I don't know what MS support knows - just sent a email to Premier to ask them what versions that have available. I get mine direct from the developer of SubInACL. Several of the current functions and ablilites like using an offline sam file were added per my request.

Use the "/help" switch on the command line.

C:\Data>\\bullpup\Integrate\SubInAcl\\subinacl /help

SubInAcl version 4, 0, 3, 1615


Usage :
SubInAcl [/option...] /object_type object_name [[/action[=parameter]...]

/options :
/outputlog=FileName /errorlog=FileName
/noverbose /verbose (default)
/notestmode (default=/notestmode) /testmode
/alternatesamserver=SamServer /offlinesam=FileName
/expandenvironmentsymbols (default) /noexpandenvironmentsymbols
/statistic (default) /nostatistic
/dumpcachedsids=FileName /separator=character

/object_type :
/service /keyreg /subkeyreg
/file /subdirectories[=directoriesonly|filesonly]
/clustershare /kernelobject /metabase
/printer /onlyfile /process
/share /samobject

/action :
/display[=dacl|sacl|owner|primarygroup|sdsize|sddl] (default)

Home page: http://www.kixhelp.com/hb/