Ok I see where the issue is. I think it still needs to be broken up to WL and S sections.

WL will have 6 munbers following for a correct name. For a total of 7 characters.

S will have 4 numbers, a letter and 2 more numbers a total of 8 characters.

Also on a RARE occation our techs didn't know how to add the computer onto the domain correctly so some W/L machines have and extra 'character' of some kind after.. Still need to check for that. So I'll have to do some modifications...

Edited by ArchAngel96 (2004-01-20 11:57 PM)
penny = the target the playing field = three football fields side by side you = only allowed to stand on the outside of the playing field tool you get to use to find the penny = a ONE INCH LAWN DART get the level of difficulty?