" $CPUsp=1400 case left($CPUsp,3) = "106" $CPUsp=1100 case left($CPUsp,2) = "99" $CPUsp=1000 case left($CPUsp,2) = "90" $CPUsp=900 case left($CPUsp,2) = "85" $CPUsp=850 case left($CPUsp,2) = "70" $CPUsp=700 case left($CPUsp,2) = "66" $CPUsp=667 case left($CPUsp,2) = "59" $CPUsp=600 case left($CPUsp,2) = "49" $CPUsp=500 case left($CPUsp,2) = "39" $CPUsp=400 EndSelect
$dimms =Split(WMIQuery("Capacity","Win32_PhysicalMemory"),"|") For $a=0 to Ubound($dimms) $=Execute("$$dimm$a=val($$dimms[$a]) / 1048576") $=Execute("$$memory=val($$Memory)+val($$dimm$a)") Next $ier =ReadValue("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer", "Version") $MSOdir =ReadValue("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe","Path") $access =GetFileVersion("$MSOdir\msaccess.exe") $excel =GetFileVersion("$MSOdir\excel.exe") $outlook =GetFileVersion("$MSOdir\outlook.exe") $powerpnt =GetFileVersion("$MSOdir\powerpnt.exe") $pub =GetFileVersion("$MSOdir\mspub.exe") $Word =GetFileVersion("$MSOdir\winword.exe") $vscanver =ReadValue("HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\VirusScan","szCurrentVersionNumber") $vscaneng =ReadValue("HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\VirusScan Engine\4.0.xx","szEngineVer") $vscandat =ReadValue("HKLM\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared Components\VirusScan Engine\4.0.xx","szDatVersion")
If KeyExist('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Cognos') $cogdir=ReadValue('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Cognos','CognosIni') If Right($cogdir,2)='..' $cogdir=Split($cogdir,'..')[0] EndIf $impver=GetFileVersion($cogdir+'bin\impuser.exe') EndIf $aspenexe=ReadValue('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ASE.exe','') If Exist($aspenexe) $asefiletime=GetFileTime($aspenexe) EndIf $acroexe=ReadValue('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Acrobat.exe','') If Exist($acroexe) $acrobat=GetFileVersion($acroexe) EndIf
$OSKey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows XP' $spKey = arrayenumkey($OSKey) for each $key in $SpKey $patches = arrayenumkey($OSkey+'\'+$Key) $hotfix = $hotfix +' ' + Join($patches,' ') next $hotfix = substr($hotfix,2)
$=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Inventory","Date",@Date) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Inventory","Time",@time)
$=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","IPAddress",$IP) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","SubnetMask",$snm) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","Gateway",$MyGW) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","Adapter",$NicDesc) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","Mac",$Mac) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","Location",$location) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","City",$city) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","PING_Loopback",$pingloop) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","PING_Gateway",$pinggate) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","PING_FDHCMail",$pingmail) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","PING_Proxy",$pingproxy) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Network","PING_Internet",$pinginet)
$=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","SerialNumber",$SerNo) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","AHCATag",$Asset) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","ComputerName",@wksta) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","Make",$Make) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","Model",$Model) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","Case",$Case) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","BIOS Ver",$Biosv) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","BIOS Date",$Biosd) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","ProcessorSpeed",$CPUsp) $=WriteProfileString($InvFile,"Hardware","HDSize",$hdGB) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Hardware","MBFree",$hdmbfr) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Hardware","Memory",$memory) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Hardware","Dimm0",$dimm0) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Hardware","Dimm1",$dimm1) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Hardware","Dimm2",$dimm2) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Hardware","Printer",$printer) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Hardware","Modem",$modem) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Hardware","Video",$video)
$=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","OS",@producttype) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","SP",@csd) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","Hotfixes",$hotfix) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","MSAccess",$access) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","MSExcel",$excel) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","MSOutlook",$outlook) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","MSPowerpoint",$powerpnt) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","MSPublisher",$pub) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","MSWord",$word) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","InternetExplorer",$ier) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","McAfeeVersion",$vscanver) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","McAfeeEngine",$vscaneng) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","McAfeeDAT",$vscandat) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","Impromptu",$Impver) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","AspenFiletime",$asefiletime) $=WriteProfileString($Invfile,"Software","AdobeAcrobat",$acrobat)
del @scriptdir +'\'+ $SerNo +'.txt' shell 'cmd /c dir c:\*.exe /b /s > "'+@scriptdir+'"\current.txt' $whiteDirs = ReadFile(@scriptdir + '\whitedir.txt') $whitelist = ReadFile(@scriptdir + '\whitelist.txt') $currentfile=ReadFile(@scriptdir + '\current.txt') for each $file in $CurrentFile $match = ascan($whitelist, $file) if $match = -1 and len($file) > 1 $result = $result + chr(10) + $file endif next $output = split(substr($result,2),chr(10)) $result = '' for each $file in $output $tag = 0 for each $dir in $whitedirs if len($dir) > 1 if instr($file,$dir) $tag = 1 endif endif next if not $tag $result = $result + chr(10) + $file endif next $final = split(substr($result,2),chr(10)) del @scriptdir +'\current.txt' del @scriptdir +'\'+ $SerNo +'.txt' writefile(@scriptdir +'\'+ $SerNo +'.txt',$final)
$files = readfile(@scriptdir +'\'+ $SerNo +'.txt') $lines=Ubound($files) Dim $output[$lines] For $Loop = 0 to $lines-1 $thisfile = $files[$Loop] If Exist($thisfile) $path = Left($thisfile,InStrRev($thisfile,'\')) $exe = SubStr($thisfile,InStrRev($thisfile,'\')+1) $ver = GetFileVersion($thisfile) $name = GetFileVersion($thisfile,"ProductName") $=writeprofilestring(@scriptdir +'\'+ $SerNo +'_Software.ini',join(split($path,' '),'_'),$exe,$ver + chr(9) + $name) EndIf Next del @scriptdir +'\'+ $SerNo +'.txt' EndFunction
#139337 - 2005-10-24 10:29 PM
Re: My Computer Info - for Help Desk use PART 4
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2005-09-26
Posts: 11
Loc: Denmark
@ NTDOC Thanks for a great script, it's truly amazing.! what it does is actually what my technicians have done manually over the years (sad but true), once a each Quarter my techs have to do this over again and again as some of the techs tends to forget the true meaning of an updated inventory list.. with this script we can start to eliminate going to each PC in our district 1100+ PC's, of course it will still be a task looking into and verifying all the HTM' files collected upon logon (it has become a part of our login script and are stored to a share on a server) what i would like is store the output from your script into a single line txt file so this could be loaded into a DB either Access or SQL automaticly.. the ideal solution would of couse be if this script could output directly into a SQL DB, but i can understand that it is time consuming to do all requests especially the request of putting into SQL.! ) I have tried myself to manipulate your script to behave the way i would like it to and some of the way it works to.. i have removed all htm related stuff and line feeds in hope of the output ended up in a single line, it does end up as i wont, but then it is only the internal kix macros that are displayed in the file and the homegrown variables you have made is not displayed with the values it should but are shown as the variable names..
@ Radimus 1st. link in your signature does not work ;o) 2nd. Your additions/altering to NTDOC's script lead me a litle further in my quest of output to a txt file, one comment though.. I have a IBM T30 laptop with 3 netcards (as follows) Intel Pro 10/100 (build in ) Symbol PCMCIA WiFi AGN Virtual netcard (comes as a part of AT&T global network, does not get an IP, subnet etc.) When running your script it list only the AGN virtual netcard, but i run COMPINFO3 it list the active netcard when writting this from a bed in my hotel it is the WiFi card, is it possible to list all netcards or at least the active one ??
Rgds Jan V.
BTW. this is my first post..
#139338 - 2005-10-26 12:46 AM
Re: My Computer Info - for Help Desk use PART 4
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2005-09-26
Posts: 11
Loc: Denmark
Don't mind replying to my questions, found a solution to creating the txt output (just needed to look at the code again ), next step for me would be to output/input to SQL
#139340 - 2006-03-24 04:52 PM
Re: Can you add a Feature
Registered: 2000-01-06
Posts: 5187
Loc: Tampa, FL
yes and no.
I have seperated it into 2 projects.
1 that just inventories the PC and logs to ini file. Then the logon script kicks off a process to update the client files and upload the inventory to server share
2 is a tray object that will view the inventory.ini and other misc features that a user might be interested in
Part 1 is in my production environment.
Part 2 probably works, but I haven't worked on it for a couple of months. I have wanted to get back to it, I just haven't gotten around to it.
@ Jan V: I know.. I am currently moving providers and am setting up a subdomain for kix. The domain is active, I just haven't built the content yet. http://kixtart.radprojects.net
#139346 - 2006-07-20 01:24 PM
Re: re: mycompinfo4
Korg Regular
Registered: 2005-12-07
Posts: 953
Loc: Stockholm, Sweden.
Jooel, perhaps you can handle it as a personal golf-challenge?
#139348 - 2006-08-16 01:56 AM
Re: Can you add a Feature
Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11625
Loc: CA
Added a screen shot of a possible Webpage layout for using the script as is to the 1st post.
So is anyone still interested in this type of script?
I know Rad and Jooel want it in a different format - not really sure what the .ini approach buys you Rad unless you use it to import into something else, if that's the case then why not just create it to that format in the first place?
What methods of output do most prefer?
I know the BEST answer is a database, but I don't really have enough free time right now to work on something generic enough to post a full solution for that method.
Or if little or no interest then I'll not bother to update anymore. My web stats show that it is downloaded about 70 times a month for past few months but that doesn't mean anyone is actively using it
#139350 - 2006-09-01 07:05 AM
Re: Can you add a Feature
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2002-10-14
Posts: 32
Loc: Utah
Doc I'm interesting in the script. I actually ran an older version in the past and modified the code to place the HTML files on a share on our server. I am now looking for an inventory script that will place the inventory in an SQL database that we could write queries against and generate reports. Unfortunately my database skills are not what I think is required as it has been several years since I've really done any database work.
Don't think your efforts are not appreciated, I've learned a lot just reading many posts and wish I had more time to spend in the forums but as a consultant I have my hands in a little of everything for many clients so most my visits are when I have a project that I think I can do with Kix to help me accomplish.
#139351 - 2006-09-01 08:13 AM
Re: Can you add a Feature
KiX Master Guru
Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
oh, my words exactly. but I don't think myself as an consultant, a life sucking being that...
#139352 - 2006-09-02 12:32 AM
Re: Can you add a Feature
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2005-09-26
Posts: 11
Loc: Denmark
Hey Doc, here's a few answers to your questions.!
So is anyone still interested in this type of script?
Yes indeed.! i have learned a bunch just by reading into this script.! We are running this script via the login script (if older than 5 days it will run and store centrally) have also added monitor lookup (model and serialnumber) helps my techs doing basic inventory check.
What methods of output do most prefer?
As you write DB would the best.. at the time being we are using your HTML just for quick lookups.. what i have done as you can read in a previous reply is to strip the output down to a "~" seperated txt files (split into 3 files, HW+SW+Monitor.. all the files carry the PC-Name and Serial so they can be linked) these txt files are then merged and loaded into an excel file at the time being.. what i would love is function for loading the files into SQl (either automaticly or manually) Ooops, just got carried away.. 1. DB would be perfeect 2. TXT/INI 3. HTML
Or if little or no interest then I'll not bother to update anymore.
IMHO i think that it would be a petty if no further updates comes along, my technicians and I really appreciate the work you have put into this project.!
on a side note: we are also using this script with BeyondExec to run it on remote PC's and it works like a charm (except for a few PC's where it does not output anything, can't figure out why that is)
Rgds Jan V.
#173920 - 2007-02-14 08:38 PM
Re: Can you add a Feature
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2006-05-24
Posts: 8
is there a new link to download this code? the current is no longer working... cant wait to see the newest build you will have NTDOC!
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