#139297 - 2005-06-10 09:25 PM
Re: My Computer Info - for Help Desk use PART 4
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2003-10-31
Posts: 184
Loc: Ohio
Thanks very much for this Doc, its fantastic.
Only thing I changed was I added a variable to turn on and off the display at the end and a variable for .htm file location so I can run it through login and have it place the file onto the server and not alert the user. Really great script, thanks.
#139299 - 2005-06-11 05:57 PM
Re: My Computer Info - for Help Desk use PART 4
Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11625
Loc: CA
Hmmmm.... nice that you have such nice things to say Lonk 
Anyways... the code we were working on in the past is located here on the board.
#139306 - 2005-07-12 07:49 PM
Re: Can you add a Feature
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2003-09-11
Posts: 18
Alright amigo. I can assist with how to send emial via lotus notes but I don't know how to add this to the code...
Call SendNotesMail( "this is a test subject" , "C:\Temp\NotesSendMail.vbs" , "Mr.Estradac","my message" , True) Sub SendNotesMail(Subject , Attachment , Recipient , BodyText , SaveIt ) 'Set up the objects required for Automation into lotus notes Dim Maildb 'The mail database Dim UserName 'The current users notes name Dim MailDbName 'THe current users notes mail database name Dim MailDoc 'The mail document itself Dim AttachME 'The attachment richtextfile object Dim Session 'The notes session Dim EmbedObj 'The embedded object (Attachment) 'Start a session to notes Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") 'Get the sessions username and then calculate the mail file name 'You may or may not need this as for MailDBname with some systems you 'can pass an empty string UserName = Session.UserName MailDbName = Left(UserName, 1) & Right(UserName, (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf" 'Open the mail database in notes Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", MailDbName) 'Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", "mail.box") If Maildb.ISOPEN = True Then 'Already open for mail Else Maildb.OPENMAIL End If 'Set up the new mail document Set MailDoc = Maildb.CREATEDOCUMENT MailDoc.Form = "Memo" MailDoc.sendto = Recipient MailDoc.Subject = Subject MailDoc.Body = BodyText MailDoc.SAVEMESSAGEONSEND = SaveIt 'Set up the embedded object and attachment and attach it If Attachment <> "" Then Set AttachME = MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Attachment") Set EmbedObj = AttachME.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", Attachment, "Attachment") 'MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM ("Attachment") End If 'Send the document MailDoc.SEND 0, Recipient 'Clean Up Set Maildb = Nothing Set MailDoc = Nothing Set AttachME = Nothing Set Session = Nothing Set EmbedObj = Nothing End Sub
#139309 - 2005-10-05 03:54 AM
Re: My Computer Info - for Help Desk use PART 4
Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11625
Loc: CA
NOTICE: This script is no longer set to just show on the user's desk. The script has been modified to ONLY e-mail the file back to an Administrator via BLAT SMTP e-mailer.
There were too many e-mails to me asking for such that I've switched the script over to e-mail only. However you can easily remark out the send and have it launch locally as before if wanted.
The script now includes a MessageBox to let the user know the script is being e-mailed to Support. That to can be disabled if wanted.
; ********************************************* ; ******** REVISION HISTORY ****************** ; 2.01 *** 10/4/2005 6:02PM - By NTDOC ; ******** Modified to send to Admins as requested via e-mail using BLAT ; ******** DOWNLOAD BLAT: http://www.blat.net ; ******** Removed trailing decimal numbers from FREE SPACE. ; ******** Switched out GetIEVersion with GetIEVersion2 (previous udf was broken) ; ******** Added the $SO=SetOption('NoMacrosInStrings','On') option to the script ; ******** Renamed the script to: COMPINFO3.KIX
Please let me kow if anything got broken in this update or not. It appears to work well so far in my testing.
The zip file also includes a script to add a shortcut to the users Start Menu for requesting help.
Download MyComputerInfo script
Edited by NTDOC (2011-02-17 09:03 AM)
#139310 - 2005-10-05 08:38 AM
Re: Can you add a Feature
Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11625
Loc: CA
Include a link to send via lotus notes and or outlook email (will be used to send information to my Helpdesk)
Well it now sends via BLAT e-mail by default, but you could add an Outlook mailer instead if you want, it just won't be silent and the client must have Outlook installed and a profile setup already.
Function SendOutlookMail($To, $Subject, optional $Body, optional $Attachment) Dim $objOutlook, $Msg, $Recip, $Attach, $Deliver $objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") $Msg = $objOutlook.CreateItem(0) $Msg.Subject = ($Subject) $Msg.Body = ($Body + @CRLF) $Recip = $Msg.Recipients.Add($To) If Not $Recip.Resolve $Msg.Display EndIf $Attach = $Msg.attachments.add($Attachment) $Msg.Display ; $Deliver = $Msg.Send $objOutlook = "" EndFunction As for the print, well there are methods to accomplish that as well if needed, just reply back.
#139311 - 2005-10-05 11:30 PM
Re: Can you add a Feature
Registered: 2000-01-06
Posts: 5187
Loc: Tampa, FL
I'm working on a KF client tool something like this
It runs in the tray and it can't be closed (except by ending task)
It will run the inventory automatically about 30 minutes after start, or manually upon clicking the refresh button
The Help button will open a subform with contact info for helpdesk.
etc... Still under development
#139312 - 2005-10-06 02:18 AM
Re: Can you add a Feature
Registered: 2000-01-06
Posts: 5187
Loc: Tampa, FL
I'm also thinking of adding a messaging component to it to retrieve possible messages from a a file on a share... something like a messagebox that pops up but requires 2 action to close the window and will log the OKs to a central file.
Something like a message that says "Mail server will be down at 3:00 today". saved as a file, then at some incremental time (10-15 minutes or so) it will read the file, display to the user in a KF textbox, and require a chekbox and a click to OK it, then log to an ini or something the time and username.
More reliable than a net send more 'in your face' than an email
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