#132553 - 2005-01-19 06:30 PM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
Richard H.
Registered: 2000-01-24
Posts: 4946
Loc: Leatherhead, Surrey, UK
oh, and for kixtart OR and | are exactly the same thing.
No, they are very definately different. One is a logical operator, the other a bitwise operator.
Logical operators can only deal with true and false inputs.
#132556 - 2005-01-19 09:08 PM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
MM club member
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 1895
Loc: Hilversum, The Netherlands
To Jooel: Well the Orring got me for a sec too, so for testing puposes I removed the CASE stuff and set the $ace.AccessMask to &80000, just to be on the safe side that that should work. (&80000 being Full Owner)
To Richard H. So far I debugged every variable I've set in this script the I can read the variables ok, I even get all the Ace's and their stuff returned, just add this piece of code: Code:
FUNCTION ChangeAcls($file, $perms, $redit, $ffolder) ;- Edit ACLS of specified file ----- $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED = 0 $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_DENIED = &1 $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE = &2 $ADS_ACEFLAG_SUB_NEW = &9
$sd = $sec.GetSecurityDescriptor("FILE://" + $file) For Each $ace in $sd.DiscretionaryACL ? "Name="$ACE.Trustee ? "Type="$ACE.AceType ? "Mask="$ACE.AccessMask Next
Place the for loop there and you will get a nice view on who has access to the folder you are trying to set rights to. I am calling it quits for this evening so I will paste my current progress.
;##################################################### Script #########################################################
$sec = CreateObject("ADsSecurity") $textusr = "TESTDOMAIN\testuser" $userdir = "\\PC-TESTDOMAIN-XP-2\d$\TEST" $filenm = $userdir $permspart = "add(" + $textusr + ":R)+add(Administrator:F)" ;-- Replace ACL on single file or folder------- ChangeAcls($filenm, $permspart, "REPLACE", "FOLDER")
;############################################### Functions ##########################################################
FUNCTION ChangeAcls($file, $perms, $redit, $ffolder) ;- Edit ACLS of specified file ----- $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED = 0 $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_DENIED = &1 $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE = &2 $ADS_ACEFLAG_SUB_NEW = &9
$sd = $sec.GetSecurityDescriptor("FILE://" + $file) ; For Each $ace in $sd.DiscretionaryACL ; ? "Name="$ACE.Trustee ; ? "Type="$ACE.AceType ; ? "Mask="$ACE.AccessMask ; Next $dacl = $sd.DiscretionaryACL ;if flagged Replace then remove all existing aces from dacl first IF ucase($redit)="REPLACE" FOR EACH $existingace IN $dacl $dacl.removeace($existingace) NEXT ENDIF
;break up Perms into individual actions $cmdarray=split($perms,"+")
For $x = 0 to Ubound($cmdarray) $tmpvar1=$cmdarray[$x] IF ucase(left($tmpvar1,3))="DEL" $aclaction="DEL" ELSE $aclaction="ADD" EndIf
$tmpcmdvar=left($tmpvar1,len($tmpvar1)-1) $tmpcmdvar=right($tmpcmdvar,len($tmpcmdvar)-4) $cmdparts=split($tmpcmdvar,":") $namevar=$cmdparts[0] $rightvar=$cmdparts[1]
; if flagged edit, delete ACE;s belonging to user about to add an ace for IF ucase($redit)="EDIT" FOR EACH $existingAce IN $dacl $trusteevar=$existingAce.trustee IF instr($trusteeVar,"\") $trunamevar=right($trusteevar,len($trusteevar)-instr($trusteevar,"\")) ELSE $trunamevar=$trusteevar ENDIF
$uctrunamevar=ucase($trunamevar) $ucnamevar=ucase($namevar)
IF $uctrunamevar=$ucnamevar $dacl.removeace($existingace) ENDIF NEXT ENDIF ; if action is to del ace then following clause skips addace IF $aclaction="ADD" IF ucase($ffolder)="FOLDER" ; folders require 2 aces for user (to do with inheritance) addace($dacl, $namevar, $rightvar, $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, $ADS_ACEFLAG_SUB_NEW) addace($dacl, $namevar, $rightvar, $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE) ELSE addace($dacl, $namevar, $rightvar, $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, &0) ENDIF ENDIF NEXT
; FOR EACH $ace IN $dacl ; ; for some reason if ace includes "NT AUTHORITY" then existing ace does not get readded to dacl ; IF instr(ucase($ace.trustee),"NT AUTHORITY\") ; $newtrustee=right($ace.trustee, len($ace.trustee)-instr($ace.trustee,"\")) ; $ace.trustee=newtrustee ; ENDIF ; NEXT
; final sets and cleanup ; $sd.discretionaryacl = $dacl ; $sec.setsecuritydescriptor $sd ; $sd="" $dacl="" ; $sec="" ENDFUNCTION
FUNCTION addace($dacl, $trustee, $maskvar, $acetype, $aceflags) ; add ace to the specified dacl $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ = &80000000 $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_EXECUTE = &20000000 $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_WRITE = &40000000 $ADS_RIGHT_DELETE = &10000 $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL = &10000000 $ADS_RIGHT_WRITE_DAC = &40000 $ADS_RIGHT_WRITE_OWNER = &80000 $ADS_ACEFLAG_UNKNOWN = &1 $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERITED_ACE = &10 $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED = 0
$ace = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry") $ace.trustee = $trustee
$case = ucase($maskvar) SELECT ; CASE ; ucase($maskvar) ; specified rights so far only include FC & R. Could be expanded though CASE ($case = "F") $ace.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL CASE ($case = "C") $ace.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ OR $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_WRITE OR $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_EXECUTE OR $ADS_RIGHT_DELETE CASE ($case = "R") $ace.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ OR $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_EXECUTE CASE ($case = "E") $ace.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_EXECUTE ENDSELECT $ace.AccessMask = &80000 $ace.AceType = $acetype $ace.AceFlags = $aceflags $dacl.addace($ace) ReorderDacl($dacl) $sd.discretionaryacl = $dacl ; $sec.setsecuritydescriptor $sd ENDFUNCTION
Function ReorderDacl($dacl) ; ; Initialize all of the new ACLs ; ; VBS methods of creating the ACL bins ; $newdacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $ImpDenyDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $InheritedDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $ImpAllowDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $InhAllowDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $ImpDenyObjectDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $ImpAllowObjectDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") ; ; Sift the DACL into 5 bins: ; Inherited Aces ; Implicit Deny Aces ; Implicit Deny Object Aces ; Implicit Allow Aces ; Implicit Allow object aces ; For Each $ace In $dacl ; ; Sort the original ACEs into their appropriate ; ACLs ; If (($ace.AceFlags AND $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERITED_ACE) = $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERITED_ACE) ; ; Don't really care about the order of inherited aces. Since we are ; adding them to the top of a new list, when they are added back ; to the Dacl for the object, they will be in the same order as ; they were originally. Just a positive side affect of adding items ; of a LIFO ( Last In First Out) type list. ; $InheritedDacl.AddAce($ace) Else ; ; We have an Implicit ACE, lets put it the proper pool ; Select Case ace.AceType Case $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED ; ; We have an implicit allow ace ; $ImpAllowDacl.AddAce($ace) Case $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_DENIED ; ; We have a implicit Deny ACE ; $ImpDenyDacl.AddAce($ace) Case $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT ; ; We have an object allowed ace ; Does it apply to a property? or an Object? ; $impAllowObjectDacl.AddAce($ace) Case $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT ; ; We have a object Deny ace ; $ImpDenyObjectDacl.AddAce($ace) EndSelect EndIf Next ; ; Combine the ACEs in the proper order ; Implicit Deny ; Implicit Deny Object ; Implicit Allow ; Implicit Allow Object ; Inherited aces ; ; Implicit Deny ; For Each $ace In $ImpDenyDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next ; ; Implicit Deny Object ; For Each $ace In $ImpDenyObjectDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next ; ; Implicit Allow ; For Each $ace In $ImpAllowDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next ; ; Implicit Allow Object ; For Each $ace In $impAllowObjectDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next ; ; Inherited Aces ; For Each $ace In $InheritedDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next ; ; Clean up ; $InheritedDacl = "" $ImpAllowDacl = "" $ImpDenyObjectDacl = "" $ImpDenyDacl = "" ; ; Set the appropriate revision level ; for the DACL ; $newdacl.AclRevision = $dacl.AclRevision ; ; Replace the Security Descriptor ; $dacl = "" $dacl = $newdacl EndFunction
#132557 - 2005-01-19 09:20 PM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
MM club member
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 1895
Loc: Hilversum, The Netherlands
SO far the ChangeACLS works as it should, because you can verify (by the commented out for loop) that it returns the ACL's of the current users. It's the AddAce function that doesn't work properly yet. Here's the code so far:
;##################################################### Script #########################################################
$sec = CreateObject("ADsSecurity") $textusr = "TESTDOMAIN\testuser" $userdir = "\\PC-TESTDOMAIN-XP-2\d$\TEST" $filenm = $userdir $permspart = "add(" + $textusr + ":R)+add(Administrator:F)" ;-- Replace ACL on single file or folder------- ChangeAcls($filenm, $permspart, "REPLACE", "FOLDER")
;############################################### Functions ##########################################################
FUNCTION ChangeAcls($file, $perms, $redit, $ffolder) ;- Edit ACLS of specified file ----- $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED = 0 $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_DENIED = &1 $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE = &2 $ADS_ACEFLAG_SUB_NEW = &9
$sd = $sec.GetSecurityDescriptor("FILE://" + $file) ; For Each $ace in $sd.DiscretionaryACL ; ? "Name="$ACE.Trustee ; ? "Type="$ACE.AceType ; ? "Mask="$ACE.AccessMask ; Next $dacl = $sd.DiscretionaryACL ;if flagged Replace then remove all existing aces from dacl first IF ucase($redit)="REPLACE" FOR EACH $existingace IN $dacl $dacl.removeace($existingace) NEXT ENDIF
;break up Perms into individual actions $cmdarray=split($perms,"+")
For $x = 0 to Ubound($cmdarray) $tmpvar1=$cmdarray[$x] IF ucase(left($tmpvar1,3))="DEL" $aclaction="DEL" ELSE $aclaction="ADD" EndIf
$tmpcmdvar=left($tmpvar1,len($tmpvar1)-1) $tmpcmdvar=right($tmpcmdvar,len($tmpcmdvar)-4) $cmdparts=split($tmpcmdvar,":") $namevar=$cmdparts[0] $rightvar=$cmdparts[1]
; if flagged edit, delete ACE;s belonging to user about to add an ace for IF ucase($redit)="EDIT" FOR EACH $existingAce IN $dacl $trusteevar=$existingAce.trustee IF instr($trusteeVar,"\") $trunamevar=right($trusteevar,len($trusteevar)-instr($trusteevar,"\")) ELSE $trunamevar=$trusteevar ENDIF
$uctrunamevar=ucase($trunamevar) $ucnamevar=ucase($namevar)
IF $uctrunamevar=$ucnamevar $dacl.removeace($existingace) ENDIF NEXT ENDIF ; if action is to del ace then following clause skips addace IF $aclaction="ADD" IF ucase($ffolder)="FOLDER" ; folders require 2 aces for user (to do with inheritance) addace($dacl, $namevar, $rightvar, $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, $ADS_ACEFLAG_SUB_NEW) addace($dacl, $namevar, $rightvar, $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE) ELSE addace($dacl, $namevar, $rightvar, $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, &0) ENDIF ENDIF NEXT
; FOR EACH $ace IN $dacl ; ; for some reason if ace includes "NT AUTHORITY" then existing ace does not get readded to dacl ; IF instr(ucase($ace.trustee),"NT AUTHORITY\") ; $newtrustee=right($ace.trustee, len($ace.trustee)-instr($ace.trustee,"\")) ; $ace.trustee=newtrustee ; ENDIF ; NEXT
; final sets and cleanup ; $sd.discretionaryacl = $dacl ; $sec.setsecuritydescriptor $sd ; $sd="" $dacl="" ; $sec="" ENDFUNCTION
FUNCTION addace($dacl, $trustee, $maskvar, $acetype, $aceflags) ; add ace to the specified dacl $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ = &80000000 $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_EXECUTE = &20000000 $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_WRITE = &40000000 $ADS_RIGHT_DELETE = &10000 $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL = &10000000 $ADS_RIGHT_WRITE_DAC = &40000 $ADS_RIGHT_WRITE_OWNER = &80000 $ADS_ACEFLAG_UNKNOWN = &1 $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERITED_ACE = &10 $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED = 0
$ace = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry") $ace.trustee = $trustee
$case = ucase($maskvar) SELECT ; CASE ; ucase($maskvar) ; specified rights so far only include FC & R. Could be expanded though CASE ($case = "F") $ace.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL CASE ($case = "C") $ace.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ OR $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_WRITE OR $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_EXECUTE OR $ADS_RIGHT_DELETE CASE ($case = "R") $ace.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ OR $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_EXECUTE CASE ($case = "E") $ace.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_EXECUTE ENDSELECT $ace.AccessMask = &80000 $ace.AceType = $acetype $ace.AceFlags = $aceflags $dacl.AddAce($ace) ReorderDacl($dacl) $sd.DiscretionaryAcl = $dacl $sec.SetSecurityDescriptor($sd) ENDFUNCTION
Function ReorderDacl($dacl) $newdacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $ImpDenyDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $InheritedDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $ImpAllowDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $InhAllowDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $ImpDenyObjectDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") $ImpAllowObjectDacl = CreateObject("AccessControlList") For Each $ace In $dacl If (($ace.AceFlags AND $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERITED_ACE) = $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERITED_ACE) $InheritedDacl.AddAce($ace) Else Select Case ace.AceType Case $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED $ImpAllowDacl.AddAce($ace) Case $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_DENIED
$impAllowObjectDacl.AddAce($ace) Case $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT
$ImpDenyObjectDacl.AddAce($ace) EndSelect EndIf Next For Each $ace In $ImpDenyDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next
For Each $ace In $ImpDenyObjectDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next
For Each $ace In $ImpAllowDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next
For Each $ace In $impAllowObjectDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next
For Each $ace In $InheritedDacl $newdacl.AddAce($ace) Next $InheritedDacl = "" $ImpAllowDacl = "" $ImpDenyObjectDacl = "" $ImpDenyDacl = "" $newdacl.AclRevision = $dacl.AclRevision $dacl = "" $dacl = $newdacl EndFunction
#132558 - 2005-01-20 01:09 AM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
KiX Master
Registered: 2001-04-25
Posts: 11165
Loc: Boston, MA, USA
#132559 - 2005-01-20 06:28 PM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
MM club member
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 1895
Loc: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Ladies and Gents, I am proud to announce that it is working!!! Perfectly too I might add. I wanna thank all of you who helped me trough this quest, I couln't have done it without you. It works like a f00kin charm. To show my grattitude I'll paste the working code:
;##################################################### Script #########################################################
$sec = CreateObject("ADsSecurity")
$textusr = "DOMAIN\testuser"
$userdir = "\\PC-DOMAIN-XP-4\d$\TEST"
$filenm = $userdir
$permspart = "add(" + $textusr + ":R)+add(Administrators:F)"
;-- Replace ACL on single file or folder-------
ChangeAcls($filenm, $permspart, "EDIT", "FOLDER")
;############################################### Functions ##########################################################
FUNCTION ChangeAcls($file, $perms, $redit, $ffolder)
;- Edit ACLS of specified file -----
$sd = $sec.GetSecurityDescriptor("FILE://" + $file)
; For Each $ace in $sd.DiscretionaryACL
; ? "Name="$ACE.Trustee
; ? "Type="$ACE.AceType
; ? "Mask="$ACE.AccessMask
; Next
$dacl = $sd.DiscretionaryACL
;if flagged Replace then remove all existing aces from dacl first
IF ucase($redit)="REPLACE"
FOR EACH $existingace IN $dacl
;break up Perms into individual actions
For $x = 0 to Ubound($cmdarray)
IF ucase(left($tmpvar1,3))="DEL"
; if flagged edit, delete ACE;s belonging to user about to add an ace for
IF ucase($redit)="EDIT"
FOR EACH $existingAce IN $dacl
IF instr($trusteeVar,"\")
IF $uctrunamevar=$ucnamevar
; if action is to del ace then following clause skips addace
IF $aclaction="ADD"
IF ucase($ffolder)="FOLDER"
; folders require 2 aces for user (to do with inheritance)
addace($dacl, $namevar, $rightvar, $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, $ADS_ACEFLAG_SUB_NEW)
addace($dacl, $namevar, $rightvar, $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERIT_ACE)
addace($dacl, $namevar, $rightvar, $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED, &0)
; FOR EACH $ace IN $dacl
; ; for some reason if ace includes "NT AUTHORITY" then existing ace does not get readded to dacl
; IF instr(ucase($ace.trustee),"NT AUTHORITY\")
; $newtrustee=right($ace.trustee, len($ace.trustee)-instr($ace.trustee,"\"))
; $ace.trustee=newtrustee
; cleanup
FUNCTION addace($dacl, $trustee, $maskvar, $acetype, $aceflags)
; add ace to the specified dacl
$ace = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry")
$ace.trustee = $trustee
$case = ucase($maskvar)
; specified rights so far only include FC & R. Could be expanded though
CASE ($case = "F")
$ace.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL
CASE ($case = "C")
CASE ($case = "R")
CASE ($case = "E")
$ace.AceFlags = $aceflags
$sd.DiscretionaryAcl = $dacl
#132563 - 2005-01-25 02:33 PM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
MM club member
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 1895
Loc: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Yup, that was the problem, I cleaned it up a bit and submitted the function (All Thank you's in place as well)
#132567 - 2005-01-25 03:45 PM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2003-04-19
Posts: 4549
Loc: USA
Sorry apronk... I forgot to mention adding your UDFs would unleash the hounds
#132568 - 2005-01-26 09:35 AM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
MM club member
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 1895
Loc: Hilversum, The Netherlands
argh... Allright, I'l change is and make is "kixtart.org compliant" as soon as I find some time this week. Thx for mentioning it
#132570 - 2005-02-08 08:50 AM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
MM club member
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 1895
Loc: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Hi all, I am sorry I haven't replied in some time. the workload is a bit much the last few weeks. Anyway i'm not submitting the function just yet, I found out that it still misses one important thing, setting the owner. As soon as thats done I will submit it. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be glad to hear it.
#132571 - 2005-03-24 07:01 PM
Re: VBS to Kix translation
MM club member
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 1895
Loc: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Sory it is taking so long to submit again, but I have found some problems that remain, first the Aces have to be "reordered" which present problem #1, also the owner of the main folder has to be set properly so the subfolders can inherit the rights properly which is problem #2. When I solved those 2 probs I will submit the Function but as it is at the moment the whole script consists of 3 functions. one of which isn't working yet, if anyone can shed some light on the owner or reorder problem please do so
I am working on the script most of my free time so although i takes a while once it is finished alot of ppl will benefit from this.
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