Intresting concept man!.
Jim I have tryed your code but I get an error here in XMLFormatOutput($objXMLDOM) at this point.
$strXSL = " chr(34) + "UTF-8" + chr(34) + "?>" + @CRLF
Replaced with this and worked out.
$strXSL = "<?xml version=" + Chr(34) + "1.0" + Chr(34) + " encoding=" +
Chr(34) + "UTF-8" + Chr(34) + "?>" + @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:stylesheet version=" + Chr(34) + "1.0" + Chr(34) +
" xmlns:xsl=" + Chr(34) + "" +
Chr(34) + ">" + @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:output method=" + Chr(34) + "xml" + Chr(34) +
" version=" + Chr(34) + "1.0" + Chr(34) + " encoding=" + Chr(34) +
"UTF-8" + Chr(34) + " indent=" + Chr(34) + "yes" + Chr(34) + "/>" + @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:template match=" + Chr(34) + "/ | @@* | node()" +
Chr(34) + ">" + @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:copy>"+ @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:apply-templates select=" + Chr(34) +
"@@* | node()" + Chr(34) + " />"+ @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "</xsl:copy>"+ @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "</xsl:template>"+ @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "</xsl:stylesheet>"
Check it Jim please.
Life is fine.