Hey guys,

Had more extra time then I thought I would today. Version 1.58 is now online. The above error (380) is now fixed. Also I added the replace logic to the find dialog. It ended up being a lot easier then I thought it would be, plus it allows multiple lines including carriage returns. Is this what you ment by multiple lines Kent?

A couple people emailed me about Kixtarter crashing when you do the "Check for Update". Another said his Kixtarter was currupt after the update. In all cases running the KixtarterUpdater.exe directly from wherever you installed Kixtarter to will let it update correctly. I have fixed this problem also in the newest version. Check the readme after you update (Help -> Display ReadMe) for a list of changes.

Thanks to everyone thats been emailing me. It's very helpful for me as my companies scripts are relatively simple so they don't test the boundries of my program as well as some of you out there.

Kixtarter - KiXtart Script Editor