#135465 - 2005-03-18 09:27 PM
Re: RFC: ReadXmlString/WriteXmlString
Seasoned Scripter
Registered: 2001-11-15
Posts: 513
Loc: PA, USA
Damn. I thought I did...
Here's the Overload code implemented into a function. Works great. I guess I'll retrofit all of the function to use this before I tackle the other funcs. I'll update the post aobve with the language changes and this. Code:
; WriteXMLValue() - Writes a value to an XML element Function WriteXMLValue($source, $path, $value) dim $, $p, $rootNode, $sectionNode, $parentNode, $childNode, $node, $xml ; Begin Overloaded Var Sorting If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed $xml = $source Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed $xml = LoadXML($source) Else ; An XML string was passed $xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $xml.async = false $=$xml.loadXML($source) EndIf EndIf ; End Overloaded Var Sorting $sectionNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode($path); if not $sectionNode $parentNode = $xml for each $node in split($path,"/") $p = $p + $node $sectionNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode($p)
if not $sectionNode $sectionNode = $xml.CreateElement($node) $parentNode = $parentNode.AppendChild($sectionNode) else $parentNode = $sectionNode endif $p = $p + "/" next endif
if $sectionNode $sectionNode.Text = $value endif ; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed. Since the object was passed by ref, no further ; action necessary. Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed, so we write it out and destory the object SaveXML($xml, $source) $xml = 0 Else ; An XML string was passed ; Cannot save the XML string as we have no file name to save to ; so we return it. Since the object was passed by ref, no further ; action necessary.
EndIf EndIf ; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy endfunction
...the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.
#135466 - 2005-03-19 12:24 AM
Re: RFC: ReadXmlString/WriteXmlString
Seasoned Scripter
Registered: 2001-11-15
Posts: 513
Loc: PA, USA
Ok, I'm not updating any one particular post anymore, it's too confusing. Here's all of the latest code that I have. Still a lot of work to be done, and I wont be doing any over the weekend if anyone is bored, but we have a basic working model.
Break On
Dim $filename1, $filename2, $filename3
Dim $xml, $
; This is an example by object
$filename1 = "C:\KiXtartByObject.xml"
$xml = LoadXml($filename1)
$= WriteXmlValue($xml, "korg/shawn/number", 119)
$= WriteXmlValue($xml, "korg/jose/number", 1772)
$= WriteXmlValue($xml, "korg/jooel/number", 2087)
$= WriteXmlValue($xml, "korg/jim/number",3555)
$= WriteXMLAttr($xml, "korg/jim", "Id", 3555)
$= WriteXMLAttr($xml, "korg/jim", "Age", 31)
SaveXml($xml, $filename1)
$xml = 0
; This is an example by filename
$filename2 = "C:\KiXtartByFileName.xml"
$= WriteXmlValue($filename2, "korg/shawn/number", 119)
$= WriteXmlValue($filename2, "korg/jose/number", 1772)
$= WriteXmlValue($filename2, "korg/jooel/number", 2087)
$= WriteXmlValue($filename2, "korg/jim/number",3555)
$= WriteXMLAttr($filename2, "korg/jim", "Id", 3555)
$= WriteXMLAttr($filename2, "korg/jim", "Age", 31)
? "Jim's age: " ReadXMLAttr($filename2, "korg/jim", "Age")
? "Jose's Number: " ReadXmlValue($filename2, "korg/jose/number")
$xml = 0
; This is an example by XML String
$filename3 = "C:\KiXtartByXMLString.xml"
Dim $strXML,$objXML
$strXML = "<korg><jim><E-mail>jim@@foo.com</E-mail></jim></korg>"
$strXML = WriteXmlValue($strXML, "korg/jim/id",3555)
; Note that after the initial write, the return becomes an object, therefore
; capturing the returns isn't necessary, but doesn't hurt either and is consistent.
$strXML = WriteXmlValue($strXML, "korg/jim/height",6)
$strXML = WriteXmlValue($strXML, "korg/jim/weight",230)
$strXML = WriteXmlValue($strXML, "korg/jim/eyes",2)
$strXML = WriteXMLAttr($strXML, "korg/jim", "Age", 31)
$strXML = WriteXMLAttr($strXML, "korg/jim", "Drink", "Beer")
? "Jim's age: " ReadXMLAttr($strXML, "korg/jim", "Age")
SaveXml($strXML, $filename3)
? "Jim's Drink: " ReadXMLAttr($filename3, "korg/jim", "Age")
$ = RemoveXMLAttr($filename3, "korg/jim", "Age")
? "Jim's Drink: " ReadXMLAttr($filename3, "korg/jim", "Age")
$strXML = 0
exit 1
; CreateXMLElement() - Creates an empty element pair
Function CreateXMLElement()
; EnumXMLAttr() - Enums all attributes of an element
Function EnumXMLAttr()
; EnumXMLElement() - Enums child elements of a given element
Function EnumXMLElement()
;FormatXML() - Formats the output style of an XMLDOM object to the standard
Function FormatXML($objXMLDOM)
;? "V" vartype($objXMLDOM)
Dim $,$strXSL,$objXSL
;Create and Load XSL
; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
; <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
; <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
; <xsl:template match="/ | @* | node()">
; <xsl:copy>
; <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()" />
; </xsl:copy>
; </xsl:template>
; </xsl:stylesheet>
$strXSL = "<?xml version=" + chr(34) + "1.0" + chr(34) + " encoding=" +
chr(34) + "UTF-8" + chr(34) + "?>" + @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:stylesheet version=" + chr(34) + "1.0" + chr(34) +
" xmlns:xsl=" + chr(34) + "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" +
chr(34) + ">" + @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:output method=" + chr(34) + "xml" + chr(34) +
" version=" + chr(34) + "1.0" + chr(34) + " encoding=" + chr(34) +
"UTF-8" + chr(34) + " indent=" + chr(34) + "yes" + chr(34) + "/>" + @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:template match=" + chr(34) + "/ | @@* | node()" +
chr(34) + ">" + @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:copy>"+ @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:apply-templates select=" + chr(34) +
"@@* | node()" + chr(34) + " />"+ @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "</xsl:copy>"+ @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "</xsl:template>"+ @CRLF
$strXSL = $strXSL + "</xsl:stylesheet>"
;? "XLM Stylesheet: " + @CRLF + $strXSL
$objXSL = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$objXSL.async = false
;Transform file
$objXMLDOM.TransformNodeToObject ($objXSL, $objXMLDOM)
$formatXML = $objXMLDOM
;LoadXML() - Load an existing .XML file, instantiate XMLDOM object for use
;regardless of file existance.
Function LoadXML($filename)
dim $, $rootNode, $objNewPI, $strType
$loadXml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$loadXml.async = False
$loadXml.preserverwhitespace = True
if not $loadXml
$ = $loadXml.Load($filename)
; ReadXMLAttr() - Read a specific attribute of an XML element
Function ReadXMLAttr($source, $Path, $Attr)
Dim $SelectionTag,$AttrName,$,$xml
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting ***
If VarType($source) = 9
; An object was passed
$xml = $source
If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed
$xml = LoadXML($source)
; An XML string was passed
$xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$xml.async = false
; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$SelectionTag = $xml.getElementsByTagName($Path)
$AttrName = $SelectionTag.item(0)
If @ERROR = "-2147352573"
$ReadXMLAttr = ""
Exit @Error
$ReadXMLAttr =$AttrName.getAttribute($Attr)
; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
; None needed
; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
;ReadXMLElement() - Reads the value of an XML element
Function ReadXMLValue($source, $key, optional $defaultValue)
Dim $sectionNode,$xml,$
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting ***
If VarType($source) = 9
; An object was passed
$xml = $source
If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed
$xml = LoadXML($source)
; An XML string was passed
$xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$xml.async = false
; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$sectionNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode($key)
If not $sectionNode
$ReadXmlValue = $defaultValue
$ReadXmlValue = $sectionNode.FirstChild.Text
; RemoveXMLAttr() - Deletes an XML element attribute
Function RemoveXMLAttr($source, $Path, $attr, optional $id)
Dim $SelectionTag,$AttrTag,$erase,$,$xml
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting ***
If VarType($source) = 9
; An object was passed
$xml = $source
If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed
$xml = LoadXML($source)
; An XML string was passed
$xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$xml.async = false
; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$SelectionTag = $xml.getElementsByTagName($Path)
If $id=""
$AttrTag = $SelectionTag.item($id)
$erase = $AttrTag.removeAttribute($attr)
; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
If VarType($source) = 9
; An object was passed.
$RemoveXMLAttr = $xml
If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed, so we write it out and destory the object
SaveXML($xml, $source)
; An XML string was passed.
$RemoveXMLAttr = $xml
; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
; RemoveXMLElement() - Deletes an XML element (Recursively?)
Function RemoveXMLElement()
;SaveXML() - Saves an XMLDOM object to a file
; Requires: FormatXML()
Function SaveXML($xml, $filename)
$xml = FormatXML($xml)
$SaveXml = $xml.Save($filename)
Function WriteXMLAttr($source, $Path, $Attr, $Value)
Dim $SelectionTag,$AttrTag,$,$Write,$xml
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting ***
If VarType($source) = 9
; An object was passed
$xml = $source
If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed
$xml = LoadXML($source)
; An XML string was passed
$xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$xml.async = false
; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$SelectionTag = $xml.getElementsByTagName($Path)
$AttrTag = $SelectionTag.item(0)
If @ERROR = "-2147352573"
$ = WriteXmlValue($xml, $path, "")
$SelectionTag = $xml.getElementsByTagName($Path)
$AttrTag = $SelectionTag.item(0)
$write = $AttrTag.SetAttribute($Attr,$Value)
; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
If VarType($source) = 9
; An object was passed.
$WriteXMLAttr = $xml
If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed, so we write it out and destory the object
SaveXML($xml, $source)
; An XML string was passed.
$WriteXMLAttr = $xml
; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
; WriteXMLValue() - Writes a value to an XML element
Function WriteXMLValue($source, $path, $value)
dim $, $p, $rootNode, $sectionNode, $parentNode, $childNode, $node, $xml
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting ***
If VarType($source) = 9
; An object was passed
$xml = $source
If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed
$xml = LoadXML($source)
; An XML string was passed
$xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$xml.async = false
; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$sectionNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode($path);
if not $sectionNode
$parentNode = $xml
for each $node in split($path,"/")
$p = $p + $node
$sectionNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode($p)
if not $sectionNode
$sectionNode = $xml.CreateElement($node)
$parentNode = $parentNode.AppendChild($sectionNode)
$parentNode = $sectionNode
$p = $p + "/"
if $sectionNode
$sectionNode.Text = $value
; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
If VarType($source) = 9
; An object was passed.
$WriteXMLValue = $xml
If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed, so we write it out and destory the object
SaveXML($xml, $source)
; An XML string was passed.
$WriteXMLValue = $xml
; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
; ******************************************************************************
; ApplyXSL() - Applies an XSL template. (Much potential here for an expanded
; set, see http://www.devguru.com/Technologies/xslt/quickref/xslt_index.html
Function ApplyXSL()
; FilterXML() - Apply a filter to an XMLDOM object. (Search the db. XSL related.)
Function FilterXML()
Function EnumXML($source)
dim $nodelist,$i
$NodeList = $source.getElementsByTagName("*")
For Each $i In $NodeList
? "Element " +$i.tagName
;? "attributes: " $i.attributes
;? "baseName: " $i.baseName
;? "childNodes: " $i.childNodes
;? "dataType: " $i.dataType
;? "definition: " $i.definition
;? "firstChild: " $i.firstChild.nodeName
;? "lastChild: " $i.lastChild.nodeName
;? "namespaceURI: " $i.namespaceURI
;? "nextSibling: " $i.nextSibling.nodeName
;? "nodeName: " $i.nodeName
;? "nodeType: " $i.nodeType
;? "nodeTypeString: " $i.nodeTypeString
;? "nodeValue: " $i.nodeValue
;? "ownerDocument: " $i.ownerDocument
;? "parentNode: " $i.parentNode.nodeName
;? "parsed: " $i.parsed
;? "prefix: " $i.prefix
;? "previousSibling: " $i.previousSibling.nodeName
;? "specified: " $i.specified
;? "tagName: " $i.tagName
;? "text: " $i.text
? "xml: " $i.xml
...the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.
#135467 - 2005-03-23 01:13 AM
Re: RFC: ReadXmlString/WriteXmlString
Seasoned Scripter
Registered: 2001-11-15
Posts: 513
Loc: PA, USA
I think wraps it up, except for the XSL stuff. The ENUM's return collections. Haven't done a decent amount of testing with all of this and error checking is weak.
Break On $nul=SetOption("ASCII","On") $nul=SetOption("Explicit","On") $nul=SetOption("WrapAtEOL","On")
Dim $filename1, $filename2, $filename3 Dim $xml, $
; This is an example by object $filename1 = "C:\KiXtartByObject.xml"
$xml = LoadXml($filename1)
$= WriteXmlValue($xml, "korg/shawn/number", 119) $= WriteXmlValue($xml, "korg/jose/number", 1772) $= WriteXmlValue($xml, "korg/jooel/number", 2087) $= WriteXmlValue($xml, "korg/jim/number",3555)
$= WriteXMLAttr($xml, "korg/jim", "Id", 3555) $= WriteXMLAttr($xml, "korg/jim", "Age", 31) $= WriteXMLAttr($xml, "korg/jose", "Id", 4565) $= WriteXMLAttr($xml, "korg/jose", "Age", 22) $= WriteXMLAttr($xml, "korg/admins/jim", "Id", 1234) $= WriteXMLAttr($xml, "korg/admins/jim", "Age", 58)
SaveXml($xml, $filename1) $xml = 0
; This is an example by filename $filename2 = "C:\KiXtartByFileName.xml"
$= WriteXmlValue($filename2, "korg/shawn/number", 119) $= WriteXmlValue($filename2, "korg/jose/number", 1772) $= WriteXmlValue($filename2, "korg/jooel/number", 2087) $= WriteXmlValue($filename2, "korg/jim/number",3555)
$= WriteXMLAttr($filename2, "korg/jim", "Id", 3555) $= WriteXMLAttr($filename2, "korg/jim", "Age", 31)
? "Jim's age: " ReadXMLAttr($filename2, "korg/jim", "Age") ? "Jose's Number: " ReadXmlValue($filename2, "korg/jose/number")
$xml = 0
; This is an example by XML String $filename3 = "C:\KiXtartByXMLString.xml" Dim $strXML,$objXML
$strXML = "<korg><jim><E-mail>jim@@foo.com</E-mail></jim></korg>" $strXML = WriteXmlValue($strXML, "korg/jim/id",3555) ; Note that after the initial write, the return becomes an object, therefore ; capturing the returns isn't necessary, but doesn't hurt either and is consistent. $strXML = WriteXmlValue($strXML, "korg/jim/height",6) $strXML = WriteXmlValue($strXML, "korg/jim/weight",230) $strXML = WriteXmlValue($strXML, "korg/jim/eyes",2)
$strXML = WriteXMLAttr($strXML, "korg/jim", "Age", 31) $strXML = WriteXMLAttr($strXML, "korg/jim", "Drink", "Beer")
? "Jim's age: " ReadXMLAttr($strXML, "korg/jim", "Age") ? "Jim's Drink: " ReadXMLAttr($filename3, "korg/jim", "Drink") SaveXml($strXML, $filename3)
$ = RemoveXMLAttr($filename3, "korg/jim", "Age") ? "Jim's Age: " ReadXMLAttr($filename3, "korg/jim", "Age")
$strXML = 0
; Enumerate elements and attributes Dim $colE Dim $colXMLElements Dim $colAttrs,$colAttr ?? "Enuming All XML Elements" ; Return all elements in the XML file $colXMLElements = EnumXMLElement($filename1,"*") For Each $colE In $colXMLElements ? "XML Element Name : " + $colE.TagName ;? "XML Element Value: " + $colE.Text Next ?? "Enuming Child XML Elements of korg" ; Return all elements in the XML file $colXMLElements = EnumXMLElement($filename1,"korg/*") For Each $colE In $colXMLElements ? "XML Element Name : " + $colE.TagName ;? "XML Element Value: " + $colE.Text Next ?? "Enuming Child XML Elements of korg/shawn" ; Return all elements in the XML file $colXMLElements = EnumXMLElement($filename1,"korg/shawn/*") For Each $colE In $colXMLElements ? "XML Element Name : " + $colE.TagName ;? "XML Element Value: " + $colE.Text Next ?? "Enuming XML Number Elements and their values" ; Return all "number" elements and their value $colXMLElements = EnumXMLElement($filename1,"number") For Each $colE In $colXMLElements ? "XML Element Name : " + $colE.TagName ? "XML Element Value: " + $colE.Text Next ?? "Enuming XML Elements With Attributes and the attribute values (Without EnumXMLAttr)" ; Return all elements that have attributes and enum the attr the long way $colXMLElements = EnumXMLElement($filename1,"*") For Each $colE In $colXMLElements If $colE.Attributes.length > 0 ? "XML Element Name : " + $colE.TagName Dim $strAttr For Each $strAttr In $colE.Attributes ? " XML Attribute Name : " + $strAttr.Name ? " XML Attribute Value: " + $strAttr.Value Next EndIf Next ?? "Enuming XML Elements With Attributes and the attribute values (With EnumXMLAttr)" ; Return all elements that have attributes and enum the attr the long way $colXMLElements = EnumXMLElement($filename1,"*") For Each $colE In $colXMLElements If $colE.Attributes.length > 0 ? "XML Element Name : " + $colE.TagName $colAttrs = EnumXMLAttr($filename1,$colE.parentNode.nodeName+ "/" + $colE.TagName) For Each $colAttr In $colAttrs ? "XML Attribute Name : " + $colAttr.Name ? "XML Attribute Value: " + $colAttr.Value Next EndIf Next
?? "Enuming XML Attributes and the attribute values of a specific element (precise path)" $colAttrs = EnumXMLAttr($filename1,"korg/admins/jim") For Each $colAttr In $colAttrs ? "XML Attribute Name : " + $colAttr.Name ? "XML Attribute Value: " + $colAttr.Value Next ?? "Enuming XML Attributes and the attribute values of a specific element (parent only path)" $colAttrs = EnumXMLAttr($filename1,"admins/jim") For Each $colAttr In $colAttrs ? "XML Attribute Name : " + $colAttr.Name ? "XML Attribute Value: " + $colAttr.Value Next ?? "Enuming XML Attributes and the attribute values of the 1st element found called 'Jim'" $colAttrs = EnumXMLAttr($filename1,"jim") For Each $colAttr In $colAttrs ? "XML Attribute Name : " + $colAttr.Name ? "XML Attribute Value: " + $colAttr.Value Next ?? "Creating the forums..." $=CreateXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/starters") $=CreateXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/scripts") $=CreateXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/General Discussion") $=CreateXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/COM") $=CreateXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/UDF") $=CreateXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/UDFs") $=CreateXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/Beta") $=CreateXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/Examples") ?? "Listing forums" $colXMLElements = EnumXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/*") For Each $colE in $colXMLElements ? "Forum Name : " + $colE.TagName Next ?? "Deleting error" $ = RemoveXMLElement($filename1,"forums/UDF") ?? "Listing forums again" $colXMLElements = EnumXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/*") For Each $colE in $colXMLElements ? "Forum Name : " + $colE.TagName Next ?? "Deleting all forums" $ = RemoveXMLElement($filename1,"forums") ?? "Listing forums again" $colXMLElements = EnumXMLElement($filename1,"korg/forums/*") For Each $colE in $colXMLElements ? "Forum Name : " + $colE.TagName Next exit 1
; CreateXMLElement() - Creates an empty element pair Function CreateXMLElement($source,$path) $CreateXMLElement = WriteXMLValue($source,$path,"") EndFunction
; EnumXMLAttr() - Enums all attributes of an element Function EnumXMLAttr($source,$path) Dim $xml,$ ; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting *** If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed $xml = $source Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed $xml = LoadXML($source) Else ; An XML string was passed $xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $xml.async = false $=$xml.loadXML($source) EndIf EndIf ; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting *** Dim $colXMLElements,$colE $colXMLElements = $xml.getElementsByTagName($path) If $colXMLElements.item(0).Attributes.length > 0 $EnumXMLAttr = $colXMLElements.item(0).Attributes EndIf EndFunction
; EnumXMLElement() - Enums child elements of a given element Function EnumXMLElement($source,$path) Dim $xml,$ ; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting *** If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed $xml = $source Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed $xml = LoadXML($source) Else ; An XML string was passed $xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $xml.async = false $=$xml.loadXML($source) EndIf EndIf ; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting *** ;Select ; Case Right($path,1)= "/" ; $path = Left($path,Len($path)-1) ; ;? "path "$path ; $EnumXMLElement = $xml.getElementsByTagName($path).Item(0) ; $EnumXMLElement = $EnumXMLElement.ChildNodes ; Case 1 ; $EnumXMLElement = $xml.getElementsByTagName($path) ;EndSelect $EnumXMLElement = $xml.getElementsByTagName($path) EndFunction
;FormatXML() - Formats the output style of an XMLDOM object to the standard Function FormatXML($objXMLDOM)
;? "V" vartype($objXMLDOM)
Dim $,$strXSL,$objXSL ;Create and Load XSL ; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ; <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> ; <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/> ; <xsl:template match="/ | @* | node()"> ; <xsl:copy> ; <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()" /> ; </xsl:copy> ; </xsl:template> ; </xsl:stylesheet>
$strXSL = "<?xml version=" + chr(34) + "1.0" + chr(34) + " encoding=" + chr(34) + "UTF-8" + chr(34) + "?>" + @CRLF $strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:stylesheet version=" + chr(34) + "1.0" + chr(34) + " xmlns:xsl=" + chr(34) + "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" + chr(34) + ">" + @CRLF $strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:output method=" + chr(34) + "xml" + chr(34) + " version=" + chr(34) + "1.0" + chr(34) + " encoding=" + chr(34) + "UTF-8" + chr(34) + " indent=" + chr(34) + "yes" + chr(34) + "/>" + @CRLF $strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:template match=" + chr(34) + "/ | @@* | node()" + chr(34) + ">" + @CRLF $strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:copy>"+ @CRLF $strXSL = $strXSL + "<xsl:apply-templates select=" + chr(34) + "@@* | node()" + chr(34) + " />"+ @CRLF $strXSL = $strXSL + "</xsl:copy>"+ @CRLF $strXSL = $strXSL + "</xsl:template>"+ @CRLF $strXSL = $strXSL + "</xsl:stylesheet>"
;? "XLM Stylesheet: " + @CRLF + $strXSL
$objXSL = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $objXSL.async = false $=$objXSL.loadXML($strXSL)
;Transform file $objXMLDOM.TransformNodeToObject ($objXSL, $objXMLDOM) $formatXML = $objXMLDOM EndFunction
;LoadXML() - Load an existing .XML file, instantiate XMLDOM object for use ;regardless of file existance. Function LoadXML($filename) dim $, $rootNode, $objNewPI, $strType
$loadXml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $loadXml.async = False $loadXml.preserverwhitespace = True
if not $loadXml return endif
$ = $loadXml.Load($filename) EndFunction
; ReadXMLAttr() - Read a specific attribute of an XML element Function ReadXMLAttr($source, $Path, $Attr) Dim $SelectionTag,$AttrName,$,$xml ; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting *** If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed $xml = $source Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed $xml = LoadXML($source) Else ; An XML string was passed $xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $xml.async = false $=$xml.loadXML($source) EndIf EndIf ; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$SelectionTag = $xml.getElementsByTagName($Path) $AttrName = $SelectionTag.item(0) If @ERROR = "-2147352573" $ReadXMLAttr = "" Exit @Error Else $ReadXMLAttr =$AttrName.getAttribute($Attr) EndIf
; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy ; None needed ; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy EndFunction
;ReadXMLElement() - Reads the value of an XML element Function ReadXMLValue($source, $key, optional $defaultValue) Dim $sectionNode,$xml,$
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting *** If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed $xml = $source Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed $xml = LoadXML($source) Else ; An XML string was passed $xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $xml.async = false $=$xml.loadXML($source) EndIf EndIf ; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$sectionNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode($key) If not $sectionNode $ReadXmlValue = $defaultValue Else $ReadXmlValue = $sectionNode.FirstChild.Text EndIf EndFunction
; RemoveXMLAttr() - Deletes an XML element attribute Function RemoveXMLAttr($source, $Path, $attr, optional $id) Dim $SelectionTag,$AttrTag,$erase,$,$xml
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting *** If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed $xml = $source Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed $xml = LoadXML($source) Else ; An XML string was passed $xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $xml.async = false $=$xml.loadXML($source) EndIf EndIf ; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting *** $SelectionTag = $xml.getElementsByTagName($Path) If $id="" $id=0 EndIf $AttrTag = $SelectionTag.item($id) $erase = $AttrTag.removeAttribute($attr)
; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed. $RemoveXMLAttr = $xml Else If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed, so we write it out and destory the object SaveXML($xml, $source) Else ; An XML string was passed. $RemoveXMLAttr = $xml
EndIf EndIf ; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
; RemoveXMLElement() - Deletes an XML element (Recursively?) Function RemoveXMLElement($source,$path) Dim $SelectionTag,$AttrTag,$,$xml
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting *** If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed $xml = $source Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed $xml = LoadXML($source) Else ; An XML string was passed $xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $xml.async = false $=$xml.loadXML($source) EndIf EndIf ; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$SelectionTag = $xml.getElementsByTagName($path) Dim $i
For $i=0 To $SelectionTag.Length - 1 ;? "Index "$i ;? "Removing "$SelectionTag.item($i).TagName ;? "Parent " $SelectionTag.item($i).ParentNode.TagName $=$SelectionTag.item($i).ParentNode.RemoveChild($SelectionTag.item($i)) ;? @Serror Next
; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed. $RemoveXMLElement = $xml Else If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed, so we write it out and destory the object SaveXML($xml, $source) Else ; An XML string was passed. $RemoveXMLElement = $xml
EndIf EndIf ; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy EndFunction
;SaveXML() - Saves an XMLDOM object to a file ; Requires: FormatXML() Function SaveXML($xml, $filename) $xml = FormatXML($xml) $SaveXml = $xml.Save($filename) EndFunction
Function WriteXMLAttr($source, $Path, $Attr, $Value) Dim $SelectionTag,$AttrTag,$,$Write,$xml
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting *** If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed $xml = $source Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed $xml = LoadXML($source) Else ; An XML string was passed $xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $xml.async = false $=$xml.loadXML($source) EndIf EndIf ; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$SelectionTag = $xml.getElementsByTagName($Path) $AttrTag = $SelectionTag.item(0) If @ERROR = "-2147352573" $ = WriteXmlValue($xml, $path, "") $SelectionTag = $xml.getElementsByTagName($Path) $AttrTag = $SelectionTag.item(0) EndIf $write = $AttrTag.SetAttribute($Attr,$Value)
; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed. $WriteXMLAttr = $xml Else If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed, so we write it out and destory the object SaveXML($xml, $source) Else ; An XML string was passed. $WriteXMLAttr = $xml
EndIf EndIf ; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy EndFunction
; WriteXMLValue() - Writes a value to an XML element Function WriteXMLValue($source, $path, $value) dim $, $p, $rootNode, $sectionNode, $parentNode, $childNode, $node, $xml
; *** Begin Overloaded Var Sorting *** If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed $xml = $source Else If Instr($source,"<")=0 ; A file name was passed $xml = LoadXML($source) Else ; An XML string was passed $xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $xml.async = false $=$xml.loadXML($source) EndIf EndIf ; *** End Overloaded Var Sorting ***
$sectionNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode($path);
if not $sectionNode $parentNode = $xml
for each $node in split($path,"/") $p = $p + $node $sectionNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode($p) if not $sectionNode $sectionNode = $xml.CreateElement($node) $parentNode = $parentNode.AppendChild($sectionNode) else $parentNode = $sectionNode endif $p = $p + "/" next endif
if $sectionNode $sectionNode.Text = $value endif
; Begin Overloaded Var Exit Strategy If VarType($source) = 9 ; An object was passed. $WriteXMLValue = $xml Else If Instr($source,"<")=0
; A file name was passed, so we write it out and destory the object SaveXML($xml, $source) Else ; An XML string was passed. $WriteXMLValue = $xml
EndIf EndIf ; End Overloaded Var Exit Strategy
; ****************************************************************************** ; ApplyXSL() - Applies an XSL template. (Much potential here for an expanded ; set, see http://www.devguru.com/Technologies/xslt/quickref/xslt_index.html Function ApplyXSL()
; FilterXML() - Apply a filter to an XMLDOM object. (Search the db. XSL related.) Function FilterXML()
Function EnumXML($source) dim $nodelist,$i $NodeList = $source.getElementsByTagName("*") For Each $i In $NodeList ? "Element " +$i.tagName ;? "attributes: " $i.attributes ;? "baseName: " $i.baseName ;? "childNodes: " $i.childNodes ;? "dataType: " $i.dataType ;? "definition: " $i.definition ;? "firstChild: " $i.firstChild.nodeName ;? "lastChild: " $i.lastChild.nodeName ;? "namespaceURI: " $i.namespaceURI ;? "nextSibling: " $i.nextSibling.nodeName ;? "nodeName: " $i.nodeName ;? "nodeType: " $i.nodeType ;? "nodeTypeString: " $i.nodeTypeString ;? "nodeValue: " $i.nodeValue ;? "ownerDocument: " $i.ownerDocument ;? "parentNode: " $i.parentNode.nodeName ;? "parsed: " $i.parsed ;? "prefix: " $i.prefix ;? "previousSibling: " $i.previousSibling.nodeName ;? "specified: " $i.specified ;? "tagName: " $i.tagName ;? "text: " $i.text ? "xml: " $i.xml ? Next EndFunction
Edited by jtokach (2005-03-23 01:14 AM)
...the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.
#135468 - 2005-03-23 08:38 PM
Re: RFC: ReadXmlString/WriteXmlString
Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11624
Loc: CA
Well not exactly in the KiX coding area thought I'd pass along these links for doing, learning XML data with Excel.
Excel 2003 Add-in: XML Tools Add-in Overview Learn how to use the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 XML Tools Add-in Version 1.1. With it, you can provide information about a selected cell's XML properties, create XSD files for XML maps, rename the Root and Row elements, or refresh all of the XML maps in a workbook at once. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/detai...;displaylang=en
Using the Excel 2003 XML Tools Add-in James Rivera and Frank Rice show how this new add-in makes working with XML maps, cells, and ranges much easier for developers. (February 2005) http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/underst...mltooladdin.asp
Part 1: Automating the XML Data Mapping Process in Excel 2003 Learn how to use XML maps to customize Excel as a data input and display system. (March 2005) http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/underst...ata_mapping.asp
Part 2: Mapping XML from SQL Server to a Single Cell in Excel 2003 In the second of this three-part series, learn how to map well-formed XML from a standard SQL Server query to a single cell in a worksheet. The resulting output is an XML tree with non-repeating elements. (March 2005) http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/underst..._sql_server.asp
Create XML Mappings in Excel 2003 Walk through common XML tasks in Excel 2003 to learn more about the new XML functionality in Office 2003 Editions. Learn how to add custom schemas, work with XML maps in Excel, and create a series of mappings based on various schemas. (February 2005) http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/underst...ngscenarios.asp
How Excel 2003 Infers XSDs when Importing XML Data Review the rules and instances where Excel 2003 infers schema from XML data during import and export. Understand why Excel creates the schemas it does and then learn to modify your own XML data. (February 2005) http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/underst...nferdetails.asp
#135470 - 2005-03-25 06:01 AM
Re: RFC: ReadXmlString/WriteXmlString
Seasoned Scripter
Registered: 2001-04-04
Posts: 693
Loc: Buenos Aires - Argentina
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