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#132228 - 2005-01-13 01:53 AM Re: Current Suggestions / Requests discussions
Sealeopard Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-04-25
Posts: 11165
Loc: Boston, MA, USA
Full support, both COM and regular functions, for ByVal and ByRef style passing of variables into functions/COM,
There are two types of vessels, submarines and targets.

#132229 - 2005-01-13 03:31 AM Re: Current Suggestions / Requests discussions
NTDOC Administrator Offline

Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11624
Loc: CA
Something more then these links provide?

Variable pass by reference - ByVal and ByRef

#132230 - 2005-01-13 03:47 AM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
First off, it is a misnomer... anything with an @ is a macro, not a function.

Not all containers are OUs and since OUs can be nested, should it just return the closest or all of them? It could work like the @IPAddressX macro where the X on the end designates the level.

What about containers that are not OUs?

Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#132231 - 2005-01-13 04:39 AM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
NTDOC Administrator Offline

Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11624
Loc: CA

I assume you are referring to this.

@function to determine OU of user and/or workstation

#132232 - 2005-01-13 09:28 AM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
Richard H. Administrator Offline

Registered: 2000-01-24
Posts: 4946
Loc: Leatherhead, Surrey, UK
Speaking from a lofty position of complete ignorance about OUs, wouldn't a function be generally better? EnumOU($sKey,$iIndex) or something similar?
#132233 - 2005-01-13 03:11 PM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
Well... I only went with the macro theme cuz the subject had an @ in it.

My user object in AD, for example is:

It should be read backwards, so as you can see, CACC is off the root, our Fort Frances division has its own OU (FF), and I am in the Users OU. We also nest additional OUs for the purpose of GPOs and such.
Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#132234 - 2005-01-13 10:02 PM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
ChristopheM Offline

Registered: 2002-05-13
Posts: 309
many suggestions are interesting :
  • support of XML (but already available with COM Object),
  • support of by ref and by val parameters for functions
  • out parameters for functions (at the present time, to return several values, I must use array but it's not very readable)
  • binary mode for files
  • socket support
  • math functions
  • regular expressions (would be very appreciated because it's very powerful for file manipulation or input validation)
  • a function to split a line of a CSV file (with delimitor AND separator field. The split function is not enough)
  • RD as described by Bryce and others shell commands like pushd and popd
  • Some existant functions should be improved like DIR :
    2 Dir is not sufficient. OK, with recursivity, it's possible to scan a tree but it would be nicer to have :
    $dirhandle = freedirhandle()
    $file=dir( $mask, $dirhandle)
  • event handler for WMI notification (WbemScripting.SWbemSink). Now, it's one of the only points that is not possible in Kix but possible in VBScript (and i hate VB script)

according to me, something like On Error should be prohibited. This is a GOTO (and it's VB). I would prefer something like Try..except or try..finally like in Delphi or try..catch in C#, Java and so on.

That's all for tonight.

#132235 - 2005-01-13 11:15 PM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
How does this relate to a maro or function for OUs? THis is a multi-threaded discussion, so please reply to the proper post in threaded view.
Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#132236 - 2005-01-14 05:55 PM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
ChristopheM Offline

Registered: 2002-05-13
Posts: 309

I usually use the flat view and i didn't see the multi-threaded discussion.
can somebody move my post as a response to Bryce's post "RE: Current Suggestions / Request discussions"
or should i repost my answer and delete this post ?

#132237 - 2005-01-14 06:09 PM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation *DELETED*
NTDOC Administrator Offline

Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11624
Loc: CA
Post deleted by NTDOC
#132238 - 2005-01-14 06:27 PM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
Don't listen to DOC. You can repost and delete but a mod cannot move it along the tree.
Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#132239 - 2005-01-14 07:38 PM Re: Current Suggestions / Requests discussions - updated
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
the suggestions have been modified and hopefully made more informatic.
thanks doc.

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#132240 - 2005-01-14 08:03 PM Re: Current Suggestions / Requests discussions Guidlines for posting
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
Since we have some old timers and noobs alike that maybe don't know how threaded vs. flat works, I would like to reiterate.

This covers a wide range of topics, please respect the threaded view and be careful to reply in the right thread.

Also, these threads are not the proper place to make new suggestions. Those should be posted to the Sugestions forum and replies there should be on-topic, brief, and to the point.

This topic in General Discussions has been setup to draw some of the small arms fire away from Suggestions.

I thank you for understanding
Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#132241 - 2005-01-14 08:04 PM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
NTDOC Administrator Offline

Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11624
Loc: CA
Okay Les,

I'll try to use the Threaded view for you on this one. Don't like it, but hey for you - anything

#132242 - 2005-01-14 08:10 PM Re: @function to determine OU of user and/or workstation
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
Why are you dumping all over my thread? You should have started a new "thread" at the top of this one in threaded view.
Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#132243 - 2005-01-14 09:17 PM Re: Current Suggestions / Requests discussions
ChristopheM Offline

Registered: 2002-05-13
Posts: 309
many suggestions are interesting :
  • support of XML (but already available with COM Object),
  • support of by ref and by val parameters for functions
  • out parameters for functions (at the present time, to return several values, I must use array but it's not very readable)
  • binary mode for files
  • socket support
  • math functions
  • regular expressions (would be very appreciated because it's very powerful for file manipulation or input validation)
  • a function to split a line of a CSV file (with delimitor AND separator field. The split function is not enough)
  • RD as described by Bryce and others shell commands like pushd and popd
  • Some existant functions should be improved like DIR :
    2 Dir is not sufficient. OK, with recursivity, it's possible to scan a tree but it would be nicer to have :
    $dirhandle = freedirhandle()
    $file=dir( $mask, $dirhandle)
  • event handler for WMI notification (WbemScripting.SWbemSink). Now, it's one of the only points that is not possible in Kix but possible in VBScript (and i hate VB script)

according to me, something like On Error should be prohibited. This is a GOTO (and it's VB). I would prefer something like Try..except or try..finally like in Delphi or try..catch in C#, Java and so on.

That's all for tonight.

#132244 - 2005-12-12 04:29 PM Re: Current Suggestions / Requests discussions
Radimus Moderator Offline

Registered: 2000-01-06
Posts: 5187
Loc: Tampa, FL
Emulate Xcopy $source+'\*.*' $destination /d

In order to copy newer files
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#132245 - 2005-12-22 05:41 PM Re: Current Suggestions / Requests discussions
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
should the suggestion list also have a tag for things that are wished from kixtart but which are in KiXforms?

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#132246 - 2005-12-30 08:58 AM Re: Current Suggestions / Requests discussions
KevinR Offline
Fresh Scripter

Registered: 2005-12-30
Posts: 7
Loc: UK
I'm new to KiXtart and have two suggestions to make:

1. Our organisation has a small network based around NT Server with a mixture of 98 and XP Pro workstations. We have roaming profiles on all workstations (not because we roam much, but for backup, recovery and control purposes). One problem we have is when a user is logged into one workstation, then when still logged into that workstation they log into another. My suggestion for a future enhancement of KiXtart is some way that (optionally) KiXtart will only allow a user to log into the network on one workstation at a time?
2. My second suggestion is some way of pausing execution of part of the logon script until the registry has loaded. This would help with a problem I have. We have Outlook 2000 installed on each workstation (but not the server). The PST file is stored on a network share (U:\Outlook - with a unique U: being assigned to each user using USE). I want Outlook to load as part of the login (this is because staff forget to check their email otherwise). I have found that when a different user logs onto the PC, the script executes before the roaming profile is loaded, and so when Outlook loads the PST is for the current user, but retains some settings from the previous user. So I've had to remove the loading of Outlook from the logon script and put it in the StartUp folder on each workstation. This problem only occurs when a different user logs on - there's no problem if the same user logs back on, or if Outlook is ran later in the session. I've tried experimenting with PAUSE, but any pause is arbitrary and may or may not be long enough to allow the roaming profile to load, and may be too long and cause a delay in the workstation loading up. What is needed is some means of deferring execution of part of the roaming profile is loaded.

If there are already ways of working round these problems then I'd be very grateful if someone would let me know.


#132247 - 2005-12-30 10:18 AM Re: Current Suggestions / Requests discussions
pvds Offline

Registered: 2001-04-14
Posts: 201
One question are u using NT4 or W200X server?


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